10767 Repositories
Python python-web Libraries
Starter project for python based lambda project.
Serverless Python Starter Starter project for python based lambda project. Features FastAPI - Frontend dev with Hot Reload API Gateway Integration (+r
WordPress-style shortcodes for Python
Python Shortcodes WordPress-style shortcodes for Python Create and use WordPress-style shortcodes in your Python based app. Example # static output de
CurriculumNet: Weakly Supervised Learning from Large-Scale Web Images
CurriculumNet Introduction This repo contains related code and models from the ECCV 2018 CurriculumNet paper. CurriculumNet is a new training strategy
Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
doccano doccano is an open source text annotation tool for humans. It provides annotation features for text classification, sequence labeling and sequ
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
✌️Using this you can control your PC/Laptop volume by Hand Gestures created with Python.
Hand Gesture Volume Controller ✋ Hand recognition 👆 Finger recognition 🔊 you can decrease and increase volume Demo Code Firstly I have created a Mod
j-chess implementation in python
j-chess-client-python This repository aims to be a starting point for implementing a chess ai for the j-chess-server in python. To start, you can copy
A web interface for a soft serve Git server.
Soft Serve monitor Soft Sevre is a very nice git server. It offers a really nice TUI to browse the repositories on the server. Unfortunately, it does
A Calendar subscribe server for python
cn-holiday-ics-server A calendar subscribe server 直接使用我搭建的服务 订阅节假日:https://cdxy.fun:9999/holiday 订阅调休上班:https://cdxy.fun:9999/workday 节假日和调休上班在一起的版本:h
Simple calculator made in python
calculator Uma alculadora simples feita em python CMD, PowerShell, Bash ✔️ Início 💻 apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install python git git
A multifunctional bot for Discord
Um bot multifuncional e divertido para Discord Estive desenvolvendo o BotDaora desde o começo de outubro de 2021 e agora ele é open-source! tomei essa
Python and Julia in harmony.
PythonCall & JuliaCall Bringing Python® and Julia together in seamless harmony: Call Python code from Julia and Julia code from Python via a symmetric
Python / C++ based particle reaction-diffusion simulator
ReaDDy (Reaction Diffusion Dynamics) is an open source particle based reaction-diffusion simulator that can be configured and run via Python. Currentl
A simplified python interface to COPASI.
BasiCO This project hosts a simplified python interface to COPASI. While all functionality from COPASI is exposed via automatically generated SWIG wra
Unofficial Python library for using the Polish Wordnet (plWordNet / Słowosieć)
Polish Wordnet Python library Simple, easy-to-use and reasonably fast library for using the Słowosieć (also known as PlWordNet) - a lexico-semantic da
Fast syllable estimation library based on pattern matching.
Syllables: A fast syllable estimator for Python Syllables is a fast, simple syllable estimator for Python. It's intended for use in places where speed
Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products.
Google Cloud Platform Python Samples Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products. Setup Install pip and virtualenv if you do not already have th
Screenplay pattern base for Python automated UI test suites.
Python lightweight dependency injection library
pythondi pythondi is a lightweight dependency injection library for python Support both sync and async functions Installation pip3 install pythondi Us
Python PID Controller and Process Simulator (FOPDT) with GUI.
PythonPID_Simulator Python PID Controller and Process Simulator (FOPDT) with GUI. Run the File. Then select Model Values and Tune PID.. Hit Refresh to
A GUI calculator made with tkinter module in python
GUI-Calculator A GUI calculator made with tkinter module in python How to setup the calculator If pygame is not installed, go to terminal and do pip i
Python Libraries with functions and constants related to electrical engineering.
ElectricPy Electrical-Engineering-for-Python Python Libraries with functions and constants related to electrical engineering. The functions and consta
Asynchronous Guilded API wrapper for Python
Welcome to guilded.py, a discord.py-esque asynchronous Python wrapper for the Guilded API. If you know discord.py, you know guilded.py. Documentation
pybicyclewheel calulates the required spoke length for bicycle wheels
pybicyclewheel pybicyclewheel calulates the required spoke length for bicycle wheels. (under construcion) - homepage further readings wikipedia bicyc
dynamically create __slots__ objects with less code
slots_factory Factory functions and decorators for creating slot objects Slots are a python construct that allows users to create an object that doesn
PAthological QUpath Obsession - QuPath and Python conversations
PAQUO: PAthological QUpath Obsession Welcome to paquo 👋 , a library for interacting with QuPath from Python. paquo's goal is to provide a pythonic in
Simple alternative to Doodle polls and scheduling (Python 3, Django 3, JavaScript)
What is jawanndenn? jawanndenn is a simple web application to schedule meetings and run polls, a libre alternative to Doodle. It is using the followin
Monitor the stability of a pandas or spark dataframe ⚙︎
Population Shift Monitoring popmon is a package that allows one to check the stability of a dataset. popmon works with both pandas and spark datasets.
A library for pattern matching on symbolic expressions in Python.
MatchPy is a library for pattern matching on symbolic expressions in Python. Work in progress Installation MatchPy is available via PyPI, and
TypeRig is a Python library aimed at simplifying the current FontLab API
TypeRig TypeRig is a Python library aimed at simplifying the current FontLab API while offering some additional functionality that is heavily biased t
Memory game in Python
Concentration - Memory Game Concentration is a memory game written in Python, inspired by memory-game. Description As stated in the introduction of th
🤖 A discord bot for Dota2 community
BOTA BOT-A is a free Discord Dota 2 bot which provides comprehensive Information of every Dota 2 characters and exciting features for the community. P
The DOS game from the 80s re-written in Python from Scratch!
Drugwars The DOS game from the 80s re-written in Python from Scratch! Play in your browser Here Installation Recommended: Using pip pip3 install drugw
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
Keras implementation of PersonLab for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation.
PersonLab This is a Keras implementation of PersonLab for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation. The model predicts heatmaps and vari
PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram
PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files. It provides a drop-in replacement for the builtin CSV module with improved dialect detection, and comes with a handy command line application for working with CSV files.
Python SDK for building, training, and deploying ML models
Overview of Kubeflow Fairing Kubeflow Fairing is a Python package that streamlines the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning (
MCMC samplers for Bayesian estimation in Python, including Metropolis-Hastings, NUTS, and Slice
Sampyl May 29, 2018: version 0.3 Sampyl is a package for sampling from probability distributions using MCMC methods. Similar to PyMC3 using theano to
GUI Pancakeswap 2 and Uniswap 3 SNIPER BOT 🥇 🏆 🥇
Home for cuQuantum Python & NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK C++ samples
Welcome to the cuQuantum repository! This public repository contains two sets of files related to the NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK: samples: All C/C++ sample
Repository with console python implementation of Simple Artificial Life (simplified MAS) and Conway's game of life
artificial-life-game Repository with console python implementation of Simple Artificial Life (simplified MAS) and Conway's game of life Installation c
🐍 VerificaC19 SDK implementation for Python
VerificaC19 Python SDK 🐍 VerificaC19 SDK implementation for Python. Requirements Python version = 3.7 Make sure zbar is installed in your system For
NeoInterface - Neo4j made easy for Python programmers!
Neointerface - Neo4j made easy for Python programmers! A Python interface to use the Neo4j graph database, and simplify its use. class NeoInterface: C
telegram bug that discloses user's hidden phone number (still unpatched) (exploit included)
CVE-2019-15514 Type: Information Disclosure Affected Users, Versions, Devices: All Telegram Users Still not fixed/unpatched. brute.py is available exp
A Flask & Twilio Secret Santa app.
🎄 ✨ Secret Santa Twilio ✨ 📱 A contactless Secret Santa game built with Python, Flask and Twilio! Prerequisites 📝 A Twilio account. Sign up here ngr
blind SQLIpy sebuah alat injeksi sql yang menggunakan waktu sql untuk mendapatkan sebuah server database.
blind SQLIpy Alat blind SQLIpy ini merupakan alat injeksi sql yang menggunakan metode time based blind sql injection metode tersebut membutuhkan waktu
Banking management project using Tkinter GUI in python.
Bank-Management Banking management project using Tkinter GUI in python. Packages required Tkinter - Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. sq
Get information about what a Python frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed
executing This mini-package lets you get information about what a frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed. Usage Getting th
Fastest Gephi's ForceAtlas2 graph layout algorithm implemented for Python and NetworkX
ForceAtlas2 for Python A port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Python 2 and Python 3 (with a wrapper for NetworkX and igraph). This is the
Color scales in Python for humans
colorlover Color scales for humans IPython notebook: https://plot.ly/ipython-notebooks/color-scales/ import colorlover as cl from IPython.display impo
Omnidirectional camera calibration in python
Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Key features pure python initial solution based on A Toolbox for Easily Calibrating Omnidirectional Cameras (Davide
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient NOTE: This is a work in progress and many GDS features are known to be missing or not working properly. This repo hosts the sources for gdsc
A proxy server application written in python for trial purposes
python-proxy-server This is a proxy server ❤️ application written in python ❤️ for trial purposes. The purpose of the application; Connecting to Hacke
Juniper SNMP Migrations For Python
Juniper SNMP Migrations This example will show how to use the PyEZ plugin for Nornir to build a NETCONF connection to a remote device validate that SN
Telegram chats reader with python
Telegram chat reader Программа полностью сливает чаты телеграм в базу данных PostgreSQL. Для использования нужен развернутый сервер постгрес и телегра
Repositório do Projeto de Jogo da Resília Educação.
Jogo da Segurança das Indústrias Acme Descrição Este jogo faz parte do projeto de entrega do primeiro módulo da Resilia Educação, referente ao curso d
to-requirements.txt allows to automatically add and delete modules to requirements.txt installing them using pip.
to-requirements.txt | Automatically update requirements.txt to-requirements.txt allows to automatically add and delete modules to requirements.txt ins
Command-line parsing library for Python 3.
Command-line parsing library for Python 3.
This is a python wrapper for "the best api in the world"
This is a python wrapper for my api api_url = "https://api.dhravya.me/" This wrapper now has async support, its basically the same except it uses asyn
proof-of-concept running docker container from omero web
docker-from-omero-poc proof-of-concept running docker container from omero web How-to Edit test_script.py so that the BaseClient is created pointing t
A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface....
python-mail A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface.... Basic info This mailserver was just a random proje
🍰 ConnectMP - An easy and efficient way to share data between Processes in Python.
ConnectMP - Taking Multi-Process Data Sharing to the moon 🚀 Contribute · Community · Documentation 🎫 Introduction : 🍤 ConnectMP is the easiest and
An example of matrix addition, demonstrating the basic method of Python calling C library functions
Example for Python call C functions An example of matrix addition, demonstrating the basic method of Python calling C library functions. How to run Bu
A python telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress with help of ip-api
ipfetcher A python(Pyrogram) oriented telegram bot to fetch the details of an ipadress developed by @riz4d with the API of https://ip-api.com Deployme
Stackoverflow Telegram Bot With Python
Template for Telegram Bot Template to create a telegram bot in python. How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOK
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient This repo hosts the sources for gdsclient, a Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library. g
flask-reactize is a boostrap to serve any React JS application via a Python back-end, using Flask as web framework.
flask-reactize Purpose Developing a ReactJS application requires to use nodejs as back end server. What if you want to consume external APIs: how are
RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API.
RapiDAST RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API. Its core engine is OWASP Z
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly.
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly. It has a well organized and scalable structure. It uses API design first
A great python/java dynamic DNS service for NameSilo, with log, email reminder...
English NameSilo DDNS is a DDNS service for NameSilo domain names for home broadband , it can automatically detect IP changes in home broadband
Fiber implements an proof-of-concept Python decorator that rewrites a function
Fiber implements an proof-of-concept Python decorator that rewrites a function so that it can be paused and resumed (by moving stack variables to a heap frame and adding if statements to simulate jumps/gotos to specific lines of code).
Jug: A Task-Based Parallelization Framework
Jug: A Task-Based Parallelization Framework Jug allows you to write code that is broken up into tasks and run different tasks on different processors.
The Ultimate Widevine Content Ripper (KEY Extract + Download + Decrypt) is REBORN
NARROWVINE-REBORN ** UPDATE 21.12.01 ** As expected Google patched its ChromeCDM Whitebox exploit by Satsuoni with a force-update on the ChromeCDM. Th
An enhanced discord.py, based off of the now-archived discord.py project
enhanced-discord.py A modern, maintained, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of enhanced
Matching python environment code for Lux AI 2021 Kaggle competition, and a gym interface for RL models.
Lux AI 2021 python game engine and gym This is a replica of the Lux AI 2021 game ported directly over to python. It also sets up a classic Reinforceme
Non official, but friendly QvaPay library for the Python language.
Python SDK for the QvaPay API Non official, but friendly QvaPay library for the Python language. Setup You can install this package by using the pip t
Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of keys that are found
dora Features Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bount
CRC Reverse Engineering Tool in Python
CRC Beagle CRC Beagle is a tool for reverse engineering CRCs. It is designed for commnication protocols where you often have several messages of the s
Install and manage Proton-GE and Luxtorpeda for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris with this graphical user interface. Based on AUNaseef's ProtonUp, made with Python 3 and Qt 6.
ProtonUp-Qt Qt-based graphical user interface to install and manage Proton-GE installations for Steam and Wine-GE installations for Lutris. Based on A
Controlling Hill Climb Racing with Hand Tacking
Controlling Hill Climb Racing with Hand Tacking Opened Palm for Gas Closed Palm for Brake
Facebook Fast Cracking Tool With Python
Pro-Crack Facebook Fast Cracking Tool This is a multi-password cracking tool that can help you hack facebook accounts very quickly Installation On Te
Tmux Based Dropdown Dashboard For Python
sextans It's a private configuration and an ongoing experiment while I use Archlinux. A simple drop down dashboard based on tmux. It includes followin
Quick tutorial on orchest.io that shows how to build multiple deep learning models on your data with a single line of code using python
Deep AutoViML Pipeline for orchest.io Quickstart Build Deep Learning models with a single line of code: deep_autoviml Deep AutoViML helps you build te
'Personal Finance' is a project where people can manage and track their expenses
Personal Finance by Abhiram Rishi Pratitpati 'Personal Finance' is a project where people can manage and track their expenses. It is hard to keep trac
Sentiment Analysis web app using Streamlit - American Airlines Tweets
Analyse des sentiments à partir des Tweets L'application est développée par Streamlit L'analyse sentimentale est effectuée sur l'ensemble de données d
This is a really simple text-to-speech app made with python and tkinter.
Tkinter Text-to-Speech App by Souvik Roy This is a really simple tkinter app which converts the text you have entered into a speech. It is created wit
Bitcoin tracker hecho con python.
Bitcoin Tracker Precio del Bitcoin en tiempo real. Script simple hecho con python. Rollercoin RollerCoin es un juego en el que puedes ganar bitcoin (y
An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy!
playingcards.py An Advanced Python Playing Card Module that makes creating playing card games simple and easy! Features Easy to Understand Class Objec
A pure-Python KSUID implementation
Svix - Webhooks as a service Svix-KSUID This library is inspired by Segment's KSUID implementation: https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid What is a ksuid
pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python Setuptools example • Scikit-build example • CMake example pybind11 is a lightweight header-on
Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time!
Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time! Do you use celery, and monitor your tasks with flower? You'll probably like Clearly! 👍 Clearl
Visualizing and learning from games on chess.com
Better Your Chess What for? This project aims to help you learn from all the chess games you've played online, starting with a simple way to download
fhempy is a FHEM binding to write modules in Python language
fhempy (BETA) fhempy allows the usage of Python 3 (NOT 2!) language to write FHEM modules. Python 3.7 or higher is required, therefore I recommend usi
A Python wrapper for the DeepL API
deepl.py A Python wrapper for the DeepL API installing Install and update using pip: pip install deepl.py A simple example. # Sync Sample import deep
An exploration of a fantasy world, to autobattle your way to ruling the demesne.
Not Quite Paradise 2 (no relation to NQP, I just like the name enough to want to keep it.) Badges! Current position: Quality of last commit: Who dunni
Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists.
spin2spot Creates Spotify playlists from Spinitron playlists. Quick Start You can use spin2spot as a command-line tool: erik@ubuntu:~$ python -m spin2
Twitter feed of newly published articles in Limnology
limnopapers Code to monitor limnology RSS feeds and tweet new articles. Scope The keywords and journal choices herein aim to focus on limnology (the s
A powerful, cool and well-made userbot for your Telegram profile with promising extension capabilities.
Telecharm userbot A powerful, fast and simple Telegram userbot written in Python 3 and based on Pyrogram 1.X. Currently in active WIP state, so feel f