1716 Repositories
Python simple-icons Libraries
a simple functional programming language compiler written in python
Functional Programming Language A compiler for my small functional language. Written in python with SLY lexer/parser generator library. Requirements p
A simple pytorch pipeline for semantic segmentation.
SegmentationPipeline -- Pytorch A simple pytorch pipeline for semantic segmentation. Requirements : torch=1.9.0 tqdm albumentations=1.0.3 opencv-pyt
Python most simple|stupid programming language (MSPL)
Most Simple|Stupid Programming language. (MSPL) Stack - Based programming language "written in Python" Features: Interpretate code (Run). Generate gra
Simple and convenient console ToDo list app
How do you handle remembering all that loads of plans you are going to realize everyday? Producing tons of paper notes, plastered all over the house?
Simple implementation of the classic Snake Game in under 100 lines of code
Snake_Game Simple python implementation of the classic Snake Game in under 100 lines of code. Printscreen of the game: Imported Libraries: random; pyg
a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface
shepherd a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface CLI shell command docs coming soon after I brush up the code and add more features :) Minimal R
A simple way to read and write LAPS passwords from linux.
A simple way to read and write LAPS passwords from linux. This script is a python setter/getter for property ms-Mcs-AdmPwd used by LAPS inspired by @s
A simple telegram bot that resolves video urls using yt-dlp
URL to Video Telegram Bot A simple telegram bot that resolves video urls using yt-dlp Copyright (C) 2021 Vítor Vasconcellos This program is free softw
SCTYMN is a GitHub repository that includes some simple scripts(currently only python scripts) that can be useful.
Simple Codes That You Might Need SCTYMN is a GitHub repository that includes some simple scripts(currently only python scripts) that can be useful. In
Simple reproduction of connection leak with celery/django/gevent
Redis connection leak with celery/django/gevent Reproduces celery issue at https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/6819 using gevented django web serv
Kubeflow is a machine learning (ML) toolkit that is dedicated to making deployments of ML workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable, and scalable.
SDK: Overview of the Kubeflow pipelines service Kubeflow is a machine learning (ML) toolkit that is dedicated to making deployments of ML workflows on
A simple project used Tkinter module to make a seperate window
Project Title This is a program to run a databse where you can store the general information of poeple. This is a very simple project and i have used
a simple function that randomly generates and applies console text colors
ChangeConsoleTextColour a simple function that randomly generates and applies console text colors This repository corresponds to my Python Functions f
A simple Tor switcher script switches tor nodes in interval of time
Tor_Switcher A simple Tor switcher script switches tor nodes in interval of time This script will switch tor nodes in every interval of time that you
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
A very simple boarding app with DRF
CRUD project with DRF A very simple boarding app with DRF. About The Project 유저 정보를 갖고 게시판을 다루는 프로젝트 입니다. Version Python: 3.9 DB: PostgreSQL 13 Django
A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask.
✨ Komi - Barcode & QR Generator ✨ A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask. 📑 Table of Contents Usage Installation Contribut
this is simple program, that converts pdf file to png
author: a5892731 last update:2021-11-01 version: 1.1 resources: -https://pypi.org/project/pdf2image/ -https://github.com/oschwartz10612/poppler-window
Simple web application, which has a single endpoint, dedicated to annotation parsing and convertion.
Simple web application, which has a single endpoint, dedicated to annotation parsing and conversion.
This is a simple code for discord bot !
Discord bot dice roller this is a simple code for discord bot it can roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20, 1d100 for you in your discord server. Actua
Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse
multicommand Simple subcommand CLIs with argparse. multicommand uses only the standard library and is ~150 lines of code (modulo comments and whitespa
A simple CLI tool for tracking Pikud Ha'oref alarms.
Pikud Ha'oref Alarm Tracking A simple CLI tool for tracking Pikud Ha'oref alarms. Polls the unofficial API endpoint every second for incoming alarms.
Simple tool, to update linux kernel on ubuntu
Kerbswap Simple tool, to update linux kernel on ubuntu Information At the moment, this tool only supports "Ubuntu" distributions, but will be expanded
A simple porfolio with Django, Bootstrap and Sqlite3
Django Portofolio Example this is a basic portfolio in dark mode Installation git clone https://github.com/FaztWeb/django-portfolio-simple.git cd djan
A simple tutorial to get you started with Discord and it's Python API
Hello there Feel free to fork and star, open issues if there are typos or you have a doubt. I decided to make this post because as a newbie I never fo
A simple Telegram bot to extract hard-coded subtitle from videos using FFmpeg & Tesseract.
Video Subtitle Extractor Bot A simple Telegram bot to extract hard-coded subtitle from videos using FFmpeg & Tesseract. Note that the accuracy of reco
A simple library project, a library function to make a temporary email, receive all messages
fake-email A simple library project, a library function to make a temporary email, receive all messages Installation : pip install fake-email Example
Simple GUI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo.
stock-graph-python Simple GUI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo. Tiingo API Key You will need to add your
This is a simple python flask web app that implements geometric calculations for three shapes given the user's input for radius and height. It is recommended this app be run using a python virtual environment, but not necessary for success. Unit tests are also included.
Geometry Calculator Web The is a simple Flask-based web application that uses a Geometry Calculator Tool created out of assignments from my Intro to P
A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms.
Visualize sorting algorithms A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms. Sort Algorithms Name Function Name O( ) Bubble Sort bubble_s
Simple calculator with random number button and dark gray theme created with PyQt6
Calculator Application Simple calculator with random number button and dark gray theme created with : PyQt6 Python 3.9.7 you can download the dark gra
Program to export all new icons from the latest Fortnite patch
Assets Exporter This program allows you to generate all new icons of a patch in png! Requierements Python =3.8 (installed on your computer) If you wa
Very simple FTP client, sync folder to FTP server, use python, opensource
ftp-sync-python Opensource, A way to safe your data, avoid lost data by Virus, Randsomware Some functions: Upload a folder automatically to FTP server
simple discord token grabber with webhook hiding feature.
Token Grabber A simple Discord token grabber with base64 webhook encoding, it uses pastebin as a database to get webhook, so next time u dont get your
Limit your docker image size with a simple CLI command. Perfect to be used inside your CI process.
docker-image-size-limit Limit your docker image size with a simple CLI command. Perfect to be used inside your CI process. Read the announcing post. I
Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
A simple API wrapper for Discord interactions.
Your ultimate Discord interactions library for discord.py. About | Installation | Examples | Discord | PyPI About What is discord-py-interactions? dis
A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python 3 using ICMP packets
Traceroute A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python 3 using ICMP packets Details Traceroute is a networking tool designed for tracing th
A super simple terminal command shortener 🐟
pcmd A super simple terminal command shortener 🐟 Source code : https://github.com/j0fiN/pcmd Documentation : https://j0fin.github.io/pcmd About Durin
A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis.
Jupyter Pylinter A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis. If you find this tool us
A simple single-color identicon generator
Identicons What are identicons? Setup: git clone https://github.com/vjdad4m/identicons.git cd identicons pip3 install -r requirements.txt chmod +x
Simple P2P application for sending files over open and forwarded network ports.
FileShareV2 A major overhaul to the V1 (now deprecated) FileShare application. V2 brings major improvements in both UI and performance. V2 is now base
dvc-NLP-simple-usecase DVC NLP project Reference repository: official reference repo DVC STUDIO MY View Bag of Words- Krish Naik TF-IDF- Krish Naik ST
This is a simple web interface for SimplyTranslate
SimplyTranslate Web This is a simple web interface for SimplyTranslate List of Instances You can find a list of instances here: SimplyTranslate Projec
A simple app that helps to train quick calculations.
qtcounter A simple app that helps to train quick calculations. Usage Manual Clone the repo in a folder using git clone https://github.com/Froloket64/q
[NeurIPS 2021] Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmarks and Strong Simple Methods
Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmarks and Strong Simple Methods Large Scale Learning on Non-Homophilous Graphs: New Benchmark
Simple data balancing baselines for worst-group-accuracy benchmarks.
BalancingGroups Code to replicate the experimental results from Simple data balancing baselines achieve competitive worst-group-accuracy. Replicating
Simple Static Site Inductor Made in Python
sssimp 🐍 Simple Static Site Inductor Made in Python How to use Create a folder called input, inside create a folder called content and an empty file
a simple ehentai downloader with jpg 2 pdf
Simple_Ehentai_DownLoader a simple ehentai downloader with jpg 2 pdf 中文介绍 Environment python3.8 How to use before you start,there are some tips. the q
A simple terminal-based localhost chat application written in python
Chat House A simple terminal-based localhost chat application written in python How to Use? Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/heksadecimal/c
A simple telegram Bot, Upload Media File| video To telegram using the direct download link. (youtube, Mediafire, google drive, mega drive, etc)
URL-Uploader (Bot) A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links. Features: 👉 Only Auth Users (AUTH_USERS) Can Use The Bot 👉 Upload YTDL Sup
A simple python implementation of Decision Tree.
DecisionTree A simple python implementation of Decision Tree, using Gini index. Usage: import DecisionTree node = DecisionTree.trainDecisionTree(lab
A simple telegram bot to help you to remove forward tag from post from any messages . Maded in python3 using @Pyrogram . Developed by @Kunal-Diwan
Frwd-Tag-Remover Telegram Bot to Remove forward tag from any Post . If you need any more modes in repo or If you find out any bugs, mention in @Develo
Aiohttp simple project with Swagger and ccxt integration
crypto_finder What Where Documentation http://localhost:8899/docs Maintainer nordzisko Crypto Finder aiohttp application Application that connects to
A simple python script to play bell sound in your system infinitely, just for fun and experimental purposes
A simple python script to play bell sound in your system infinitely, just for fun and experimental purposes
A simple flask application to scrape gogoanime website.
gogoanime-api-flask A simple flask application to scrape gogoanime website. Used for demo and learning purposes only. How to use the API The base api
This is a simple SV calling package for diploid assemblies.
dipdiff This is a simple SV calling package for diploid assemblies. It uses a modified version of svim-asm. The package includes its own version minim
jrnl is a simple journal application for the command line.
jrnl To get help, submit an issue on Github. jrnl is a simple journal application for the command line. You can use it to easily create, search, and v
pypinfo is a simple CLI to access PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.
pypinfo: View PyPI download statistics with ease. pypinfo is a simple CLI to access PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery. Installation pypin
A simple automation script that logs into your kra account and files your taxes with one command
EASY_TAX A simple automation script that logs into your kra account and files your taxes with one command Currently works for Chrome users. Will creat
A simple but powerful Python packer to run any project with any virtualenv dependencies anywhwere.
PyEmpaq A simple but powerful Python packer to run any project with any virtualenv dependencies anywhwere. With PyEmpaq you can convert any Python pro
Simple CLI prompt for easy I/O with OpenAI's API
openai-cli-prompt Simple CLI prompt for easy I/O with OpenAI's API Quickstart Create a .env file with: OPENAI_API_KEY=Your OpenAI API Key Configure
A simple command line tool written in python to manage a to-do list
A simple command line tool written in python to manage a to-do list Dependencies: python Commands: todolist (-a | --add) [(-p | --priority)] [(-l | --
Discord-Protect is a simple discord bot allowing you to have some security on your discord server by ordering a captcha to the user who joins your server.
Discord-Protect Discord-Protect is a simple discord bot allowing you to have some security on your discord server by ordering a captcha to the user wh
A simple kemono.party downloader using python.
kemono-dl This is a simple kemono.party downloader. How to use Install python Download source code from releases and extract it Then install requireme
Simple Speech to Text, Text to Speech
Simple Speech to Text, Text to Speech 1. Download Repository Opsi 1 Download repository ini, extract di lokasi yang diinginkan Opsi 2 Jika sudah famil
A simple contents download module using url for python
A simple contents download module using url for python
A simple alarm-clock created using Python and Kivy.
Alarm-Clock made with Python and Kivy. A simple alarm-clock created using Python and Kivy. See the time. Set a maximum of 5 alarms. Cancel alarms. Not
This is a simple Python bot to identify sentiments in tweets
Twitter-Sentiment 👋 Hi There! 📱 This is a simple Python bot to identify sentiments in tweets 👨💻 This project was made for study, and pratice. You
A simple python-function, to gain all wlan passwords from stored wlan-profiles on a computer.
Wlan Fetcher Windows10 Description A simple python-function, to gain all wlan passwords from stored wlan-profiles on a computer. Usage This Script onl
A simple QR-Code Reader in Python
A simple QR-Code Reader written in Python, that copies the content of a QR-Code directly into the copy clipboard.
Simple tool for creating changelogs
Description Simple utility for quickly generating changelogs, assuming your commits are ordered as they should be. This tool will simply log all lates
Simple Telegram Bot for generating BalckPearl BBCode Templates
blackpearl-bbcode-bot Simple Telegram Bot for generating BlackPearl BBCode Templates Written in Pyrogram Features - 🎉 IMDB Info fetching from files -
A simple fun discord bot using discord.py that can post memes
A simple fun discord bot using discord.py * * Commands $commands - to see all commands $meme - for a random meme from the internet $cry - to make the
Simple data balancing baselines for worst-group-accuracy benchmarks.
BalancingGroups Code to replicate the experimental results from Simple data balancing baselines achieve competitive worst-group-accuracy. Replicating
A simple image to text converter with GUI!
TEXTEMAGE! Textemage is a quick tool that extracts text from images, it is a Python based GUI program(also available in executable version). This is a
PyTorch framework A simple and complete framework for PyTorch, providing a variety of data loading and simple task solutions that are easy to extend and migrate
PyTorch framework A simple and complete framework for PyTorch, providing a variety of data loading and simple task solutions that are easy to extend and migrate
A simple toolchain for moving Remarkable highlights to Readwise
A simple toolchain for moving Remarkable highlights to Readwise
BoxToolBox is a simple python application built around the openCV library
BoxToolBox is a simple python application built around the openCV library. It is not a full featured application to guide you through the w
An example file showing a simple endpoints like a login/logout function and maybe some others.
Flask API Example An example project showing a simple endpoints like a login/logout function and maybe some others. How to use: Open up your IDE (or u
A simple API example in Python (Flask framework)
API-Example A simple API in Python(Flask) ✨ Features An API i guess? 💁♀️ How to use first download the main.py install python then install flask fra
PyTorch implementation of "A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning".
A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning This repository is the implementation of A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning. In this pa
A simple subdomain scanner in python
Subdomain-Scanner A simple subdomain scanner in python ✨ Features scans subdomains of a domain thats it! 💁♀️ How to use first download the scanner.p
Simple PyTorch hierarchical models.
A python package adding basic hierarchal networks in pytorch for classification tasks. It implements a simple hierarchal network structure based on feed-backward outputs.
Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes).
📄 Automated NMAP script Description Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes). Requirements 1
Simple Machine Learning Tool Kit
Getting started smltk (Simple Machine Learning Tool Kit) package is implemented for helping your work during data preparation testing your model The g
A simple note taker CLI program written in python
note-taker A simple note taker program written in python This allows you to snip your todo's, notes, and your tasks easily without extra charges Requi
eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Remote Sensing Earth Observation by providing actionable information on a wide swath of RS platforms and provide a simple API for downloading and visualizing RS imagery
An Earth Observation Platform Earth Observation made easy. Report Bug | Request Feature About eoplatform is a Python package that aims to simplify Rem
A simple anti-ghostping python bot made using diskord.
Anti Ghostping A simple Anti-Ghostping python bot made with ❤ using Diskord Requirements No one will use this but, all you need for this bot is: Pytho
This simple python script uses cv2 to create and mail certificates to participants of workshops.
This simple python script uses cv2 to create and mail certificates to participants of workshops. Just collect the names and email ids of participants in a csv file (i used google docs), and place it in the project folder as given and run the script! Make sure to have 'Allow less secured apps' enabled for your gmail for smtp auth!
A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to detect a baby’s cry and automatically turning on music
Auto-Baby-Cry-Detection-with-Music-Player A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to d
WithPipe is a simple utility for functional piping in Python.
A utility for functional piping in Python that allows you to access any function in any scope as a partial.
Simple Inkscape Scripting
Simple Inkscape Scripting Description In the Inkscape vector-drawing program, how would you go about drawing 100 diamonds, each with a random color an
Code for Generating Disentangled Arguments with Prompts: A Simple Event Extraction Framework that Works
GDAP Code for Generating Disentangled Arguments with Prompts: A Simple Event Extraction Framework that Works Environment Python (verified: v3.8) CUDA
wger Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that helps you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility.
wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that helps you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility.
This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework
Django Rest Password Reset This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework, where users can request password r
Simple AI app that is guessing color of apple in picture
Apple Color Determinant Application that is guessing color of apple from image Install Pillow, sklearn and numpy, using command for your package manag
A simple approach to emable dense segmentation with ViT.
Vision Transformer Segmentation Network This implementation of ViT in pytorch uses a super simple and straight-forward way of generating an output of
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming what is smpt? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or smtp service. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is