csv2md_by_template (csv2mdt.py)
- this script helps you to convert csv file to multiple md files by template, the filename of each comes from first column in your csv file.
- this idea came from dicussion with @candideu !
csv2md_blocks_by_template (csv2mdbt.py)
- this script helps you to convert csv file to single md file with several blocks by template. the first-level block of each comes from first column in your csv file. the name of output file is the same as input csv file.
- python3
- pandas
- template.md
- filename.csv
- the variables in template.md should be like $title, $name or $title_name (no blank in variables, please replace blank with '_' by yourself)
- the variables in template.md should match the first row (colume name) in data.csv
- but you don't need to replace the blank in column name in csv file by yourself. script will do that. So you can keep column name in csv file as "title name"
Quick start
csv2md_by_template (csv2mdt.py)
- download csv2mdt.py and put it in the same folder as template.md and filename.csv
- use shell and 'cd' to that folder
- use follow command
python csv2mdt.py filename.csv
csv2md_blocks_by_template (csv2mdbt.py)
- download csv2mdbt.py and put it in the same folder as template.md and filename.csv
- use shell and 'cd' to that folder
- use follow command
python csv2mdbt.py filename.csv
the output file(s) will be automatically generated in the same folders
you can use template.md and data.csv in this repo to play around!
- csv2md_by_template (csv2mdt.py)
- csv2md_blocks_by_template (csv2mdbt.py)
- you can edit the script somehow, such as the path to your template.md and the path to your csv file
- you can also put the script in $PATH, to make it easier to call