WrightEagle AutoTest (Has been updated by Cyrus team members)

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Testing AutoTest2D


WrightEagle AutoTest (Has been updated by Cyrus team members)

Thanks go to WrightEagle Members.


1- prepare start_team file.

In this script rcssserver automatically runs two teams. start_team file should contain all teams that you would like to test your team with them.

The script sends some parameters to this file to run each team:


You have to send at least $PORT(Player port) and $OLCOACH_PORT(Coach Port) to the start file of each team. So the start file of teams should have ability to receive these two ports.

There are some example in the start_team file

"$RESULT" elif [[ $TEAM = "razi19" ]]; then cd /home/.../razi && ./auto.sh $PORT $OLCOACH_PORT &> "$RESULT" fi">
if [[ $TEAM = "cr19" ]]; then
  cd /home/.../CYRUS && ./auto.sh $PORT $OLCOACH_PORT &> "$RESULT"
elif [[ $TEAM = "razi19" ]]; then
  cd /home/.../razi && ./auto.sh $PORT $OLCOACH_PORT &> "$RESULT"

2- run tests

You can test two team against together by using the bellowing command:


We suggest to use -n to set a name for your test. If you don't select name, the script will select "last" as your test name. All result will be saved in out/TestName.

3- get result

To get result you can run result.sh. This script receives name of test by using -n.

./result.sh -n testname

4- kill a test

To kill a test contains all process and servers you can use kill.sh.

./kill.sh -n testname

If you pass "all" as testname, it will kill all tests.

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