5th H SAF User Workshop
The 5th H SAF User Workshop supported by EUMeTrain will be held in online in January 24-28 2022. This repository contains instructions, code examples and links to data sets used on the demonstration session of the workshop (Friday, 28th January 2022).
All H SAF products can be ordered and downloaded after a user registration at the H SAF website. You will receive a username and password to access the H SAF FTP. The data required for the exercises are available at the Demonstration session Dataset. Additionally are available presentations pre-recordings from Demonstration session.
Soil Moisture
The demonstration gives an overview how to download, read and visualize H SAF soil moisture data using the Python programming language. Jupyter notebooks are used to present code examples. H SAF Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) and Root-Zone Soil Moisture (RZSM) products are comprised of either Near Real-Time (NRT), Offline or Data Records (DR) products, which are freely available after user registration at the H SAF data portal. RZSM products are generated from assimilating the ASCAT-derived surface SM in the ECMWF/H SAF land data assimilation system. Additionally, a hydrological exercise will highlight the added value of soil moisture satellite data for flood prediction. Soil moisture conditions have a great impact on the transformation of precipitation into runoff. A correct estimation of the initial soil moisture condition is a critical aspect for operational flood prediction. In the exercise we will test the sensitivity of flood response to initial soil moisture conditions using a simple hydrological model over an African Basin.
Data for the exercise are available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2hkfi8jzjv4v6xm/AAAKct8hoz0GxElWz71BjEdHa?dl=0
Note: for "Flood Prediction" download test_data.zip, uncompress it and replace all the folder