A stupidly simple task list to keep you productive and focused.



A stupidly simple task list to keep you productive and focused.

There is really nothing to it. This is a terminal-based script that allows you to create tasks, mark them as done and not done, then saves them to a local database.

This project was created to get a little more experience with SQL and SQLite, I've also found myself using products like Notion to keep track of things and I tend to put way too much time into making those things look pretty and nice to look at rather than working on my actual tasks.

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Start Guide

Click on startup.py. Might need to install Dependencies. Pretty simple


Command Description
create, c Create a new task
done, d Mark task as done
delete, de Delete a task
not done, n Mark task as not done


Terminal Coloring https://pypi.org/project/colorful/

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