Synthetic Scene Text from 3D Engines



UnrealText is a project that synthesizes scene text images using 3D graphics engine. This repository accompanies our paper: UnrealText: Synthesizing Realistic Scene Text Images from the Unreal World [PDF].


We release (Baidu/Google Drive):


If you find our project helpful in your research, you are highly encouraged to cite our paper:

  title={UnrealText: Synthesizing Realistic Scene Text Images from the Unreal World},
  author={Long, Shangbang and Yao, Cong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10608},
  • the address of UnrealEngine is invalid

    the address of UnrealEngine is invalid

    when i tried to git pull the UnrealEngine by useing order ''git clone -b 4.22'' ,it was failed repository '' not found

    opened by Instantnoodles-madman 17
  • when i compil UE,it happend wrong

    when i compil UE,it happend wrong

    Failed to download '': The operation has timed out. (WebException) but i can download this file,How update dependencies manually? may you know the reason for this wrong

    opened by Instantnoodles-madman 16
  • I find that it is difficult to run the demo.

    I find that it is difficult to run the demo.

    When it run to Line 72 in, error occurred as 'FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/eecbd/github_project/UnrealText_CVPR2020/GeneratedData/DataFraction_14/WordCrops/adjusted_text_box.txt''. We can't find anywhere to save 'adjusted_text_box.txt' in your code, could you please help me solve this problem?

    opened by zhangjx123 9
  • Can you share the word crop code

    Can you share the word crop code

    In the paper : "We crop from the proposed multilingual dataset. We discard images with widths shorter than 32 pixels as they are too blurry, and obtain 4.1M word images in total." But I ended up with more than 7 million text line images.

    opened by wushilian 5
  • Drawing images instead of text

    Drawing images instead of text

    From looking at the code, I was wondering how hard it would be to hijack the StickerTextActor to place small images instead of text, allowing for the generation of a dataset for label detection.

    A bit more context, I am working on building a hazmat label detector (the diamond-shaped sign found on explosive/corrosive/infectious material containers) for a competition and it would be useful to have a lot of synthetic data to save the actual data (of which I do not have a lot) for fine-tuning.

    From glancing at your code, unless I am mistaken you already load the text as PNG and then draw it with the engine, meaning that the text generation is on the Python side and I could simply load my own PNG (that wouldn't be text) and it would work?

    Great project btw, can't wait for your presentation at CVPR :)

    EDIT: Just to be clear, this is not a feature request, I just want to be sure that it is doable.

    opened by Belval 5
  • quite some character level bboxes are of zero width or zero height

    quite some character level bboxes are of zero width or zero height

    thanks again for open sourcing your dataset and generation code. When training a model that requires character level labelling, I found that many of the character level bboxes either have zero width or zero height. May I know a suggested way to clean the data ?

    opened by mmmmmore 4
  • Data annotation problem

    Data annotation problem

    Hi, When I used the dataset (English/Latin) you provided, I found that some json annotations were wrong, such as 749 ~ 753 for sub_48. And why are some coordinates negative?
    Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by Gyann-z 4
  • some imgs seem to be corrupted

    some imgs seem to be corrupted

    Hi, Thanks for your open source dataset. But when I use Unrealtext dataset, I found some imgs corrupted. I referenced mmocr source code to pretrain my model, but it seems loading img meet error:

                with open(img_name, 'rb') as f:
                    img_buff =
                img = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_buff, IMREAD_COLOR)

    accidently, above code would meets error: cv2.error: OpenCV(4.1.2) /io/opencv/modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp:730: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !buf.empty() in function 'imdecode_'. It seems the img file is corrupted. But I am not sure which one or ones corrupted (Debugging and finding)

    opened by aiboys 3
  • The character boxes on hook faces seems to be offset

    The character boxes on hook faces seems to be offset

    There seems to be offset of character boxes on hook faces with high probability, shown in the following images. This image is from English dataset Sub39 27.jpg image Only use perspective transformation to get the boxes may not work.

    opened by GaroneHuang 3
  • Can I extract background scene before add text??

    Can I extract background scene before add text??

    I tried to extract image before placing text in the scene by adding self.cleint.SaveImg before 'step 3: place text' in

    but text already exists in the extracted scene

    is it possible extract a scene that is the same as the generated image but has no text??

    opened by hsl323 3
  • Can this be run on multiple terminals?

    Can this be run on multiple terminals?

    I want to make the image generation faster by running multiple terminal on the code. Is it feasible to do so? I am stuck cuz only one terminal work and the rest are just not responding

    opened by personwhofloat 2
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