tmm_fast is a lightweight package to speed up optical planar multilayer thin-film device computation.



tmm_fast or transfer-matrix-method_fast is a lightweight package to speed up optical planar multilayer thin-film device computation. It is essentially build on NumPy and the tmm package from sjbyrnes ( but quite a lot faster. Depending on the number of layers, wavelength range and angular range speed-ups of ~100x are possible.

To complete the package, a dataset generation function using Dask can distribute the computations on all available CPUs to further speed-up computation for really large amounts of thin-film devices (>1E5) which might be interesting for machine learning applications.

The physics behind the transfer matrix method can be studied in any textbook on optical devices or in from Steven J. Byrnes.

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    Hi, if I try to run the demo script in a CPU-only environment, the following error appears: AssertionError: It's not clear which beam is incoming vs outgoing. Weird index maybe?

    Is there any suggested fix or workaround? Thanks!

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  • BUG: Unexpected squeezing of Theta and lambda_vacuum inputs in coh_vec_tmm_disp_mstack

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    I have tried to compare the output of the coh_vec_tmm_disp_mstack function with the original tmm package. For this I have reduced the Theta and lambda_vacuum vectors to a single element as following:

    import numpy as np
    from tmm_fast.vectorized_tmm_dispersive_multistack import coh_vec_tmm_disp_mstack as tmm
    # wl = np.asarray([400., 500.,]) * 1e-9 # This works well
    wl = np.asarray([400.,]) * 1e-9 # AssertionError: N and T are not of same shape, as they are of dimensions 3 and 2
    # theta = np.asarray([0., 45.,]) # This also works well
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    mode = 'T'
    num_layers = 4
    num_stacks = 128
    refractive_index = np.ones([num_stacks, num_layers, wl.shape[0]])
    thickness = np.ones([num_stacks, num_layers]) * 100

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    And in the case of a single angle:

    IndexError: tuple index out of range

    I think that both of these problems could be fixed by removing unnecessary squeeze() from the converter function in vectorized_tmm_dispersive_multistack module:

    def converter(data, device):
        if type(data) is not torch.Tensor:
            if type(data) is np.ndarray:
                data = torch.from_numpy(data.copy())
                raise ValueError('At least one of the inputs (i.e. N, Theta, ...) is not of type numpy.array or torch.Tensor!')
        data = data.type(torch.cfloat).to(device)
        return data.squeeze()
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