Cleaned test data list of DukeMTMC-reID, ICCV2021


Cleaned DukeMTMC-reID

Cleaned data list of DukeMTMC-reID released with our paper accepted by ICCV 2021: Learning Instance-level Spatial-Temporal Patterns for Person Re-identification

Two kinds of samples are taken into consideration:

1. The samples with wrong labels, such as:


The labels of this kind of samples are corrected. The percentage of corrected identifications in training database is 1.285%, and this percentage in test database is 1.282%.

2. The samples in which the pedestrian is completely occluded, such as:


This kind of samples are eliminated. The percentage of this kind of samples in training database is 0.097%, and this percentage in test database is 0.146%.

Cleaned database

The data of DukeMTMC-reID can be found here.

The list of cleaned training database is train_cleaned.txt

The query list of cleaned test database is query_cleaned.txt

The gallery list of cleaned test database is gallery_cleaned.txt

There are two elements in each line of the cleaned lists: file name and label.


Dataset Licence

Please follow the LICENSE_DukeMTMC-reID. You are free to share, create and adapt the DukeMTMC-reID dataset, in the manner specified in the license.


If you find our cleaned database useful in your research, please consider to cite:

  author={Ren, Min and He, Lingxiao and Liao, Xingyu and Liu, Wu and Wang, Yunlong and Tan, Tieniu},
  title={Learning Instance-level Spatial-Temporal Patterns for Person Re-identification},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
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