This looks amazing, however, I can't get it to run without more changes to the code. I just wanted to try this out, but issues keep coming up. I just wanted to let you know, so perhaps you or someone else can fix this.
BTW, it'd be nice to have this packaged on pypi. If I can give you a hand, let me know.
I found out that Nuance's default colormap doesn't exist (in my matplotlib distribution). So you have to set a different colormap, for example, 'viridis'.
I had the same issues as the person before (other issues) with the tree n_classes being a numpy array, not a scalar, but this can be worked around if you set for example, target_colors=['green', 'red'].
The next issues is this here:
/content/Nuance/tree/src/generate_tree.py in _extract_rules(node_id, parent, pos, tree_rules, tree_info)
165 thre = tree_model.tree_.threshold[parent]
166 if feat not in previous.keys():
--> 167 tree_rules[node_id]['features'][feat] = [-sys.maxint, sys.maxint]
168 if pos == "left":
169 origin = tree_rules[node_id]['features'][feat][1]
AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'maxint'
I am happy to give this another go with more time. Just wanted to leave a feedback.