find me on telegram! deploy me on heroku, use below button:
If you can't have a file (EG on heroku), it is also possible to use environment variables.
The following env variables are supported:
- `ENV`: Setting this to ANYTHING will enable env variables
- `TOKEN`: Your bot token, as a string.
- `OWNER_ID`: An integer of consisting of your owner ID
- `OWNER_USERNAME`: Your username
- `DATABASE_URL`: Your database URL
- `MESSAGE_DUMP`: optional: a chat where your replied saved messages are stored, to stop people deleting their old
- `LOAD`: Space separated list of modules you would like to load
- `NO_LOAD`: Space separated list of modules you would like NOT to load
- `WEBHOOK`: Setting this to ANYTHING will enable webhooks when in env mode
- `URL`: The URL your webhook should connect to (only needed for webhook mode)
- `BMERNU_SCUT_SRELFTI`: No. of custom filters which can be set in each group
- `SUDO_USERS`: A space separated list of user_ids which should be considered sudo users
- `SUPPORT_USERS`: A space separated list of user_ids which should be considered support users (can gban/ungban,
nothing else)
- `WHITELIST_USERS`: A space separated list of user_ids which should be considered whitelisted - they can't be banned.
- `DONATION_LINK`: Optional: link where you would like to receive donations.
- `CERT_PATH`: Path to your webhook certificate
- `PORT`: Port to use for your webhooks
- `DEL_CMDS`: Whether to delete commands from users which don't have rights to use that command
- `STRICT_GBAN`: Enforce gbans across new groups as well as old groups. When a gbanned user talks, he will be banned.
- `WORKERS`: Number of threads to use. 8 is the recommended (and default) amount, but your experience may vary.
__Note__ that going crazy with more threads wont necessarily speed up your bot, given the large amount of sql data
accesses, and the way python asynchronous calls work.
- `BAN_STICKER`: Which sticker to use when banning people.
- `ALLOW_EXCL`: Whether to allow using exclamation marks ! for commands as well as /.