Self-driving car env with PPO algorithm from stable baseline3


Self-driving car with RL stable baseline3

Most of the project develop from Please check it out!

This project focus on training self-driving car env by implementing PPO algorithm from stable baseline3


Clone the project

git clone

Then run Gym-Medium-Post/


  • Wrap env to change observation space from box to RGB image
    from simple_driving.resources.wrapper import ProcessFrame84
    env = ProcessFrame84(env)
  • Using PPO with CNN policy instead of TRPO
    from stable_baselines3 import PPO
    model = PPO('CnnPolicy', env, verbose=1,learning_rate = 0.00025,tensorboard_log="./Simple-driving/",n_steps=10000,batch_size=1000,gamma=0.9995)
  • Normalize action space
    def map_action(self, action):
      speed_range = [0,1]
      steer_range = [-0.6,0.6]
      new_speed = np.interp(action[0],[-1,1],speed_range)
      new_steer = np.interp(action[0],[-1,1],steer_range)
      return [new_speed, new_steer]
  • Add limited timestep reset condition
    if self.current_step >1000:
      self.current_step = 0
      self.done = True
  • Normalize distance in reward function
    previous_dist_to_goal = np.linalg.norm(tuple(map(lambda i, j: i - j, self.goal, self.prev_pos)))
    current_dist_to_goal =  np.linalg.norm(tuple(map(lambda i, j: i - j, self.goal, car_ob[0:2])))



Sornsiri Promma

Thanks original project from Gerard Maggiolino

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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