A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects


configPy [ 🏗 Under Construction ]

A tiny Configuration File Parser for Python Projects. Currently Supports JSON files only.


Install the Latest Stable Build - v0.0.7-Testing Build

pip install configParsePy


Use configPy to get your configurations imported to your python code from JSON File.

Import the configPy object from configPy module.

from configPy import configPy 

JSONConfigParser - for JSON Configuration Files

Initiate the JSONConfigParser by passing the JSON config file. Use getConfigurations() method to get the Configuration. The getConfigurations() method returns the configurations as a Dictionary.

importedConfigs = configPy.JSONConfigParser(configFilePath="./sampleConfig.json").getConfigurations()

Use the configurations as a dict object.

print("Module Name: ", importedConfigs["module_name"])
print("Purpose: ", importedConfigs["purpose"])

The whole code for the above example can be found here.


Usage Samples can be found in the examples directory

  • Add CI/CD for automated deployment/publishing to PyPi

    Add CI/CD for automated deployment/publishing to PyPi

    Add CI/CD Capabilities for Auto-Testing and Auto-Deployment to PyPi.

    • [x] Auto unit-testing using GitHub Actions
    • [x] Auto Deployment/Publishing to PyPi
    • [x] Auto Increment versions for TestPyPi and PyPi using Python Script and GitHub Actions.
    • [x] #9
    opened by TanmoySG 5
  • Publish v0.0.1-Test Release

    Publish v0.0.1-Test Release

    Publish the first Ready-to-Use Build of configPy to PyPi for testing and name reservation.

    • [x] Build a testable build for Differential testing of configPy.
    • [x] Update Documentation
    • [x] List Publishing Documentation - How and Where.

    Use Separate Branch - pypi-publish branch for Publishing to PyPi.

    opened by TanmoySG 4
  • ConfigPy for JSON Configurations

    ConfigPy for JSON Configurations

    JSON Config File Parser for Python.

    Work on -

    • [x] Initializer Method/Object specific to JSON Files
    • [x] Read JSON File and Parse Objects.
    • [x] Return Config in dict format.
    • [x] #5
    • [x] #6

    Moved -

    • [x] #3
    • [x] #2

    to Separate Issues and Workflows.

    documentation enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 4
  • A Easy Version Bumping Tool

    A Easy Version Bumping Tool

    Create a Easy-to-use Version Bump-up Tool that can be Integrated into the CI/CD pipelines.

    The intent of the tool will be to -

    • [x] A easy to use CLI (kind of) tool that can help in Bumping the three level version system - X.Y.Z
    • [x] Keeps Test-PyPi and PyPi Publishing Versions separate and bumps the required one's version as per required
    • [x] Can be Integrated into CI/CD Pipelines such that Versions are Bumped up and package published for Bumped Versions and Repos in single targeted Commit Statement , like Bump and Publish v.
    • [x] Custom triggerable - from Actions Tab.
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by TanmoySG 3
  • Publish `configPy v0.1` to PyPi

    Publish `configPy v0.1` to PyPi

    • [x] Publish Current Code changes with support for json and ndjson and Test scripts to Test-PyPi
    • [x] Test Published Test-PyPi Package locally
    • [x] Publish tested Code to PyPi.
    documentation feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 2
  • Better Usability - Import Statement

    Better Usability - Import Statement

    There's a usability hurdle in importing the package.

    Currently we're using

    from configPy import configPy
    // Cannot import the JSONConfigParser() method
    confobj = configPy.JSONConfigParser(" ")

    Instead we should be doing

    from configPy import JSONConfigParser
    confobj = JSONConfigParser(" ")
    • [ ] Ensure better uability
    bug enhancement 
    opened by TanmoySG 2
  • `NDJSON` Key-JSON Mapping Feature

    `NDJSON` Key-JSON Mapping Feature

    • [x] Add Key to JSON Mapping feature that allows users to assign user-defined Keys to each JSON Object delimited by newline.

    Example -

    For a NDJSON like

    { "name" : "Raj", "age" : 15, "city" : "DEL" }
    { "name" : "Rohan", "age" : 25, "city" : "GOA" }
    { "name" : "Rahul", "age" : 35, "city" : "MUM" }

    User should be able to assign a key to each JSON object (each line) by passing an array like ["raj", "rohan", "rahul"]. It should return a dict object. Something like -

    map( ndjsonFile, ["raj", "rohan", "rahul"] ) 

    The above should return something like

       "raj" : { "name" : "Raj", "age" : 15, "city" : "DEL" },
       "rohan" : { "name" : "Rohan", "age" : 25, "city" : "GOA" },
       "rahul" : { "name" : "Rahul", "age" : 35, "city" : "MUM" }, 

    So that the user can use the config like

    rahulAge = mappedNDJSONobj["raj"]["age"]

    Use Cases

    1. In case when a project has different environments (eg: dev, prod, stage) in a single file, user can use the config using a dict object instead of an array.
    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 1
  • Return `NDJSON` Configs as Dictionary instead of List [Patch Fix]

    Return `NDJSON` Configs as Dictionary instead of List [Patch Fix]

    Native NDJSONConfigParser returns lists or arrays, which can be accessed by its index number.

    { "name" : "Raj", "age" : 15, "city" : "DEL" }
    { "name" : "Rohan", "age" : 25, "city" : "GOA" }
    { "name" : "Rahul", "age" : 35, "city" : "MUM" }

    Returns -

      [Index 0] { "name" : "Raj", "age" : 15, "city" : "DEL" } ,
      [Index 1] { "name" : "Rohan", "age" : 25, "city" : "GOA" } ,
      [Index 2] { "name" : "Rahul", "age" : 35, "city" : "MUM" }

    and using the Index in the List/Array

    ndjsonParsedObj[0]["name"] => "Raj"

    While the mappedKeys returns a dict. JSONConfigParser also returns a dictionary and not a list.

    It would be better to Unify the return type. Return map/dict with Number as Key. As -

      0 :  { "name" : "Raj", "age" : 15, "city" : "DEL" } ,
      1 :  { "name" : "Rohan", "age" : 25, "city" : "GOA" } ,
      2 :  { "name" : "Rahul", "age" : 35, "city" : "MUM" }

    The above can be used using the Index (Index Used as Key in Dict) -

    ndjsonParsedObj[0]["name"] => "Raj"
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • Merge `NDJSON-DEV` -> `main`

    Merge `NDJSON-DEV` -> `main`

    Add All Code changes for NDJSON Support to main.

    • [x] Merge ndjson-dev to main
    • [x] Sync NDJSON support and Test code with main
    • [x] Update CI/CD for ndjson
    • [x] Update Documentation
    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • Test Scripts for `NDJSONConfigParser` for unit-testing

    Test Scripts for `NDJSONConfigParser` for unit-testing

    Test Scripts for Unit-Testing of NDJSONConfigParser for New-Line Delimited JSON Config Files.

    • [x] Add test cases - I/O
    • [x] Create Testing Script
    • [x] Add to Auto Testing on Push to main
    • [x] Integrate with all CI/CD Pipelines
    documentation testing 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • Extend support for new-line delimited JSON `ndjson`

    Extend support for new-line delimited JSON `ndjson`

    Refer ndjson.org for New-Line Delimited JSON.

    • [x] Add support for reading Config Files from NDJSON
    • [x] #11
    • [x] Test NDJSON-Support
    • [x] Documentation
    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • [CSV] Add user-defined Type-Mapping

    [CSV] Add user-defined Type-Mapping

    Allow users for define type and map them over extracted/parsed CSV Data.

    mapType({ "key" : "type" })

    The defined "type" is mapped onto the value of the "key"

    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • Add column-based key-mapping [Unique Column Value-based Key-mapping]

    Add column-based key-mapping [Unique Column Value-based Key-mapping]

    If there is any column in CSV having unique values, use those unique values as keys for each row, for identifying and using the Columns in CSV.

    [Add Description and Tasks]

    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • `CSV` Support

    `CSV` Support

    Add CSV Support for using CSV based config files.

    • [x] Add Basic CSV Support
    • [x] Enhance Basic CSV Usage
    • [x] #15
    • [ ] #16
    • [ ] Enhance Usage [Add any features that comes while working]
    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
  • Add CLI Capabilities

    Add CLI Capabilities

    Add CLI Capabilities for configPy.

    Some Features can be -

    • [ ] Ability to Set Environment Variables from Config Files at once using mass export command. Like export [ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE]=[VALUE] that takes the variable and value from the config file's Key-Value Pair.
    • [ ] Add as Required (what else ?)
    enhancement feature 
    opened by TanmoySG 0
Tanmoy Sen Gupta
Software Engineer @ Optum (UHG)
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