TurboGears 2.3.0b1
This is the second upgrade in the process. If you have any questions, tag @amilworks on here.
Current Version: TurboGears2==2.2.0
Upgrade Version: TurboGears2==2.3.0b1
As you are going through, check off what Step you completed to make it easier for us to help, and for you to feel accomplished.
Getting Started
Step 1. Clone the Repo
- [x] Start by cloning the branch from this current repo
git clone -b tg-upgrade --single-branch https://github.com/UCSB-VRL/bisqueUCSB.git
cd tg-upgrade
and you should see a folder structure like this
├── boot
├── builder
├── Dockerfile.caffe.xenial
├── entry.sh
├── Makefile
├── modules
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── run-bisque.sh
├── source
├── sources.list
├── start-bisque.sh
└── virtualenv.sh
4 directories, 13 files
Step 2. Verify Everything Works
- [x] Establish a baseline that BisQue works on your local system before changing anything.
You have two choices to verify that the repo is working.
Option 1. Pull the Latest Docker Build (Recommended)
The repo is rebuilt and pushed automatically after a successful push/merge on GitHub. Download the latest image by running the following command:
docker pull amilworks/bisque-tg2-upgrade:git
You can run this image to verify BisQue is working and able to run locally on your system by running:
docker run -itp 8080:8080 --name bqdev-tg2 amilworks/bisque-tg2-upgrade:git
You should see BisQue on http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. If not, paste the logs below and we will take a look.
Option 2. Build the Image
Building the image from scratch is what you will end up doing throughout the upgrade process. Luckily, we automated it to where you run a Makefile
make bisque05-caffe-xenial
If you vim Makefile
, you will see it's a series of basic commands. I suggest you Edit this file and --tag
the image something different and update the version you are upgrading instead of amilworks/bisque05-caffe-xenial:flour-tg2.2
. You can leave it but it's kind of long. Once the build is done, verify that BisQue comes up on your local system just as above:
docker run -itp 8080:8080 --name bqdev-tg2 amilworks/bisque-tg2-upgrade:git
You should see BisQue on http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. If not, paste both the Build and Run Logs below and we will take a look.
Step 3. Make Changes/Break Stuff
- [ ] Upgrade TurboGears to `TurboGears2==2.3.0b1', fix problems that arise, document changes.
Create a new branch
Creating a new branch will enable you to make changes, nuke your own branch over and over again, and maintain a clean copy of the original branch when you need to start fresh for the millionth time.
git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
Open source/requirements.txt
with your favorite editor (hopefully Vim). Change the version to the one you are assigned, and save the file.
Here is the link to the line you will update.
TurboGears2==2.2 # <--- Update Version
WebOb==1.1.1 # <--- Potential Update Needed, Check Build Logs
Push to GitHub
You made changes and you want to have version control. Push your new branch and changes to GitHub by running:
git push -u origin [name_of_your_new_branch]
Step 4. Build and Run!
- [ ] Build and run your changes, fix any dependency issues, document changes, rebuild if necessary (most likely unless you are super lucky), trust the process, and always ask for help if you get stuck!
Once you made your changes, make sure you cd ..
out of source/
and are back to the tree view displayed above. You should see a file called Makefile
. You can Edit this file as mentioned in Option 2.
or simply run the following command to build the image with your updated TurboGears2.
make bisque05-caffe-xenial
While its building, make sure that there are no errors during the pip installs
. Typically errors are skipped over in favor of a successful build. I know, right?
Next, once the build is finished, run the image and verify BisQue comes up on your local system:
docker run -itp 8080:8080 --name bqdev-tg2 amilworks/bisque-tg2-upgrade:git
NOTE: There might be other packages that need updating when upgrading to different TurboGears2 versions. Sometimes there will be an error raised with the version required, or it simply will not run and you will have to do a logsdump here and we will have to sift through it together to track the failed step(s).
If everything is successful, push your branch to GitHub if you have not already, file a pull request, and pat yourself on the back. Job well done. We will review it and test it on our production-like setup and give feedback if any issues arise.
Post Upgrade
Use this issue to document any issues you faced during the upgrade process. Log dumps can be thrown here as well. Try to use the code syntax for large blocks of code so we can easily read through it. Otherwise, go crazy.
- [x] What broke, if anything? Just a simple list will suffice.
- [ ] Were there any files significantly changed or that requires significant attention?
- [ ] Can we move forward to the next upgrade?
- [ ] Any blockers now or that you foresee?
dependencies no-issue-activity