An efficient and easy-to-use deep learning model compression framework




TinyNeuralNetwork is an efficient and easy-to-use deep learning model compression framework, which contains features like neural architecture search, pruning, quantization, model conversion and etc. It has been utilized for the deployment on devices such as Tmall Genie, Haier TV, Youku video, face recognition check-in machine, and etc, which equips over 10 million IoT devices with AI capability.


Python >= 3.6, PyTorch >= 1.4( PyTorch >= 1.6 if quantization-aware training is involved )

# Install the TinyNeuralNetwork framework
git clone
cd TinyNeuralNetwork
python install

# Alternatively, you may try the one-liner
pip install git+

Basic modules

  • Computational graph capture: The Graph Tracer in TinyNeuralNetwork captures connectivity of PyTorch operators, which automates pruning and model quantization. It also supports code generation from PyTorch models to equivalent model description files (e.g.
  • Dependency resolving: Modifying an operator often causes mismatch in subgraph, i.e. mismatch with other dependent operators. The Graph Modifier in TinyNeuralNetwork handles the mismatchs automatically within and between subgraphs to automate the computational graph modification.
  • Pruner: OneShot (L1, L2, FPGM), ADMM, NetAdapt, Gradual, End2End and other pruning algorithms have been implemented and will be opened gradually.
  • Quantization-aware training: TinyNeuralNetwork uses PyTorch's QAT as the backend (we also support simulated bfloat16 training) and optimizes its usability with automating the fusion of operators and quantization of computational graphs (the official implementation requires manual implementation by the user, which is a huge workload).
  • Model conversion: TinyNeuralNetwork supports conversion of floating-point and quantized PyTorch models to TFLite models for end-to-end deployment. Architecture

Project architecture

  • examples: Provides examples of each module
  • models: Provides pre-trained models for getting quickstart
  • tests: Unit tests
  • tinynn: Code for model compression
    • graph : Foundation for computational graph capture, resolving, quantization, code generation, mask management, and etc
    • prune : Pruning algorithms
    • converter : Model converter
    • util: Utility classes


  • Nov. 2021: A new pruner with adaptive sparsity
  • Dec. 2021: Model compression for Transformers

Frequently Asked Questions

Because of the high complexity and frequent updates of PyTorch, we cannot ensure that all cases are covered through automated testing. When you encounter problems You can check out the FAQ, or join the Q&A group in DingTalk via the QR Code below.


  • Add extra output for inference

    Add extra output for inference

    Hi Author,

    I need to add some extra output tensors which are used for inference. These tensors are not referenced during training but just for inference after the conversion to tflite. My naive intention is to put some operations in forward as many as possible so as to relief the loading of post processing which has to be implemented by c/c++ code.

    For instance, some matrix ops such as reshape/sigmoid/multiply better be done by GPU/NPU instead of with CPU.

    I add some logic in forward to implement this requirement and the training goes well but the conversion to tflite fails with following error message: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/quantized/modules/", line 160, in mul r = ops.quantized.mul(x, y, scale=self.scale, zero_point=self.zero_point) RuntimeError: Mul operands should have same data type.

    Is there any feasible way or workaround for this scenario? The script attached. Thanks.

    opened by liamsun2019 44
  • Not able to use to generate  pytorch (mobilenet) to tflite(int8-quantized) for mobilenet model using Colab

    Not able to use to generate pytorch (mobilenet) to tflite(int8-quantized) for mobilenet model using Colab

    Please see the below colab that I am using to convert mobilet v2 from pytorch to tflite(int8)

    Getting the below erro]rs Traceback (most recent call last): File "./examples/converter/", line 9, in from examples.models.cifar10.mobilenet import DEFAULT_STATE_DICT, Mobilenet ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'examples.models'

    opened by nyadla-sys 31
  • Open AI Whisper pytorch model to tflite

    Open AI Whisper pytorch model to tflite

    @peterjc123 Could you please help us to convert below tiny english pytorch model to tflite model, Colab notebook would help me alot.

    Thanks in Advance..

    question awaiting response 
    opened by nyadla-sys 30
  • For an int8 QAT model, the dequantized weights/bias are different from the original model

    For an int8 QAT model, the dequantized weights/bias are different from the original model

    Hi, sorry to bother. This issue may not be directly related to tinynn. The scenario on my side is described as following:

    1. I perform int8 QAT based on an official float32 model.
    2. Only to fine tune some layers, I set requires_grad to False for all the other layers.
    3. The training goes normally and the conversion to tflite is also done.
    4. Use tf2onnx to dequantize the generated tflite and check the weights/bias. The weights/bias of the frozen layers are pretty different compared to the original model.

    My target is to keep the weights/bias the same with the original model for the frozen layers after dequantization. Not sure if it's feasible. As you know, the official float32 model performs well for most cases and I just want to fine tune a few layers. Meanwhile, considering the inference speed on some edge devices, I have to perform QAT since the post-training quantization is really worse.

    Thanks for your time.

    opened by liamsun2019 24
  • outputs are different between a QAT tflite and corresponding de-quantized onnx model

    outputs are different between a QAT tflite and corresponding de-quantized onnx model

    I got a QAT int8 per-channel tflite model. To check the accuracy, I compare the inference results between it and the de-quantized onnx model.

    1. python3.6 -m tf2onnx.convert --opset 11 --tflite test.tflite --output temp.onnx --dequantize python3.6 -m onnxsim temp.onnx test.onnx #test.onnx then holds float32 weights/bias
    2. Run test.onnx and test.tflite respectively, compare the inference results based on the same input. There are big differences between the results. The onnx model has much better inference results.

    I'm not pretty clear about the inference flow of a QAT tflite. Not sure such situation is normal or not. It's supposed to have similar results to that of onnx model.

    Attach onnx and tflite model for reference.

    opened by liamsun2019 19
  • RuntimeError rises up when converting qat model to tflite

    RuntimeError rises up when converting qat model to tflite

    Hi, my qat training goes well based on your sample code. But the conversion to tflite fails with the following error message:

    RuntimeError: Quantized copy only works with contiguous Tensors

    Based on the core trace, the error comes from: converter.convert()

    My codes are almost the same with the sample code:

    print("Start converting the model to TFLite") with torch.no_grad(): qat_model.eval() qat_model.cpu()

    # The step below converts the model to an actual quantized model, which uses the quantized kernels.
    qat_model = torch.quantization.convert(qat_model)                                                      
    # When converting quantized models to TFLite, please ensure the quantization backend is QNNPACK.
    torch.backends.quantized.engine = 'qnnpack'
    # The code section below is used to convert the model to the TFLite format
    converter = TFLiteConverter(qat_model, dummy_input, tflite_path='out/qat_model.tflite')

    By the way, I am curious how the trained qat model affect the conversion. Looks like the conversion could be done even without training. Not familiar with that, appreciate your help.Thanks.

    opened by liamsun2019 19
  • Any chance to support int16 quantization for QAT and mixed QAT?

    Any chance to support int16 quantization for QAT and mixed QAT?

    There is a kind of quantization that quantizes model with dynamic fixed point int16. Is there any chance to support int16 quantization for QAT and mixed QAT?

    opened by steven0129 15
  • Converting LiteHRNet pytorch model to TFLite, outputs don't match

    Converting LiteHRNet pytorch model to TFLite, outputs don't match

    Hi, this is really great work, thanks!

    I am able to convert the LiteHRNet model to TFLite without running into any issues. However, the outputs don't match up.

    Here is the output from sending ones through the network. Output is of shape [1,17,96,72]. I am just showing here output[0,0,0] from both pytorch and tflite:

    pytorch array([6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 1.8188522e-04, 1.7515068e-04, 1.9644469e-04, 1.6027213e-04, 1.9049855e-04, 1.5419864e-04, 1.2460010e-04, 9.0751186e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05], dtype=float32)
    tflite array([6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 1.1580180e-04, 2.3429818e-04, 3.9018277e-04, 7.7823577e-03, 1.8948119e-02, 2.8559987e-02, 3.3612434e-02, 2.5932681e-02, 1.2074142e-02, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05, 6.4367385e-05], dtype=float32)

    When I convert to tflite via the onnx route, the outputs do match. So my guess is that some of the transpose/reshapes for NHWC is not happening correctly but I am not sure. Looking for some insight into what would be the best way to debug this?

    Models: LiteHRNet pt trace LiteHRNet tiny tflite

    opened by simbara 15
  • Error from `avg_pool3d` & `Conv3D ` in 3D_CNN

    Error from `avg_pool3d` & `Conv3D ` in 3D_CNN


    问题1:x = F.avg_pool3d(x,[-3:])不支持

    ERROR (tinynn.converter.base) Unsupported ops: aten::avg_pool3d


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/leovin/Dynamic Gesture Detection/3D-CNNs/TinyNeuralNetwork/examples/converter/", line 50, in <module>
      File "/home/leovin/Dynamic Gesture Detection/3D-CNNs/TinyNeuralNetwork/examples/converter/", line 46, in main_worker
      File "/home/leovin/anaconda3/envs/dgr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TinyNeuralNetwork-0.1.20220310142810-py3.9.egg/tinynn/converter/", line 347, in convert
      File "/home/leovin/anaconda3/envs/dgr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TinyNeuralNetwork-0.1.20220310142810-py3.9.egg/tinynn/converter/operators/", line 1377, in optimize
      File "/home/leovin/anaconda3/envs/dgr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TinyNeuralNetwork-0.1.20220310142810-py3.9.egg/tinynn/converter/operators/", line 210, in transform_graph
        op.transform(self.graph, mapping)
      File "/home/leovin/anaconda3/envs/dgr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TinyNeuralNetwork-0.1.20220310142810-py3.9.egg/tinynn/converter/operators/tflite/", line 235, in transform
        assert False, "Only Conv[Transpose]1d/2d is supported"
    AssertionError: Only Conv[Transpose]1d/2d is supported
    Process finished with exit code 1

    Only Conv[Transpose]1d/2d is supported请问是因为不支持Conv3d吗?



    enhancement question awaiting response 
    opened by Le0v1n 14
  • Unsupported ops: argmax, expand, gather

    Unsupported ops: argmax, expand, gather

    Thanks for your excellent work. It will definitely help when converting the model from Pytorch to TFLite.

    When I try to convert the MoveNet ( to TFLite using tinynn converter, the log reported some unsupported ops: argmax, expand and gather. Hope you can support these ops later:)

    opened by lee-man 14
  • OneShotChannelPruner fails on Interpolate layer

    OneShotChannelPruner fails on Interpolate layer

    Hello author. I'm testing some encoder-decoder models here. After some experiments, it seems that implemented pruner is not working with interpolate layer.

    from tinynn.prune import OneShotChannelPruner
    import torch
    from torch import Tensor
    from torch import nn
    from torch.nn import functional as F
    class Interpolate(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
        def forward(self, x):
            return F.interpolate(x, (24, 24), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
    class Conv2d_Interpolate(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            self.conv2d = nn.Conv2d(3, 24, 3, padding = 1)
            self.interpolate = Interpolate()
        def forward(self, inTensor: Tensor):
            x = self.conv2d(inTensor)
            x = self.interpolate(x)
            return x
    model = Conv2d_Interpolate()
    dummy_input = torch.rand((1, 3, 192, 192))
    _ = model(dummy_input)
    pruner = OneShotChannelPruner(model, dummy_input, {"sparsity": {"default" : 0.25}, "metrics": "l2_norm"})

    running above codes gives error below.

    INFO (tinynn.graph.modifier) Start tracking tensor dimension changes...
    ERROR (tinynn.graph.modifier) error modifier = interpolate_0_f, type = <class 'tinynn.graph.tracer.TraceFunction'>, kind = 
    RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (24) must match the size of tensor b (192) at non-singleton dimension 3

    oneShotChannelPruner is not currently support interpolate layer?

    enhancement awaiting response 
    opened by anawkward 11
  • [converter] support new PyTorch operators

    [converter] support new PyTorch operators

    Below are the PyTorch operators that are yet to be supported.

    Unclassfied (New)


    Primitives (Python operators)

    • [x] aten::len

    Very easy (Constant generation or aliasing)

    • [x] aten::clamp_min
    • [x] aten::clamp_max
    • [x] aten::expand_as

    Easy (Direct mapping)

    Medium (Composite of multiple operators)

    • [x] aten::im2col
    • [x] aten::col2im
    • [x] aten::mish
    • [x] aten::group_norm
    • [ ] torchvision::nms

    Hard (No mapping or the mapping is too complex)

    • [ ] aten::grid_sample
    • [ ] quantized::instance_norm
    • [ ] quantized::layer_norm
    opened by peterjc123 3
  • QAT cause conversion error

    QAT cause conversion error

    Sorry for bothering again, when I use QAT on yolov5, the conversion of the model will cause significant errors. I compare them layer by layer and find out it starts to cause errors from the very first layer and I have no idea how to fix it.

    The generated script is here

    device = "cpu"
    dummy_input = torch.rand(1, 3, 640, 640)
    model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True)
    for k, m in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(m, Detect):
            m.inplace = False
            m.onnx_dynamic = True
            m.export = True
    quantizer = QATQuantizer(model, dummy_input, work_dir='out', config={'asymmetric': True, 'per_tensor': True})
    qat_model = quantizer.quantize()
    with torch.no_grad():  
        qat_model = torch.quantization.convert(qat_model)
        torch.backends.quantized.engine = quantizer.backend
        convert_and_compare(qat_model, './output/qat_model.tflite', dummy_input)
    opened by Raychen0617 13
  • A PTQ tflite model fails to pass benchmark test

    A PTQ tflite model fails to pass benchmark test

    My use case: Apply post training quantization to a pth model and convert to tflite. The generated tflite model fails to pass benchmark test with following error message: STARTING! Log parameter values verbosely: [0] Graph: [out/ptq_model.tflite] Loaded model out/ptq_model.tflite ERROR: tensorflow/lite/kernels/ t->params.scale != output->params.scale (3 != -657359264) ERROR: Node number 154 (CONCATENATION) failed to prepare. Failed to allocate tensors! Benchmarking failed.

    Pls refer to the attachment. Thanks.

    opened by liamsun2019 5
  • oneshotpruner fails when possible channel padding exists

    oneshotpruner fails when possible channel padding exists

    Hi author,

    For a certain model, oneshotpruner fails when there's channel padding with following error message:

    ERROR (tinynn.graph.modifier) All node's sparsity in one subgraph must be the same

    Please let me know if you need the model description file. Thanks.

    opened by liamsun2019 2
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