An automated scanning, enumeration, and note taking tool
Created by S1n1st3r
Meant to help easily go through Hack The Box machine and TryHackMe rooms and take good notes throughout the process.
This tool will run through a subdomain or single IP and scan it with nmap, search for exploits of the services it finds, and print out all the results in a markdown file so you can easily read through.
Quick start
# From github
git clone https://github.com/gsmith257-cyber/EV1L-J3ST3R.git
cd EV1L-J3ST3R
sudo apt-get install nikto
sudo apt-get install xsltproc
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 EV1L_J3ST3R.py
I am working on adding more features and simplifying some of the code so create a pull request if you have any ideas.