Bayesian Optimization over Permutation Spaces
This repository contains the source code and the resources related to the paper "Bayesian Optimization over Permutation Spaces" published at AAAI'22 conference.
Benchmark simulations
We provided three real-world benchmarks to drive future research on this important problem. They are described below:
- The simulator file is in floorplanning directory.
- The input is given in a permutation file (named 'permutation.txt') as a comma separated values from 0-10
- The output is given by running: ./floorplan_simulation b1_floorplan.blk
- Permutation file will be read by the simulation internally
- There are two variants: b1_floorplan.blk and b2_floorplan.blk
Cell Placement
- The simulator file is in cell_placement directory.
- The input is given in a permutation file (named 'permutation.txt') as a comma separated values from 0-10
- The output is given by running: ./cp_simulator ex10_40_2_3.dat
- Permutation file will be read by the simulation internally
Heterogeneous Manycore Design
- There is a dataset file named 'hmd_dataset.pkl' containing around 15K points
- hmd_dataset.pkl contains a dictionary with two keys 'points' (permutations) and 'vals' (objective values)
Source code
As discussed in the paper, we propose two algorithms: BOPS-T and BOPS-H. A good place to start is the floorplanning directory where the files '' and '' contains the code for BOPS-T and BOPS-H respectively.
BOPS-T utilizes an SDP solver (for acquisition function optimization) implemented here. BOPS-H is built on top of GPyTorch and BoTorch libraries. We thank the original authors for their code.