A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language.


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A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language.


pip install pyupgrade

As a pre-commit hook

See pre-commit for instructions

Sample .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade
    rev: v2.10.0
    -   id: pyupgrade

Implemented features

Set literals

set(())              # set()
set([])              # set()
set((1,))            # {1}
set((1, 2))          # {1, 2}
set([1, 2])          # {1, 2}
set(x for x in y)    # {x for x in y}
set([x for x in y])  # {x for x in y}

Dictionary comprehensions

dict((a, b) for a, b in y)    # {a: b for a, b in y}
dict([(a, b) for a, b in y])  # {a: b for a, b in y}

Python2.7+ Format Specifiers

'{0} {1}'.format(1, 2)    # '{} {}'.format(1, 2)
'{0}' '{1}'.format(1, 2)  # '{}' '{}'.format(1, 2)

printf-style string formatting


  • Unless --keep-percent-format is passed.
'%s %s' % (a, b)                  # '{} {}'.format(a, b)
'%r %2f' % (a, b)                 # '{!r} {:2f}'.format(a, b)
'%(a)s %(b)s' % {'a': 1, 'b': 2}  # '{a} {b}'.format(a=1, b=2)

Unicode literals


  • File imports from __future__ import unicode_literals
  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
u'foo'      # 'foo'
u"foo"      # 'foo'
u'''foo'''  # '''foo'''

Invalid escape sequences

# strings with only invalid sequences become raw strings
'\d'    # r'\d'
# strings with mixed valid / invalid sequences get escaped
'\n\d'  # '\n\\d'
# `ur` is not a valid string prefix in python3
u'\d'   # u'\\d'

# this fixes a syntax error in python3.3+
'\N'    # r'\N'

# note: pyupgrade is timid in one case (that's usually a mistake)
# in python2.x `'\u2603'` is the same as `'\\u2603'` without `unicode_literals`
# but in python3.x, that's our friend ☃

is / is not comparison to constant literals

In python3.8+, comparison to literals becomes a SyntaxWarning as the success of those comparisons is implementation specific (due to common object caching).

x is 5      # x == 5
x is not 5  # x != 5
x is 'foo'  # x == foo

ur string literals

ur'...' literals are not valid in python 3.x

ur'foo'         # u'foo'
ur'\s'          # u'\\s'
# unicode escapes are left alone
ur'\u2603'      # u'\u2603'
ur'\U0001f643'  # u'\U0001f643'

.encode() to bytes literals

'foo'.encode()           # b'foo'
'foo'.encode('ascii')    # b'foo'
'foo'.encode('utf-8')    # b'foo'
u'foo'.encode()          # b'foo'
'\xa0'.encode('latin1')  # b'\xa0'

Long literals

5L                            # 5
5l                            # 5
123456789123456789123456789L  # 123456789123456789123456789

Octal literals

0755  # 0o755
05    # 5

extraneous parens in print(...)

A fix for python-modernize/python-modernize#178

print(())                       # ok: printing an empty tuple
print((1,))                     # ok: printing a tuple
sum((i for i in range(3)), [])  # ok: parenthesized generator argument
print(("foo"))                  # print("foo")

super() calls


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
class C(Base):
    def f(self):
        super(C, self).f()   # super().f()

"new style" classes


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.

rewrites class declaration

class C(object): pass     # class C: pass
class C(B, object): pass  # class C(B): pass

removes __metaclass__ = type declaration

-__metaclass__ = type

forced str("native") literals


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
str()       # "''"
str("foo")  # "foo"



  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
"foo".encode("utf-8")  # "foo".encode()

# coding: ... comment


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.

as of PEP 3120, the default encoding for python source is UTF-8

-# coding: utf-8
 x = 1

__future__ import removal


  • by default removes nested_scopes, generators, with_statement
  • --py3-plus will also remove absolute_import / division / print_function / unicode_literals
  • --py37-plus will also remove generator_stop
-from __future__ import with_statement

Remove unnecessary py3-compat imports


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
-from io import open
-from six.moves import map
-from builtins import object  # python-future

rewrite mock imports


-from mock import patch
+from unittest.mock import patch

yield => yield from


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
def f():
    for x in y:       # yield from y
        yield x

    for a, b in c:    # yield from c
        yield (a, b)

if PY2 blocks


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
# input
if six.PY2:      # also understands `six.PY3` and `not` and `sys.version_info`
# output

remove six compatibility code


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
six.text_type             # str
six.binary_type           # bytes
six.class_types           # (type,)
six.string_types          # (str,)
six.integer_types         # (int,)
six.unichr                # chr
six.iterbytes             # iter
six.print_(...)           # print(...)
six.exec_(c, g, l)        # exec(c, g, l)
six.advance_iterator(it)  # next(it)
six.next(it)              # next(it)
six.callable(x)           # callable(x)

from six import text_type
text_type                 # str

@six.python_2_unicode_compatible  # decorator is removed
class C:
    def __str__(self):
        return u'C()'

class C(six.Iterator): pass              # class C: pass

class C(six.with_metaclass(M, B)): pass  # class C(B, metaclass=M): pass

@six.add_metaclass(M)   # class C(B, metaclass=M): pass
class C(B): pass

isinstance(..., six.class_types)    # isinstance(..., type)
issubclass(..., six.integer_types)  # issubclass(..., int)
isinstance(..., six.string_types)   # isinstance(..., str)

six.b('...')                            # b'...'
six.u('...')                            # '...'
six.byte2int(bs)                        # bs[0]
six.indexbytes(bs, i)                   # bs[i]
six.int2byte(i)                         # bytes((i,))
six.iteritems(dct)                      # dct.items()
six.iterkeys(dct)                       # dct.keys()
six.itervalues(dct)                     # dct.values()
next(six.iteritems(dct))                # next(iter(dct.items()))
next(six.iterkeys(dct))                 # next(iter(dct.keys()))
next(six.itervalues(dct))               # next(iter(dct.values()))
six.viewitems(dct)                      # dct.items()
six.viewkeys(dct)                       # dct.keys()
six.viewvalues(dct)                     # dct.values()
six.create_unbound_method(fn, cls)      # fn
six.get_unbound_function(meth)          # meth
six.get_method_function(meth)           # meth.__func__
six.get_method_self(meth)               # meth.__self__
six.get_function_closure(fn)            # fn.__closure__
six.get_function_code(fn)               # fn.__code__
six.get_function_defaults(fn)           # fn.__defaults__
six.get_function_globals(fn)            # fn.__globals__
six.raise_from(exc, exc_from)           # raise exc from exc_from
six.reraise(tp, exc, tb)                # raise exc.with_traceback(tb)
six.reraise(*sys.exc_info())            # raise
six.assertCountEqual(self, a1, a2)      # self.assertCountEqual(a1, a2)
six.assertRaisesRegex(self, e, r, fn)   # self.assertRaisesRegex(e, r, fn)
six.assertRegex(self, s, r)             # self.assertRegex(s, r)

# note: only for *literals*
six.ensure_binary('...')                # b'...'
six.ensure_str('...')                   # '...'
six.ensure_text('...')                  # '...'

open alias


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
-with io.open('f.txt') as f:
+with open('f.txt') as f:

redundant open modes


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
open("foo", "U")                      # open("foo")
open("foo", "Ur")                     # open("foo")
open("foo", "Ub")                     # open("foo", "rb")
open("foo", "rUb")                    # open("foo", "rb")
open("foo", "r")                      # open("foo")
open("foo", "rt")                     # open("foo")
open("f", "r", encoding="UTF-8")      # open("f", encoding="UTF-8")

OSError aliases


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
# input

# also understands:
# - IOError
# - WindowsError
# - mmap.error and uses of `from mmap import error`
# - select.error and uses of `from select import error`
# - socket.error and uses of `from socket import error`

    raise EnvironmentError('boom')
except EnvironmentError:
# output
    raise OSError('boom')
except OSError:

typing.Text str alias


  • --py3-plus is passed on the commandline.
-def f(x: Text) -> None:
+def f(x: str) -> None:

typing.NamedTuple / typing.TypedDict py36+ syntax


  • --py36-plus is passed on the commandline.
# input
NT = typing.NamedTuple('NT', [('a', int), ('b', Tuple[str, ...])])

D1 = typing.TypedDict('D1', a=int, b=str)

D2 = typing.TypedDict('D2', {'a': int, 'b': str})

# output

class NT(typing.NamedTuple):
    a: int
    b: Tuple[str, ...]

class D1(typing.TypedDict):
    a: int
    b: str

class D2(typing.TypedDict):
    a: int
    b: str



  • --py36-plus is passed on the commandline.
'{foo} {bar}'.format(foo=foo, bar=bar)  # f'{foo} {bar}'
'{} {}'.format(foo, bar)                # f'{foo} {bar}'
'{} {}'.format(foo.bar, baz.womp)       # f'{foo.bar} {baz.womp}'
'{} {}'.format(f(), g())                # f'{f()} {g()}'

note: pyupgrade is intentionally timid and will not create an f-string if it would make the expression longer or if the substitution parameters are anything but simple names or dotted names (as this can decrease readability).

remove parentheses from @functools.lru_cache()


  • --py38-plus is passed on the commandline.
 import functools

 def expensive():

replace @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) with shorthand


  • --py39-plus is passed on the commandline.
 import functools

 def expensive():

pep 585 typing rewrites


  • File imports from __future__ import annotations
    • Unless --keep-runtime-typing is passed on the commandline.
  • --py39-plus is passed on the commandline.
-def f(x: List[str]) -> None:
+def f(x: list[str]) -> None:

pep 604 typing rewrites


  • File imports from __future__ import annotations
    • Unless --keep-runtime-typing is passed on the commandline.
  • --py310-plus is passed on the commandline.
-def f() -> Optional[str]:
+def f() -> str | None:
-def f() -> Union[int, str]:
+def f() -> int | str:
  • Use original source when building f-strings

    Use original source when building f-strings

    Working at the AST level meant we only handled a small subset of Python when generating f-strings. By extracting the original code as a string we can handle many more cases.

    ~~A disadvantage of this approach is that it requires Python ≥ 3.8 for ast.expr.end_lineno, ast.expr.end_col_offset.~~ This now uses the token stream like everything else, avoiding that requirement.

    opened by andersk 14
  • 'yield from' rewrite unsafe when looping variable is referenced later

    'yield from' rewrite unsafe when looping variable is referenced later

    Consider the example code:

    def foo(it):
        item = None
        for item in it:
            yield item
        print("Last item", item)

    With --py3-plus, this is transformed to:

    def foo(it):
        item = None
        yield from it
        print("Last item", item)

    But these are not equivalent. The line print("Last item", item) now always prints None rather than the last item of the passed iterable.

    This was discovered in more-itertools:


    bug help wanted 
    opened by jdufresne 13
  • py3-plus: .encode('utf-8') → .encode() & .decode('utf-8') → .decode()

    py3-plus: .encode('utf-8') → .encode() & .decode('utf-8') → .decode()

    In Python 3, the first positional argument to .encode() and .decode() defaults to 'utf-8'. This was not the case with Python 2:

    https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.encode https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#bytes.decode

    As this is the most common value passed, there could be a transform to simplify the calls to just .encode() or .decode() (without the first positional argument). This could help clean up and simplify modern Python code by removing noise.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by jdufresne 12
  • Presence of future annotation import causes improper application of PEP 604 for Python 3.7

    Presence of future annotation import causes improper application of PEP 604 for Python 3.7

    Given these file contents:

    # foo.py
    from __future__ import annotations
    from typing import Optional
    def some_function(some_arg: Optional[str] = None):

    Running the following command:

    $ pyupgrade --py37-plus

    Rewrites the file contents to:

    # foo.py
    from __future__ import annotations
    from typing import Optional
    def some_function(some_arg: str | None = None):

    Which to my understanding is not valid before Python 3.10. Note that if the from __future__ import annotations line is not present initially, the file remains unchanged.

    This is the case on at least versions 2.29.1 and 2.31.0.

    opened by daneah 11
  • TokenError


    Thank you very much for writing this tool!!

    I want to run pyupgrade over a project that probably still contains code that raises a syntax error when imported in a python3 interpreter.

    pyupgrade --py36-plus outputs is the following in a python3.7 conda env:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/bin/pyupgrade", line 10, in <module>
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyupgrade.py", line 1428, in main
        ret |= fix_file(filename, args)
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyupgrade.py", line 1397, in fix_file
        contents_text = _fix_format_literals(contents_text)
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyupgrade.py", line 107, in _fix_format_literals
        tokens = src_to_tokens(contents_text)
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tokenize_rt.py", line 44, in src_to_tokens
        ) in tokenize.generate_tokens(tokenize_target.readline):
      File "/home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/tokenize.py", line 579, in _tokenize
        raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0))
    tokenize.TokenError: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (350, 0))

    Unfortunately this exception is not very helpful, since it doesn't really tell me which file lead to this exception. Note that filename2.py is not the culprit, because it doesn't have a line with number 350.

    IMO pyupgrade should avoid showning tracebacks by defaults, but instead output filename+linum of the faulty files.

    Tested it with

    (py37) > $ conda list pyupgrade                                                                                 [±master ●●]
    # packages in environment at /home/thomas/miniconda/envs/py37:
    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
    pyupgrade                 1.17.0                     py_0    conda-forge

    BTW pyupgrade doesn't have a --version cli flag.

    opened by thisch 11
  • add inline ignore comment

    add inline ignore comment

    I have a py3.10 code base and run pyupgrade via pre-commit.

    In this code base I use pydantic models which use

    standard library typing types as defined in PEP 484 to define complex objects.

    link to docs

    So I have to define a model like this (example from docs):

    from typing import List
    from pydantic import BaseModel
    class Model(BaseModel):
        simple_list: list = None
        list_of_ints: List[int] = None

    Which in turn gets modified by pyupgrade:

    class Model(BaseModel):
        simple_list: list = None
    -    list_of_ints: List[int] = None
    +    list_of_ints: list[int] = None

    And this results in a RuntimeError from pydantic.

    To prevent this I currently use the workaround of skiping the model files whole which I luckily have in their own subpackage by ignoring them via the pre-commit config. But skiping them whole is a strong solution and I would rather skip single lines with something like a # noqa comment of some sort.

    opened by Cielquan 10
  • Replace typing.List with list and others

    Replace typing.List with list and others


    Python 3.9 (and Python 3.7 if you do from __future__ import annotations) will let you write

    from typing import List
    def a(my_arg: List) -> List:
        return []


    def a(my_arg: list) -> list:
        return []

    Same goes for typing.Dict and a bunch of others, see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0585/

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by verhovsky 10
  • some way to skip replacing mock with unittest.mock

    some way to skip replacing mock with unittest.mock

    when you're using python 3.6 or 3.7 unittest.mock.AsyncMock is unavailable, but mock.AsyncMock is available if you're using the latest backport

    there should be some way to skip replacing mock with unittest.mock, or the fixer should be moved to --py38-plus and then to a later --py...-plus as and when unittest.mock gains features

    opened by graingert 10
  • Fix unsafe yield from rewrite

    Fix unsafe yield from rewrite

    Fixes #216.

    Prevents rewrite for-loop yield if a loop variable referenced after the loop.

    Also, it fixes along the way the case with yield outside the function. Now pyupgrade doesn't rewrite it:

    # before
    $ echo "for x in y: yield x" | pyupgrade - --py3-plus
    yield from y
    # after
    $ echo "for x in y: yield x" | pyupgrade - --py3-plus
    for x in y: yield x

    I don't know is it intentional behavior or not. Please, inform if it is.

    Additionally, I've added a test for lambda yield (weird but syntactically possible), since there is Union[ast.FunctionDef, ast.Lambda].

    opened by atugushev 9
  • Auto-detect minimal Python version

    Auto-detect minimal Python version

    opened by kdeldycke 8
  • TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)

    Hi there. I have an edge-case where pyupgrade suggested breaking changes to my code, which I think is because it assumes that any usage of ** implies that it's a dictionary and can be |'d with other dictionaries. I'm running pyupgrade with --py39-plus.

    from collections.abc import Mapping
    class A(Mapping):
        proxy = {"foo": 1}
        def __getitem__(self, k):
            return self.proxy.__getitem__(k)
        def __len__(self):
            return self.proxy.__len__()
        def __iter__(self):
            return self.proxy.__iter__()
    a = A()
    b = {"bar": 2}
    # Basic assumption holds.
    assert {**a} == {"foo": 1}
    # Original code works.
    assert {**a, **b} == {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    # Pyupgrade suggestion
    assert a | b == {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'A' and 'dict'

    Is this an edge-case that Pyupgrade should handle, or is it safe to assume that any class that uses ** needs to implement compatibility with a dictionary union?

    opened by christianbundy 8
  • RFE: configparser deprecations/removals

    RFE: configparser deprecations/removals

    configparser contains some deprecated items, some of which will start causing failures as of 3.12. I suppose pyupgrade could fix these up:

    • ParsingError.filename -> ParsingError.source
    • RawConfigParser.readfp -> RawConfigParser.read_file
    • SafeConfigParser -> ConfigParser

    All these replacements are available as of 3.2, so I suppose py36plus would be the target.

    opened by scop 1
  • an option to use the currently executing python version to determine what the rewrite target is

    an option to use the currently executing python version to determine what the rewrite target is

    discussed a bit with @hynek on twitter -- mostly need to bikeshed a name

    basically an alternative to the --py36-plus options but instead uses the currently running python

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by asottile 1
  • Prefer property decorator to explicit call

    Prefer property decorator to explicit call

    This is a feature request for pyupgrade.

    Prior to Python 2.4, it wasn't possible to use decorators, so properties were had to be implemented in a two-step process. I recently stumbled onto such code and had hopes pyupgrade would automatically fix that usage, but alas, it did not. It would be nice if pyupgrade could support upgrading that syntax.

    Even better would be if it could also upgrade the setter syntax and maybe others (I don't think I've ever used a deleter).

    Given the age of Python 2.3 compatible code, it may not be worthwhile implementing this upgrade, but I thought I'd register the concern.

    opened by jaraco 0
  • unittest.makeSuite() with prefix incorrectly rewritten

    unittest.makeSuite() with prefix incorrectly rewritten

    return unittest.makeSuite(Test, 'test')

    is rewritten to:

    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test, 'test')

    which is invalid:

        return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test, 'test')
    TypeError: TestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

    This works:

    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
    bug help wanted 
    opened by cjmayo 2
  • added isinstance and issubclass (tuple to type union) support

    added isinstance and issubclass (tuple to type union) support

    Small plugin for changing

    isinstance(value, (type1, type2, type3, ...))
    issubclass(value, (type1, type2, type3, ...))


    isinstance(value, type1 | type2 | type3 | ...)
    issubclass(value, type1 | type2 | type3 | ...)

    as was enabled in pep-0604

    Additionally added:

    • some stuff in .gitignore
    • tokenize-rt library to requirements-dev.txt (for some reason it was not present there. Maybe we should pin version?)

    P.S: isinstance and issubclass have a weird signature:

    __obj: object, __class_or_tuple: type | types.UnionType | tuple[type | types.UnionType | tuple[Any, ...], ...]

    which means it is possible to pass a tuple of types inside tuple of types and it will work. I have never seen anyone using this, so I leave it as it is.

    opened by leshark 2
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A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps

boring-flutter A Python r2pipe script to automatically create a Frida hook to intercept TLS traffic for Flutter based apps. Currently only supporting

Hamza 64 Oct 18, 2022
python3.5+ hubspot client based on hapipy, but modified to use the newer endpoints and non-legacy python

A python wrapper around HubSpot's APIs, for python 3.5+. Built initially around hapipy, but heavily modified. Check out the documentation here! (thank

Jacobi Petrucciani 140 Dec 21, 2022
Stand-alone parser for User Access Logging from Server 2012 and newer systems

KStrike Stand-alone parser for User Access Logging from Server 2012 and newer systems BriMor Labs KStrike This script will parse data from the User Ac

BriMor Labs 69 Nov 1, 2022
Find version automatically based on git tags and commit messages.

GIT-CONVENTIONAL-VERSION Find version automatically based on git tags and commit messages. The tool is very specific in its function, so it is very fl

null 0 Nov 7, 2021