Quantized tflite models for ailia TFLite Runtime



Quantized tflite models for ailia TFLite Runtime

About ailia TFLite Runtime

ailia TF Lite Runtime is a TensorFlow Lite compatible inference engine. Written in C99, it supports inference in Non-OS and RTOS. It also supports high-speed inference using Intel MKL on a PC, and operates 29 times faster than the official TensorFlow Lite.


Get the ailia TF Lite Runtime package from ax Inc. Run the following command.

cd ailia_tflite_runtime/python
python3 bootstrap.py
pip3 install .


Face detection

Model Reference Exported From Netron
BlazeFace PINTO_model_zoo TensorFlow Netron

Face recognition

Model Reference Exported From Netron
Face Mesh PINTO_model_zoo TensorFlow Netron

Hand recognition

Model Reference Exported From Netron
Blaze Hand PINTO_model_zoo TensorFlow Netron

Image classification

Model Reference Exported From Netron
MobileNet MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications Keras Netron
MobileNetV2 MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks Keras Netron
ResNet50 tf.keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50 Keras Netron

Image segmentation

Model Reference Exported From Netron
DeepLabv3+ PINTO_model_zoo TensorFlow Netron

Object detection

Model Reference Exported From Netron
MobileNetV2-SSDLite PINTO_model_zoo TensorFlow Netron
YOLOv3 tiny tensorflow-yolov4-tflite TensorFlow Netron


You can benchmark with the -b option. You can use the official TensorFlow Lite with the --tflite option.

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