Tornadmin is an admin site generation framework for Tornado web server.


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Admin site for Tornado web server.

DocumentationPython >= 3.7

/!\ Work in progress


Tornadmin is an admin site generation framework for Tornado web server. It is inspired a little by Django-Admin and a lot by Flask-Admin.

Supported database ORMs

  • Tortoise ORM
  • SQLAlchemy


Install via pip:

$ pip install tornadmin


Quickstart and usage docs can be found at



If you've found this library useful, and if you wish to support me you can:

  • Conflict while doing list header lookup

    Conflict while doing list header lookup

    Every ModelAdmin class has a few internal attributes such as name. If the model also has a field called name which is specified in the list_headers, then the resolver tries to use the value from the admin.

    The admin's attribute must only be called when it's a callable. Otherwise call the model's attributes.

    opened by bhch 0
  • In get_value function (from utils.template), if a callable returns another callable, it won't be called.

    In get_value function (from utils.template), if a callable returns another callable, it won't be called.


    def x():
        return "Hello"
    def y():
        return x
    get_value(x) -> "Hello"
    get_value(y) -> <function.__main__.x()>
    # Expected:
    get_value(y) -> "Hello"

    It should also call returned callables.

    opened by bhch 0
  • Allow using ModelAdmin class's attributes and standalone functions in list_headers

    Allow using ModelAdmin class's attributes and standalone functions in list_headers

    Currently, only a model's attirbutes (methods and fields) can be used in list_header. Provide support for using model admin's attributes and standalone functions as well.

    opened by bhch 0
  • Preserve querystring upon redirection after action

    Preserve querystring upon redirection after action

    Suppose user searches for some thing, and then performs an action on the searched results. When the action redirects back to the list page, the search results are lost.

    It seems better ux to preserve the search or filtered results or page number etc.

    opened by bhch 0
  • File uploads

    File uploads

    Form related tasks:

    • [ ] File inputs
    • [ ] Use enctype="multipart/form-data" on forms which have file inputs

    Upload related tasks:

    • [ ] Django like storage classes
    opened by bhch 0
  • Return 404 status when request app or model admin doesn't exist

    Return 404 status when request app or model admin doesn't exist

    Currently the handler doesn't return 404 even when a requested app or model admin doesn't exist.

    Also, fix BaseAdminSite.get_registered() method. It returns a tuple (None, None) when no admin is found. It should return a single None.

    opened by bhch 1
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