Sample-specific Bayesian Networks
A framework for estimating the structures and parameters of Bayesian networks (DAGs) at per-sample or per-patient resolution, formally dubbed NOTMAD (NO-TEARS Mixtures of Archetypal DAGs).
Based on the manuscript NOTMAD: Estimating Bayesian Networks with Sample-Specific Structures and Parameters.
Implemented by Dr. Ben Lengerich (MIT) and Caleb Ellington (CMU)
Install and Use NOTMAD
pip install git+
Then in your Python notebook/script use
from notmad.notmad import NOTMAD
Load your Context data C
and Target data X
, specify hyperparameters, and train the model
C, X = your_data_loader()
sample_specific_loss_params = {'l1': 0., 'alpha': 2e1, 'rho': 1e0}
archetype_loss_params = {'l1': 0., 'alpha': 1e-1, 'rho': 1e-2}
model = NOTMAD(C.shape, X.shape, k_archetypes,
sample_specific_loss_params, archetype_loss_params), X, batch_size=1, epochs=50)
Then use it to estmate samples-specific networks! Simple as that.
ss_networks = model.predict_w(C_unseen)
Reproduce Experiments
First, clone the repo where you wish to run the experiments (We recommend somewhere that has a GPU and can run Jupyter notebooks)
Run one round of simulations with
to compare population-based, cluster-based, and sample-specific network inference. Results will be under experiments/simulations/results/
by default.
Real Data
To estimate single-cell regulatory networks using SNARE-seq and NOTMAD and reproduce our figures, run the notebook at experiments/SNAREseq_demo/single_cell_networks.ipynb