Browse Dash docsets inside emacs


Helm Dash

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What's it

This package uses Dash docsets inside emacs to browse documentation. Here's an article explaining the basic usage of it.

It doesn't require Dash app.

What's not

If you're looking for dash.el, the list library, please go to dash.el



It's available on MELPA.

Now, it's possible to choose between install the stable or development version of helm-dash. Here there is an explanation about stable packages and MELPA and here a list of our tags.

m-x package-install helm-dash RET

Installing docsets

Helm-dash uses the same docsets as Dash. You can install them with m-x helm-dash-install-docset for the official docsets or m-x helm-dash-install-user-docset for user contributed docsets (experimental).

To install a docset from a file in your drive you can use m-x helm-dash-install-docset-from-file'. That function takes as input a tgzfile that you obtained, starting from a folder named.docset`, with the command:

tar --exclude='.DS_Store' -cvzf .tgz .docset

as explained here.


m-x helm-dash RET will run helm with your active docsets loaded. Typing substrings of what you search will find-as-you-type.

  • The search starts from 3 chars.
  • Install new docsets with m-x helm-dash-install-docset
  • After installing a new docset, add the name of the docset to `helm-dash-common-docsets' or in 'helm-dash-docsets' (which is ment to be buffer local)

m-x helm-dash-at-point RET is like helm-dash, but it will prefill the search input with the symbol at point.

The command helm-dash-reset-connections will clear the connections to all sqlite db's. Use it in case of errors when adding new docsets. The next call to helm-dash will recreate them.

Variables to customize

helm-dash-docsets-path is the prefix for your docsets. Defaults to ~/.docsets

helm-dash-min-length tells helm-dash from which length to start searching. Defaults to 3.

helm-dash-browser-func is a function to encapsulate the way to browse Dash' docsets. Defaults to browse-url. For example, if you want to use eww to browse your docsets, you can do: (setq helm-dash-browser-func 'eww).

When helm-dash-enable-debugging is non-nil stderr from sqlite queries is captured and displayed in a buffer. The default value is t. Setting this to nil may speed up queries on some machines (capturing stderr requires the creation and deletion of a temporary file for each query).

Sets of Docsets

Common docsets

`helm-dash-common-docsets' is a list that should contain the docsets to be active always. In all buffers.

Buffer local docsets

Different subsets of docsets can be activated depending on the buffer. For the moment (it may change in the future) we decided it's a plain local variable you should setup for every different filetype. This way you can also do fancier things like project-wise docsets sets.

(defun go-doc ()
  (setq-local dash-docs-docsets '("Go")))

(add-hook 'go-mode-hook 'go-doc)

Only one docset

To narrow the search to just one docset, type its name in the beginning of the search followed by a space. If the docset contains spaces, no problemo, we handle it :D.


  • Does it work in osX?

sqlite queries. Provisionally, we're executing shell-commands directly. Our idea is come back to use esqlite when some issues will be fixed.

helm-dash has been tested only in linux. We've been notified that it doesn't work in Mac, so we ask for elisp hackers who own something that runs Mac OSX if they could take a look at it.

Hints: It looks like something with 'end of line' differences. The suspicious are esqlite (which helm-dash requires) or pcsv (which esqlite requires)

  • I'm using mac osx and pages open but not in the correct anchor

bug on mac osx's browse-url which can't open urls with #. If you find this issue, and want to debug, great, otherwise, you can use eww or w3 or w3m which will work just fine

  • I get nil for every search I do

make sure you don't have sqlite3 .mode column but .mode list (the default). check your .sqliterc

  • When selecting an item in helm-dash, no browser lookup occurs with firefox >= 38.0.and emacs >= 24.4


(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
      browse-url-generic-program "/path/to/firefox")
(setq helm-dash-browser-func 'browse-url-generic)


We feedback, issues or pull requests. Feel free to contribute in helm-dash.

We're trying to add tests to the project, if you send a PR please consider add new or update the existing ones.

Install Cask if you haven't already, then:

$ cd /path/to/helm-dash
$ cask

Run all tests with:

$ make


  • Split dash-docs specific logic into separate library

    Split dash-docs specific logic into separate library

    It would be great to have the hard work put into this package to interact with Dash docsets available to other packages without requiring any dependencies on helm. I personally use counsel-dash in my configuration which depends on helm-dash and as a result requires that I load helm as well. This would additionally encourage other packages to be created that can leverage dash docs as well.

    To this end I've got a work in progress implementation of this separate library along with what I think is a smooth transition path forward for both helm-dash and counsel-dash. I've created a separate project for an elisp package called dash-docs. I created the dash-docs repo using the helm-dash repo to retain full git history since most of the functionality remains unchanged apart from being renamed. I'll also mention, that if this proposal is accepted I will be happy to transfer ownsership of this repository.

    This new package dash-docs.el contains most of the dash specific code and both helm-dash.el and counsel-dash.el will depend on this common package. I've also updated both packages to maintain their current user interface requiring no changes to downstream users and simply use this new package to drive all of the dash specific logic.

    Updated Repositories:

    • dash-docs:
    • helm-dash:
    • counsel-dash:

    Proposed Migration Strategy:

    • Publish dash-docs package to MELPA
    • Publish new version of helm-dash that depends on dash-docs
      • counsel-dash will still function properly as it depends on functions still exposed in helm-dash
    • Submit PR / Publish new version of counsel-dash

    Things Left to Do:

    1. Create new in dash-docs repo.
    2. Verify tests, perform additional testing, minor cleanup.
    3. Verify each step in "Proposed Migration Strategy" will not break anything for existing users.

    Sorry for the long issue. Please let me know what you think about this proposal and if you'd like me to change anything about it or if you see any problems proceeding this way.


    opened by gilbertw1 31
  • add support for ivy-mode etc completion system?

    add support for ivy-mode etc completion system?

    I hope dash.el can add support for other completion systems like ivy-mode. helm-dash should add a customizable variable helm-dash-completion-system so that user can set user own favourite item like ido, ivy etc.

    opened by stardiviner 23
  • Finding a way to support Windows

    Finding a way to support Windows

    I know, I know, boo Windows, but let's see if we can't figure this out.

    tar and weird paths

    Emacs seems to do a good job of handling weird paths: for instance, directory-files correctly lists the files for the string "C:\\Users\\Matt\\/.docsets". So that's great, but external programs will have trouble with that.

    Sadly, there may need to be two special cases for Windows users here: one for people who use Cygwin, and one for more Windows-like versions of Unix programs (GnuWin32, UnixUtils, MsysGit, etc). I use Cygwin, so what follows works for me, but it should probably be the backup case if the default fails.

    The first hangup is when using helm-dash-install-docset. Under Cygwin, the only way I could get tar to work was to use the cygpath program to convert the target file to an absolute path. helm-dash-docsets-path seems to work as-is though, strangely. Working example, with a pre-downloaded archive:

    (let ((testing "C:\\Users\\Matt\\.docsets\\LaTeX.tar.bz2"))
        (shell-command-to-string (format "tar xvf %s -C %s"
            (s-trim (shell-command-to-string 
                (format "cygpath -a %s" testing))) helm-dash-docsets-path)))

    With cygpath, -a generates absolute paths, and it looks like shell-command-to-string keeps the trailing newline, so I'm trimming that with s.el.

    If I add a call to cygpath in helm-dash-install-docset, I can in fact get docsets installed. Yay! But I don't know the best way to conditionally activate the cygpath conversion. Maybe try tar without, then it if fails, check for a cygpath executable on $PATH, and use it if one is found?

    That is, assuming other distributions of Unix utilities opt for a more Windows-like approach, and should handle normal Windows paths. That being said, I've tested a bit with the MsysGit version of tar, and it seems to suck just as much as the Cygwin version - I couldn't get it to work at all with any absolute path, only relative ones. Sigh.

    Beyond tar

    With the Emacs Lisp docset installed, and this line executed:

    (setq helm-dash-common-docsets '("Emacs Lisp"))

    I don't get any results from running helm-dash, no matter what I type. I've installed esqlite, and pcsv, and they seem to at least load correctly. I'm not getting any error messages or warnings. At this stage, I don't have an easy guess for what the error might be. I'd be happy to test any likely sources of errors, though :)

    opened by MatthewDarling 19
  • Use docsets from Zeal

    Use docsets from Zeal

    Since I am on Windows, I have to use Zeal as my document browser. Zeal creates a subfolder /Doc where all docsets live in. Like so: "../Zeal/Doc/Python_3.docset" I understand that these are the same as in dash? Is there a way to use these docsets with helm-dash? I already tried: (setq helm-dash-docsets-path "C:/Users/")

    opened by sanklamm 17
  • No data base connection on OS X

    No data base connection on OS X

    Using helm-dash after installing Python_3 docset via helm-dash-install-docset on OS X gives the error (see below for full Backtrace):

    esqlite: "Stream buffer has been deleted"

    How can I debug this further? Is relevant information missing?

    Used Versions: helm-dash from MELPA (20140114.1710) esqlite from MELPA (20140115.728) emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin)


    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (esqlite-error "Stream buffer has been deleted")
      signal(esqlite-error ("Stream buffer has been deleted"))
      esqlite--error("Stream buffer has been deleted")
      esqlite-stream-read(#<process Esqlite> "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' LIMIT 1")
      helm-dash-docset-type(#<process Esqlite>)
      #[(x) "\303  \"?\205
    opened by phaebz 15
  • Add display of errors from sqlite3 command

    Add display of errors from sqlite3 command

    Fixes #80.

    stderr from sqlite3 is sent to a file, which is then displayed as a buffer if it contains any text after the command has finished. This is based on the shell-command function, which seems to be the only one which provides useful error handling (but shell-command is not general enough for us to use directly).

    Additionally by using call-process instead of call-process-shell-command we get an error if the sqlite3 command cannot be found (my comment below was wrong, I didn't reset the connections properly when I tested it).

    Finally I thought that helm-dash-sql was getting a bit too complicated and messy after these changes, so I moved the parsing out into a separate function.

    opened by davidshepherd7 14
  • helm-dash does not provide any candidate

    helm-dash does not provide any candidate


    I can not get helm-dash to provide any candidate even though docsets seem to be installed correctly and variables set up just as well.

    I am using Emacs 24.3.1 on MacOSX Mavericks, and have not yet tested on other platforms. helm-dash is master merged with #40.

    Here is my configuration:

    How can I debug docset queries ?

    screen shot 2014-02-04 at 13 29 45

    opened by jwintz 13
  • `browse-url` fails

    `browse-url` fails

    I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 on Macos. It seems that url browsing does not work. When I try:

    (browse-url "file:///Users/asok/.docsets/Ruby on Rails.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/")

    In the *Messages* I see:

    #<process open file:///Users/asok/.docsets/Ruby on Rails.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/>

    And no browser's window is opened. Though when I strip the #target part of the url:

    (browse-url "file:///Users/asok/.docsets/Ruby on Rails.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/")

    The browser window is opened with the html file.

    It might be the bug mentioned here (under the section named: "Bug" in browse-url-default-windows-browser).

    Maybe it's worth mentioning that in the README.

    opened by asok 13
  • helm-dash does not complete (seems does not connect to docsets correctly)

    helm-dash does not complete (seems does not connect to docsets correctly)

    I install helm-dash through el-get. And configure it with:

    (require 'helm-dash)
    (setq helm-dash-docsets-path (expand-file-name "~/.docsets")
          helm-dash-min-length 3
          ;; helm-dash-completing-read-func 'completing-read ; 'completing-read, 'ido-completing-read
          helm-dash-browser-func 'browse-url ; 'browse-url, 'eww
          ;; helm-dash-connections
          helm-dash-common-docsets '("Ruby" "Ruby on Rails"
                                     "HTML" "CSS" "JavaScript" "CoffeeScript"
                                     "Common_Lisp" "Clojure"
                                     "C" "Go"
                                     "SQLite" "MySQL" "Redis" "MongoDB"
                                     "Vagrant" "Nginx"
          ;; helm-dash-docsets
    (define-key help-document-map (kbd "C-d") 'helm-dash-at-point)

    After download docsets with helm-dash-install-docsets. And when I execute [M-x helm-dash]. It only show Ruby nil or Ruby on Rails nil. I also tried command helm-dash-active-docsets. None of them can work correctly.

    opened by stardiviner 12
  • Mac gnutls.c: [0] (Emacs) fatal error: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

    Mac gnutls.c: [0] (Emacs) fatal error: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

    I tried to install the Common Lisp and the CoffeeScript docs on Mac OS X 10.8. Both failed with this error message

    gnutls.c: [0] (Emacs) fatal error: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

    Afterwards calling helm-dash will result in

    esqlite--error: esqlite: "unable to open database \"~/.docsets/Common_Lisp.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx\": unable to open database file
    opened by ksjogo 11
  • Filters


    From @agpchil 's code, I did my take on the filtering. Not very clear which is the best approach. As it is now.

    We don't have a way to deactivate a docset via elisp. The 'active' docsets are all the docsets installed in the machine. Then the filtering is ment to be done on a per-buffer basis.

    If there's no modification of the per-buffer, we use the global one, which has everything.

    opened by kidd 11
  • (Read before posting) Project unmaintained?

    (Read before posting) Project unmaintained?

    Some metrics (as of Jun '22):

    • Last project commit is 3y ago.
    • 21 open issues (oldest from 2015), with support (non-feature) requests unanswered since 3y ago.
    • 8 open PR (oldest from 2016), incl. 4 without any review dating 4y ago (even a trivial doc fix from mine at #200).

    I'm experiencing some already reported, unresolved, issues. For those like me looking for alternatives, you might want to check these packages:

    opened by pataquets 4
  • Readme: fix formatting

    Readme: fix formatting

    @areina Minor readme fixes. Also pinging about maintenance status, since there are a handful PR and maybe nobody got ~noticed~ notified, as it's owned by an org, and notifications are going unnoticed.

    opened by pataquets 1
  • When using helm from terminal emacs, typing too quickly may result in helm unexpectedly closing

    When using helm from terminal emacs, typing too quickly may result in helm unexpectedly closing

    This relates to the following issue in helm.

    The issue is that helm-dash uses :candidates instead of :candidates-process. In terminal emacs, this will break because a C-g is generated by typing quickly as the terminal will hang while generating candidates with the external process.

    (defun helm-dash--build-source (docset)
      "Build a Helm source for DOCSET."
      (lexical-let ((docset docset))
        (helm-build-sync-source (car docset)
          :action-transformer #'helm-dash-actions
          :candidates (lambda ()
                        (cl-loop for row in (helm-dash--run-query docset helm-pattern)
                                 collect (helm-dash--candidate docset row)))
          :volatile t
          :persistent-help "View doc"
          :requires-pattern helm-dash-min-length)))

    That would require some re-engineering. Alternatively, a inhibit-quit can be placed inside the lambda. This would fix it for terminal emacs.

    Here is an example of the correct way to implement a source by using an emacs process.

    opened by mullikine 0
  • Opens wrong url/Installs docset in wrong location ? (macos)

    Opens wrong url/Installs docset in wrong location ? (macos)

    I have installed the plugin, downloaded the docs I needed, and (snippet from the FAQ) configured the plugin to open docs in firefox like so:

    (setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
        browse-url-generic-program "/Applications/")
    (setq helm-dash-browser-func 'browse-url-generic)

    Trying to open documentation for a particular symbol returns a 'file not found' in firefox however.

    This was the url helm-dash produced: file:////{home directory}/Library/Application%20Support/Dash/DocSets/Python_3/Python%203.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/doc/library/enum.html#//apple_ref/Module/enum

    browsing this path in finder, I found that the file with the desired contents in fact had the location:

    file:///{home directory}/Library/Application%20Support/Dash/DocSets/Python%203.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/doc/library/enum.html

    The difference in the paths (besides from the html anchor) is "Python_3" subdirectory in Dash/DocSets/.

    The file .../Dash/DocSets/Python_3/Python%203.docset does exist though, but it doesn't actually contain the docset - the package with the right docs is in the parent directory.

    Screenshot 2021-03-22 at 20 46 24 (package with correct docs circled in green, package helm-dash generated a link for circled in red)

    It looks like either the documentation package was installed in the wrong location, or helm-dash is generating the wrong path to browse to it.

    As a workaround for now I have moved the docset with the correct contents into the Python_3 subdirectory, overwriting the other one, and now the plugin is working as expected.

    opened by joelstrouts 1
  • Bad comment header in dash-docs.el.

    Bad comment header in dash-docs.el.

    The first lines of the comment header of dash-docs.el., is a paste of the one of helm-dash.el. So it gives as url instead of And the wrong url is also used in melpa, so when you want some info about the package you are redirected to helm-dash. Please correct this url. (I am to lazy to make a pull request for this tiny detail.)

    opened by marczz 1
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