A Tensorflow implementation of the Text Conditioned Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Images from text descriptions



This is the official Tensorflow implementation of TAC-GAN model presented in https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06412.

Text Conditioned Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network, (TAC-GAN) is a text to image Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for synthesizing images from their text descriptions. TAC-GAN builds upon the AC-GAN by conditioning the generated images on a text description instead of on a class label. In the presented TAC-GAN model, the input vector of the Generative network is built based on a noise vector and another vector containing an embedded representation of the textual description. While the Discriminator is similar to that of the AC-GAN, it is also augmented to receive the text information as input before performing its classification.

For embedding the textual descriptions of the images into vectors we used skip-thought vectors

The following is the architecture of the TAC-GAN model


Some important dependencies are the following and the rest can be installed using the requirements.txt

  1. Python 3.5
  2. Tensorflow 1.2.0
  3. Theano 0.9.0 : for skip thought vectors
  4. scikit-learn : for skip thought vectors
  5. NLTK 3.2.1 : for skip thought vectors

It is recommended to use a virtual environment for running this project and installing the required dependencies in it by using the requirements.txt file.

The project has been tested on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine with an 12 GB NVIDIA Titen X GPU

1. Setup and Run

1.1. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/dashayushman/TAC-GAN.git

1.2. Download the Dataset

The model presented in the paper was trained on the flowers dataset. This To train the TAC-GAN on the flowers dataset, first, download the dataset by doing the following,

  1. Download the flower images from here. Extract the 102flowers.tgz file and copy the extracted jpg folder to Data/datasets/flowers

  2. Download the captions from here. Extract the downloaded file, copy the text_c10 folder and paste it in Data/datasets/flowers directory

  3. Download the pretrained skip-thought vectors model from here and copy the downloaded files to Data/skipthoughts

NB: It is recommended to keep all the images in an SSD if available. This makes the batch loading and processing operation faster.

1.3. Data Preprocessing

Extract the skip-thought features for the captions and prepare the dataset for training by running the following script

python dataprep.py --data_dir=Data --dataset=flowers

This script will create a set of pickled files in the datet directory which will be used during training. The following are the available flags for data preparation:

data_dir str Data The data directory
dataset str flowers Dataset to use. For Eg., "flowers"

1.4. Training

To train TAC-GAN with the default hyper parameters run the following script

python train.py --dataset="flowers" --model_name=TAC-GAN

While training, you can montor samples generated by the model in the Data/training/TAC_GAN/samples directory. Notice that a directory is created according to the "model_name" taht you provide. This directory contains all the data related to a particular experiment. This can also be considered as an "experiment name" too.

The following flags can be set to change the hyperparameters of the network.

z-dim int 100 Number of dimensions of the Noise vector
t_dim int 256 Number of dimensions for the latent representation of the text embedding.
batch_size int 64 Mini-Batch Size
image_size int 128 Batch size to use during training.
gf_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the generator.
df_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the discriminator.
caption_vector_length int 4800 Length of the caption vector embedding (vector generated using skip-thought vectors model).
n_classes int 102 Number of classes
data_dir String Data Data directory
learning_rate float 0.0002 Learning rate
beta1 float 0.5 Momentum for Adam Update
epochs int 200 Maximum number of epochs to train
save_every int 30 Save model and samples after this many number.of iterations
resume_model Boolean False To Load the pre-trained model
data_set String flowers Which dataset to use: "flowers"
model_name String model_1 Name of the model: Can be anything
train bool True This is True while training and false otherwise. Used for batch normalization

We used the following script (hyper-parameters) in for the results that we show in our paper

python train.py --t_dim=100 --image_size=128 --data_set=flowers --model_name=TAC_GAN --train=True --resume_model=True --z_dim=100 --n_classes=102 --epochs=400 --save_every=20 --caption_vector_length=4800 --batch_size=128

1.5. Monitoring

While training, you can monitor the updates on the terminal as well as by using tensorboard

1.5.1 The Terminal:

Terminal log

1.5.1 Tensorboard:

You can use the following script to start tensorboard and visualize realtime changes:

tensorboard --logdir=Data/training/TAC_GAN/summaries


2. Generating Images for the text in the dataset

Once you have trained the model for certain epochs you can generate images for all the text descriptions in the dataset use the following script. This will create a synthetic dataset with images generated by the generator.

python train.py --data_set=flowers --epochs=100 --output_dir=Data/synthetic_dataset --checkpoints_dir=Data/training/TAC_GAN/checkpoints

Notice that the checkpoints directory is ls created automatically created inside the model directory after you run the training script.

This script will create the following directory structure:


the train directory will contain all the images generated from the text descriptions of the images in the training set and the same goes for the val directory.

3. Generating Images from any Text

To generate images from any text, do the following

3.1 Add Text Descriptions:

Write your text descriptions in a file or use the example file Data/text.txt that we have provided in the Data directory. The text description file should contain one text description per line. For example,

a flower with red petals which are pointed
many pointed petals
A yellow flower

3.2 Extract Skip-Thought Vectors:

Run the following script for extracting the Skip-Thought vectors for the text descriptions

python encode_text.py --caption_file=Data/text.txt --data_dir=Data

This script will create a pickle file called Data/enc_text.pkl with features extracted from the text descriptions.

3.3 Generate Images:

To generate images for the text descriptions, run the following script,

python generate_images.py --data_set=flowers --checkpoints_dir=Data/training/TAC_GAN/checkpoints --images_per_caption=30 --data_dir=Data

This will create a directory Data/images_generated_from_text/ with a folder corresponding to every row of the text.txt file. Each of these folders will contain images for that text.

The following are the parameters you need to set, in case you have used different parameters for training the model.

z-dim int 100 Number of dimensions of the Noise vector
t_dim int 256 Number of dimensions for the latent representation of the text embedding.
batch_size int 64 Mini-Batch Size
image_size int 128 Batch size to use during training.
gf_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the generator.
df_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the discriminator.
caption_vector_length int 4800 Length of the caption vector embedding (vector generated using skip-thought vectors model).
n_classes int 102 Number of classes
data_dir String Data Data directory
learning_rate float 0.0002 Learning rate
beta1 float 0.5 Momentum for Adam Update
images_per_caption int 30 Maximum number of images that you want to generate for each of the text descriptions
data_set String flowers Which dataset to use: "flowers"
checkpoints_dir String /tmp Path to the checkpoints directory which will be used to generate the images

4. Evaluation

We have used two metrics for evaluating TAC-GAN,

  1. Inception-Scope
  2. MS-SSIM score

The links are from where we adapted the code for evaluating TAC-GAN. Before evaluating the model, generate a synthetic dataset by referring to Section 6

4.1 Inception Score

To calculate the inception score, use the following script,

python inception_score.py --output_dir=Data/synthetic_dataset --data_dir=Data --n_images=30000 --image_size=128

This will create a collection of all the generated images in Data/synthetic_dataset/ds_inception and show the inception score on the terminal.

The following are the set of available parameters/flags

output_dir str Data/ds_inception Directory to dump all the images for calculating the inception score
data_dir str Data/synthetic_dataset/ds The root directory of the synthetic dataset
n_images int 30000 Number of images to consider for calculating inception score
image_size int 128 Size of the image to consider for calculating inception score


To calculate the MS-SSIM score, use the following script,

python inception_score.py --output_dir=Data --data_dir=Data --dataset=flowers --syn_dataset_dir=Data/synthetic_datset/ds

This will create a Data/msssim.tsv tab separated file. The data in this file is structured as follows



Once you have generated the msssim.tsv file, you can use the following script to generate a figure to compare the MS-SSIM score of the images in the real dataset with the images in the synthetic dataset belonging to the same class,

python utility/plot_msssim.py --input_file=Data/msssim.tsv --output_file=Data/msssim

This will create Data/msssim.pdf, which is the .pdf file of the generated figure.

5. Generate Interpolated Images

In our paper we show the effect of interpolating the noise and the text embedding vectors on the generated image. Images are randomply selected and their text descriptions are used to generate synthetic images. The following sub-sections will elaborate on how to do it and which scripts will help you in doing it.

5.1 Z (Noise) Interpolation

For interpolating the noise vector and generating images, use the following scripts

python z_interpolation.py --output_dir=Data/synthetic_dataset --data_set=flowers --checkpoints_dir=Data/training/TAC_GAN/checkpoints --n_images=500

This will generate the interpolated images in Data/synthetic_dataset/z_interpolation/.

5.1 T (Text Embedding) Interpolation

For interpolating the text embedding vectors and generating images, use the following scripts

python t_interpolation.py --output_dir=Data/synthetic_dataset --data_set=flowers --checkpoints_dir=Data/training/TAC_GAN/checkpoints --n_images=500

This will generate the interpolated images in Data/synthetic_dataset/t_interpolation/.

NOTE: Both the above mentioned scripts have the same flags/arguments, which are the following,

z-dim int 100 Number of dimensions of the Noise vector
t_dim int 256 Number of dimensions for the latent representation of the text embedding.
batch_size int 64 Mini-Batch Size
image_size int 128 Batch size to use during training.
gf_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the generator.
df_dim int 64 Number of conv filters in the first layer of the discriminator.
caption_vector_length int 4800 Length of the caption vector embedding (vector generated using skip-thought vectors model).
n_classes int 102 Number of classes
data_dir String Data Data directory
learning_rate float 0.0002 Learning rate
beta1 float 0.5 Momentum for Adam Update
data_set str flowers The dataset to use: "flowers"
output_dir String Data/synthetic_dataset The directory in which the t_interpolated images will be generated
checkpoints_dir String /tmp Path to the checkpoints directory which will be used to generate the images
n_interp int 100 The factor difference between each interpolation (Should ideally be a multiple of 10)
n_images int 500 Number of images to randomply sample for generating interpolation results

6. References


If you find this code usefull, then please use the following BibTex to cite our work.

  title={TAC-GAN-Text Conditioned Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network},
  author={Dash, Ayushman and Gamboa, John Cristian Borges and Ahmed, Sheraz and Afzal, Muhammad Zeshan and Liwicki, Marcus},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.06412},

Oxford-102 Flowers Dataset

If you use the Oxford-102 Flowers Dataset, then please cite their work using the following BibTex.

   author = "Nilsback, M-E. and Zisserman, A.",
   title = "Automated Flower Classification over a Large Number of Classes",
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing",
   year = "2008",
   month = "Dec"


If you use the Skip-Thought model in your work like us, then please cite their work using the following BibTex

  title={Skip-Thought Vectors},
  author={Kiros, Ryan and Zhu, Yukun and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Zemel, Richard S and Torralba, Antonio and Urtasun, Raquel and Fidler, Sanja},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.06726},


We have referred to the text-to-image and DCGAN-tensorflow repositories for developing our code, and we are extremely thankful to them.

  • Can't generate images from any text

    Can't generate images from any text

    After training, I want to generate images from any text, like step3, but when I come to step3.3 , it shows error message like this

    W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Invalid argument: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,896,256] rhs shape= [1,1,484,256] [[Node: save/Assign_23 = Assign[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@d_h3_conv_new/w"], use_locking=true, validate_shape=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](d_h3_conv_new/w, save/RestoreV2_23/_17)]] 2017-07-24 12:55:41.052263: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Invalid argument: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,896,256] rhs shape= [1,1,484,256] [[Node: save/Assign_23 = Assign[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@d_h3_conv_new/w"], use_locking=true, validate_shape=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](d_h3_conv_new/w, save/RestoreV2_23/_17)]] 2017-07-24 12:55:41.053201: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Invalid argument: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,896,256] rhs shape= [1,1,484,256] [[Node: save/Assign_23 = Assign[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@d_h3_conv_new/w"], use_locking=true, validate_shape=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](d_h3_conv_new/w, save/RestoreV2_23/_17)]] 2017-07-24 12:55:41.055732: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Invalid argument: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,896,256] rhs shape= [1,1,484,256] [[Node: save/Assign_23 = Assign[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@d_h3_conv_new/w"], use_locking=true, validate_shape=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](d_h3_conv_new/w, save/RestoreV2_23/_17)]] 2017-07-24 12:55:41.056062: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Invalid argument: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,896,256] rhs shape= [1,1,484,256] .....

    It seems there are shape mismatch? Thank you!

    opened by GaryLMS 5
  • How to use this model for data without class labels?

    How to use this model for data without class labels?

    Hi, If we just have image-text pairs without classlabels, what all changes do you suggest to run on such a dataset? Also, would the results be vastly affected without class labels?


    opened by 314rated 2
  • generating images error

    generating images error

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "encode_text.py", line 32, in main() File "encode_text.py", line 16, in main model = skipthoughts.load_model() File "/home/anu/Downloads/TAC-GAN-master/skipthoughts.py", line 60, in load_model utable, btable = load_tables() File "/home/anu/Downloads/TAC-GAN-master/skipthoughts.py", line 80, in load_tables utable = numpy.load(path_to_tables + 'utable.npy', encoding='bytes') File "/home/anu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.py", line 453, in load pickle_kwargs=pickle_kwargs) File "/home/anu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/lib/format.py", line 739, in read_array raise ValueError("Object arrays cannot be loaded when " ValueError: Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False can any one please solve this problem

    opened by anudeekshith 0
  • scikit-image is not working with this utils

    scikit-image is not working with this utils

    from numpy.testing.nosetester import import_nose ImportError: No module named 'numpy.testing.nosetester' i am getting this error while running the train.py file.

    can you help me for that

    opened by sivanagendra123 0
  • MSSSIM error

    MSSSIM error

    When I run the msssim.py code, it successfully returned the results. But the results only showed class102's msssim score and it was nan. I don't know where is the error. Thank you!

    opened by nanggn 0
  • Evaluation with FID

    Evaluation with FID

    I hope to know whether you evaluated the generated images with FID . I try it and it shows 91.16 . It is too high compared with stackGAN++ model . Is it my codes' fault ? Or it is normal ? Thanks for your reading.

    opened by nanggn 2
  • Generating Images for the text in the dataset

    Generating Images for the text in the dataset

    When I follow your code to generating images for the text in the dataset, the train.py does not have parameter of outputs_dir so that it always reports error. What should I do to finish this task? Thanks for your reading.

    opened by nanggn 0
Ayushman Dash
I am a research scientist, musician and composer. I have an affinity towards Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks and I wish to add more to the community.
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