Deep learning models for classification of 15 common weeds in the southern U.S. cotton production systems.



Deep learning models for classification of 15 common weeds in the southern U.S. cotton production systems.


  • pytorch
  • torchsummary
  • tensorboard
  • PIL
  • Scikit-learn



  • To train the models, just specify the name of the models, and then run python
  • To test the images, just specify the name of the models, and then run python
  • To eval new data, just specify the name of the models, and then run python
  • To visualize the training, run tensorboard --logdir=runs


Detailed documentation of deep transfer learning for weed classification of the cotton weed dataset is given in our arXiv paper: If you use the dataset or models in a publication, please cite this paper.

      title={Performance Evaluation of Deep Transfer Learning on Multiclass Identification of Common Weed Species in Cotton Production Systems}, 
      author={Dong Chen, Yuzhen Lu, Zhaojiang Li, Sierra Young},


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