CLDF dataset derived from Robbeets et al.'s "Triangulation Supports Agricultural Spread" from 2021


CLDF dataset derived from Robbeets et al.'s "Triangulation Supports Agricultural Spread" from 2021

How to cite

If you use these data please cite


This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license


Glottolog: 92% Concepticon: 0% Source: 0% BIPA: 100% CLTS SoundClass: 100%

  • Varieties: 101
  • Concepts: 254
  • Lexemes: 26,224
  • Sources: 0
  • Synonymy: 1.08
  • Cognacy: 26,224 cognates in 3,173 cognate sets (812 singletons)
  • Cognate Diversity: 0.11
  • Invalid lexemes: 0
  • Tokens: 115,799
  • Segments: 367 (0 BIPA errors, 0 CTLS sound class errors, 369 CLTS modified)
  • Inventory size (avg): 45.56

Possible Improvements:


Name GitHub user Description Role
Martine Robbeets original data creation Author

CLDF Datasets

The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf:

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