A Python Package for Convex Regression and Frontier Estimation


pyStoNED Documentation Status

pyStoNED is a Python package that provides functions for estimating multivariate convex regression, convex quantile regression, convex expectile regression, isotonic regression, stochastic nonparametric envelopment of data, and related methods. It also facilitates efficiency measurement using the conventional Data Envelopement Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposable Hull (FDH) approaches. The pyStoNED package allows practitioners to estimate these models in an open access environment under a GPL-3.0 License.


The pyStoNED package is now avaiable on PyPI and the latest development version can be installed from the Github repository pyStoNED. Please feel free to download and test it. We welcome any bug reports and feedback.

PyPI PyPI version DownloadsPyPI downloads

pip install pystoned


pip install -U git+https://github.com/ds2010/pyStoNED


  • Sheng Dai, Ph.D. candidate, Aalto University School of Business.
  • Yu-Hsueh Fang, Computer Engineer, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, National Cheng Kung University.
  • Chia-Yen Lee, Professor, College of Management, National Taiwan University.
  • Timo Kuosmanen, Professor, Aalto University School of Business.


If you use pyStoNED for published work, we encourage you to cite our following paper and other related works. We appreciate it.

Dai S, Fang YH, Lee CY, Kuosmanen T. (2021). pyStoNED: A Python Package for Convex Regression and Frontier Estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12962.
  • StoNED and Plot2d/3d: can not plot the StoNED frontier

    StoNED and Plot2d/3d: can not plot the StoNED frontier

    Hi @JulianATA, I found we can not plot the StoNED frontier using the plot. It should be OK. Please check the following error.

    AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-14-cfd06442dd17> in <module>
          2 rd = StoNED.StoNED(model)
          3 model_new = rd.get_frontier(RED_MOM)
    ----> 4 plot2d(model_new, x_select=0, label_name="StoNED frontier", fig_name="stoned_2d")
    C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pystoned\plot.py in plot2d(model, x_select, label_name, fig_name)
         15         fig_name (String, optional): The name of figure to save. Defaults to None.
         16     """
    ---> 17     x = np.array(model.x).T[x_select]
         18     y = np.array(model.y).T
         19     if y.ndim != 1:
    AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'x'

    I have tried to add the following line to StoNED. https://github.com/ds2010/pyStoNED/blob/b673006ff8fe7152125f42702173f9ce49d1d83e/pystoned/StoNED.py#L17

    But it still does not work. Could you please help to fix it? Many thanks in advance!


    opened by ds2010 8
  • StoNED: can not get unconditional expected inefficiency

    StoNED: can not get unconditional expected inefficiency

    Hi @JulianATA , It seems that there is a bug in StoNED.py when calculating the unconditional expected inefficiency. Please check the following error and fix it. Thanks in advance!

    AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-4-8d44572d25fb> in <module>
          1 # retrive the unconditional expected inefficiency \mu
          2 rd = StoNED.StoNED(model)
    ----> 3 print(model.get_unconditional_expected_inefficiency('KDE'))
    AttributeError: 'CNLS' object has no attribute 'get_unconditional_expected_inefficiency'
    opened by ds2010 8
  • Refactor basic DEA and FDH by class

    Refactor basic DEA and FDH by class

    • This pr provides the refactored basic DEA and FDH You can test the classes with fallowing codes:


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    # import the package pystoned
    from pystoned import DEA
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ds2010/pyStoNED-Tutorials/master/Data/firms.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output
    y = df['Energy']
    # inputs
    x1 = df['OPEX']
    x1 = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2 = df['CAPEX']
    x2 = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=1)
    model = DEA.DEA(y,x,"oo","vrs")


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    # import the package pystoned
    from pystoned import FDH
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ds2010/pyStoNED-Tutorials/master/Data/firms.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output
    y = df['Energy']
    # inputs
    x1 = df['OPEX']
    x1 = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2 = df['CAPEX']
    x2 = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=1)
    model = FDH.FDH(y,x,"oo")
    • The results are identical to the original codes.
    • The StoNED + CNLSDDF has been implemented, however it is a little bit complicated.
      • To reduce the complexity of StoNED + CNLSDDF, I'm recently working on get_frontier function.
      • The get_frontier function can make the implementation of StoNED/StoNED+DDF more consistency.
    opened by Fangop 7
  • feat(StoNEZD): Implement StoNEZD by classes

    feat(StoNEZD): Implement StoNEZD by classes

    This pr provides a tiny refactor of CNLSZ and an implementation of StoNEZD. First, thanks for the major refactoring of CNLSZ class, this pr used inheritance to reduce the duplicated codes for consistency of our package. Second, the StoNEZD model has been implemented. It is now simple to implement this kind o advanced model since we have so many basic models as complements.

    The testing codes are provided below:


    from pystoned import CNLSZ
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ds2010/pyStoNED-Tutorials/master/Data/firms.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output (total cost)
    y  = df['TOTEX']
    # inputs 
    x1  = df['Energy']
    x1  = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2  = df['Length']
    x2  = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x3  = df['Customers']
    x3  = np.asmatrix(x3).T
    x   = np.concatenate((x1, x2, x3), axis=1)
    # Z variables
    z = df['PerUndGr']
    # import the CNLSZ module
    cet = "mult"
    fun = "cost"
    rts = "crs"
    model = CNLSZ.CNLSZ(y, x, z, cet, fun, rts)


    # import package pystoned
    from pystoned import StoNEDZ
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ds2010/pyStoNED-Tutorials/master/Data/firms.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output (total cost)
    y  = df['TOTEX']
    # inputs 
    x1  = df['Energy']
    x1  = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2  = df['Length']
    x2  = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x3  = df['Customers']
    x3  = np.asmatrix(x3).T
    x   = np.concatenate((x1, x2, x3), axis=1)
    # Z variables
    z = df['PerUndGr']
    # import the CNLSZ module
    cet = "mult"
    fun = "cost"
    rts = "crs"
    model = StoNEDZ.StoNEDZ(y, x, z, cet, fun, rts)

    The models based on CNLS/StoNED are now available!

    • The implementation of get_frontier is in the next pr.
    • CNLSG and CNLSZG looks nice, maybe just a little modification to structure the files.
    • Maybe implement some well-know models for users, like StoNED+DDF.
    • Some other user functions can be provided, like marginal productivity.

    The models have not been refactored are below:

    • Free disposal hull
    opened by Fangop 7
  • feat(CNLS/CNLSDDF): Implementation of get_frontier.

    feat(CNLS/CNLSDDF): Implementation of get_frontier.

    The get_frontier function is for getting the value of estimated frontier(y value) by CNLS/CNLSDDF. Here is the some thought for better implementation of get_frontier. Please help me justify if my thought have some logical error.

    Since true y value = estimated y value + residual for additive models, we may implement the frontier like below:


    The fallowing y refer to the true y value; frontier refer to estimated y value.


    frontier = y - residual


    frontier = y/(exp(residual)) -1


    The fallowing y refer to the true y value; frontier refer to estimated y value.

    frontier list = y list - residual list
    opened by Fangop 4
  • feat(pyStoned): Implement data checking

    feat(pyStoned): Implement data checking

    This draft pr provides for pyStoNED. Both basic models and directional distance function based models are included. However, it is tricky to test all the circumstance of input. Hence this is just a draft pr.

    Please help me check if the message are providing clear information.

    I'm on the work for testing all the models, and trying to adapt DEA and FDH models to these checking. So, please do not merge this pr yet.

    opened by Fangop 3
  • feat(CNLS/tools): Implement basic error/exception system

    feat(CNLS/tools): Implement basic error/exception system

    Here is a draft for exception system.

    Sometimes, we comes to a situation that should stop the process and inform the users are defined as exceptions in python. Built-in Exceptions

    The error is included in exception. The pyStoNED brings in at least 2 types of exceptions here.

    Basic exception:

    Additive CNLS with CRS

    The additive CNLS model with CRS does not exist (or be needed). Hence when creating and additive CNLS model with CRS should raise an exception, since it is not an error but an exception of existing model.

    The following codes may halt and bring out an exception

    # import packages
    from pystoned import CNLS
    from pystoned.constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_CRS
    from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['Energy', 'Length', 'Customers'],
    # define and solve the CNLS model
    model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None,
                        cet = CET_ADDI, fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_CRS)

    Please help me justify the discussion above and polish the exception message.

    Retrieving variables without optimization

    User should optimize the model before retrieving and printing any variables. If not, the program will halt the program and inform the users to optimize the model.

    The following codes may halt and bring out an exception

    # import packages
    from pystoned import CNLS
    from pystoned.constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS
    from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['Energy', 'Length', 'Customers'],
    # define and solve the CNLS model
    model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None,
                        cet = CET_ADDI, fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_VRS)

    Value error:

    Construct model with unknown parameters

    User should construct a model with constant labels in pystoned.constant. If a random string is giving, the program will halt the program and inform the users the model parameter is not defined.

    This example construct a model with a random string as cet, causing the value error.

    from pystoned import CNLS
    from pystoned.constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS
    from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['Energy', 'Length', 'Customers'],
    # define and solve the CNLS model
    model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None,
                        cet = "Not an CET label", fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_VRS)

    Note: This does not affect the default setting.

    Invalid email address

    When users using remote optimization, the user may use incorrect string(not an email address and OPT_LOCAL label).

    This should leads to a halt and informs the user.

    # import packages
    from pystoned import CNLS
    from pystoned.constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS
    from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['Energy', 'Length', 'Customers'],
    # define and solve the CNLS model
    model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None,
                        cet = CET_ADDI, fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_VRS)

    Optimization multiplicative model without specifying solvers.

    When users using local optimization, the user should specify the solver for optimization.

    This should leads to a halt and informs the user to choose a installed solver.

    # import packages
    from pystoned import CNLS
    from pystoned.constant import CET_MULT, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS
    from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm
    # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data
    data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['Energy', 'Length', 'Customers'],
    # define and solve the CNLS model
    model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None,
                        cet = CET_MULT, fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_VRS)

    These modification is a draft for discussing error/exception types, situation, and the messages. Hence only the CNLS and the utils/tools module are modified as examples. Any other exceptions and errors can be included and discussed!


    Note: This part may not be included in the document. Since the document should indicate the right way to use the program, and here is for prevention of wrong ways.

    opened by Fangop 3
  • Solver Binding Error

    Solver Binding Error

    Hello. Great work. I have been looking for something like this for a while.

    I am trying to run some examples but I am facing some issues with bindings ro the solver. Error message:

    "No Python bindings available for <class 'pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.mosek_direct.MOSEKDirect'> solver plugin"

    Any hints on how to solve this?

    opened by fmobrj 3
  • CNLSG: return then error when using the local solver

    CNLSG: return then error when using the local solver

    Hi @JulianATA, it seems that there is another bug in line 122 CNLSG. I have used the CNLSG to estimate the multiplicative cost function using a local solver MINOS, but it returns the following error:

    File "/home/dais2/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pystoned/CNLSG.py", line 122, in __convergence_test self.Active2[i, j] = - alpha[i] - np.sum(beta[i, :] * x[i, :]) + \ TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'.

    Interestingly, when I using the 'NEOS' to solve the same model, there is no error, and I can receive the final estimation results. Further, there is no problem when we estimate the additive production function using the local solver MOSEK.

    Could you please help to check and fix it? Many thanks! For your convenience, please see the following example:


    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from pystoned import CNLSG
    from pystoned.constant import CET_MULT, FUN_COST, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output
    y = df['TOTEX']
    # inputs
    x1 = df['Energy']
    x1 = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2 = df['Length']
    x2 = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x3 = df['Customers']
    x3 = np.asmatrix(x3).T
    x = np.concatenate((x1, x2, x3), axis=1)
    model = CNLSG.CNLSG(y, x, z=None, cet=CET_MULT, fun=FUN_COST, rts=RTS_VRS)
    opened by ds2010 3
  • feat(dataset): Implement dataset support

    feat(dataset): Implement dataset support

    Hi, I recently considered about the example we used for testing pystoned could be a feature.

    This is inspired by sklearn, which provides user toy datasets for better comprehension of the usage/feature of the model. The toy datasets made sklearn the wildly used all over the world, since it is pretty easy to use/comprehend for the beginners.

    This pr reduce the complexity of the use of the datasets Original:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ds2010/pyStoNED-Tutorials/master/Data/firms.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False)
    # output
    y = df['Energy']
    # inputs
    x1 = df['OPEX']
    x1 = np.asmatrix(x1).T
    x2 = df['CAPEX']
    x2 = np.asmatrix(x2).T
    x = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=1)

    This pr:

    from pystoned import dataset
    x, y = dataset.firm(['OPEX', 'CAPEX'], 'Energy')

    This pr is not yet finished

    Please give me the information of the datasets, in order to:

    • making sure the datasets are used in rational way
    • give the user the brief introduction of the dataset
    • etc..

    thanks for your review, do not merge yet!

    opened by Fangop 3
  • API documentations

    API documentations

    The new pr #23 (Autodoc) works well locally but does not on the ReadTheDocs. You can check the CNLS API in the website generated by ReadTheDocs. It is empty. However, if we compile the sphinx locally using make html, the docstring will show in the HTML file. See the following screenshot.

    Screenshot from 2020-12-06 22-10-46

    I failed to fix it. Since the website is automatically generated by the ReadTheDocs, @JulianATA , could you please help me to fix it? Thanks in advance!

    opened by ds2010 2
Sheng Dai
Ph.D student in Management Science at Aalto University School of Business. My research area is productivity and efficiency analysis.
Sheng Dai
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