PyTorch/GPU re-implementation of the paper Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners

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Deep Learning mae

Masked Autoencoders: A PyTorch Implementation

This is a PyTorch/GPU re-implementation of the paper Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners:

  author  = {Kaiming He and Xinlei Chen and Saining Xie and Yanghao Li and Piotr Doll{\'a}r and Ross Girshick},
  journal = {arXiv:2111.06377},
  title   = {Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners},
  year    = {2021},
  • The original implementation was in TensorFlow+TPU. This re-implementation is in PyTorch+GPU.

  • This repo is a modification on the DeiT repo. Installation and preparation follow that repo.

  • This repo is based on timm==0.3.2, for which a fix is needed to work with PyTorch 1.8.1+.


  • Visualization demo
  • Pre-trained checkpoints + fine-tuning code
  • Pre-training code

Visualization demo

Run our interactive visualization demo using Colab notebook (no GPU needed):

Fine-tuning with pre-trained checkpoints

The following table provides the pre-trained checkpoints used in the paper, converted from TF/TPU to PT/GPU:

ViT-Base ViT-Large ViT-Huge
pre-trained checkpoint download download download
md5 8cad7c b8b06e 9bdbb0

The fine-tuning instruction is in

By fine-tuning these pre-trained models, we rank #1 in these classification tasks (detailed in the paper):

ViT-B ViT-L ViT-H ViT-H448 prev best
ImageNet-1K (no external data) 83.6 85.9 86.9 87.8 87.1
following are evaluation of the same model weights (fine-tuned in original ImageNet-1K):
ImageNet-Corruption (error rate) 51.7 41.8 33.8 36.8 42.5
ImageNet-Adversarial 35.9 57.1 68.2 76.7 35.8
ImageNet-Rendition 48.3 59.9 64.4 66.5 48.7
ImageNet-Sketch 34.5 45.3 49.6 50.9 36.0
following are transfer learning by fine-tuning the pre-trained MAE on the target dataset:
iNaturalists 2017 70.5 75.7 79.3 83.4 75.4
iNaturalists 2018 75.4 80.1 83.0 86.8 81.2
iNaturalists 2019 80.5 83.4 85.7 88.3 84.1
Places205 63.9 65.8 65.9 66.8 66.0
Places365 57.9 59.4 59.8 60.3 58.0


The pre-training instruction is in


This project is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Problems about reproducing ViT-Base

    Problems about reproducing ViT-Base

    Thanks for your great work. My reproduction result for ViT-B is only 83.3, which is 0.3 lower than the paper result. And I have no idea what may cause this. My exp totally follows this repo, except the following changes: a. I use 32 V100 with batch size 128 (32x128 = 4096). The recommended setting of this repo is 64 V100 with batch size 64(64x64=4096). b. I didn't use but directly use for multi-node training.

    Are these two changes the potential causes for performance gap? Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated~

    opened by leeyegy 13
  • __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'qk_scale'

    __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'qk_scale'

    sys.path.append('..') import models_mae dir(models_mae.Block)

    The module has been successfully imported. But there is an error happened to Block Class. Use it in jupyter notebook. Any idea of it?

    opened by zlgenuine 8
  • How to pretrain mae in 1 node with 8 gpus?

    How to pretrain mae in 1 node with 8 gpus?

    I m trying to pretrain a vit_small model in 1 node with 8 gpus, but the goes wrong with: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 131, in main() File "", line 89, in main args.job_dir = get_shared_folder() / "%j" File "", line 39, in get_shared_folder raise RuntimeError("No shared folder available") RuntimeError: No shared folder available

    it seems like that I have no shared folder, so how can I pretrain mae in 1 node with 8 gpus? Thanks for your exciting job!!

    opened by yanjk3 8
  • Does this implement support timm > 0.3.2?

    Does this implement support timm > 0.3.2?


    Thanks for releasing this awesome work!

    I notice the code will check the version of timm.

    assert timm.__version__ == "0.3.2" # version check

    Does this implement support updated timm, e.g. 0.4.12?


    Best, Vera

    opened by verazuo 6
  • distributed training has the same speed as single gpu training

    distributed training has the same speed as single gpu training

    First, thanks for the great work. Unfortunately, here I faced something really weird. I tried to train MAE on my single node with,

    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --batch_size 16 --model mae_vit_base_patch16 --norm_pix_loss --mask_ratio 0.75 --epochs 800 --warmup_epochs 0 --blr 1.5e-4 --weight_decay 0.05 --data_path /home/shaoshihao

    Something goes weirdly is, it just run at the same speed as i ran that on single gpu with the command, python --batch_size 64 --model mae_vit_base_patch16 --norm_pix_loss --mask_ratio 0.75 --epochs 800 --warmup_epochs 0 --blr 1.5e-4 --weight_decay 0.05 --data_path /home/shaoshihao

    I tracked the GPU status and it looks good. The 4 GPUs are all ~100% utilization rate when i used 4 gpus.

    Any advice will be deeply appreciated.

    opened by LouieShao 5
  • 提供的预训练模型和代码中的模型不一致?


    Why the structure in the pre-trained checkpoint Vit-Base is different in the The cls_token layer exist in the checkpoint Vit-Base you provide, but not in the

    opened by CGZQQQ 5
  • loss fluctuates during training

    loss fluctuates during training

    Thanks for the great work!

    I wanted to pre-train a mae_vit_base_patch16 model on imagenet-1k, and I found the loss fluctuates during training. I was wondering if this is normal for pre-training mae. 截屏2022-01-20 15 19 52

    opened by cailk 4
  • ValueError: relative path can't be expressed as a file URI

    ValueError: relative path can't be expressed as a file URI

    Also having the same issue as #55 and #57 when running pretrain. I have /checkpoint, /checkpoint/{USER} and /checkpoint/{USER}/experiments. Unclear how to set up --job_dir and getting the following error. Any updates or suggestions? Appreciate any help!

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 131, in <module>
      File "", line 120, in main
        args.dist_url = get_init_file().as_uri()
      File "/anaconda/envs/mae/lib/python3.6/", line 721, in as_uri
        raise ValueError("relative path can't be expressed as a file URI")
    ValueError: relative path can't be expressed as a file URI
    opened by kwhuang88228 3
  • ADE20k Learning Rate

    ADE20k Learning Rate

    Section A.4 of the paper has "We search for the optimal lr for each entry in Table 5 " when referring to segmentation on ADE20k. Could you share these learning rates? My reproduced baselines are about 2 points too low.


    opened by cjrd 3
  • Can you provide more results about the ViT-B Mask R-CNN+MAE 25ep/50ep

    Can you provide more results about the ViT-B Mask R-CNN+MAE 25ep/50ep

    Thanks for your awesome work! I am doing some experiments with MAE. Can you provide more results (e.g. mask AP) about these two models (ViT-B Mask R-CNN + MAE 25ep/50ep). I want to cite these data in my paper. Thanks! Looking forward to your reply. image

    opened by czczup 3
  • Release of the linear probing code

    Release of the linear probing code


    Thanks for this awesome code! I am wondering whether you plan to release the linear probing code or not. According to the third party MAE repo, the linear probing results seem hard to be reproduced. It would be great if you plan to do so. Thanks!

    opened by Jeff-LiangF 3
  • [Question] Why non-masked patches look worse in pixel reconstruction example image

    [Question] Why non-masked patches look worse in pixel reconstruction example image

    Hi, in this image: Why do the patches that aren't masked look worse?

    opened by austinmw 0
  • Shouldn't the patch embeddings be trained only on the patches that survived masking? (Rather than the original image)

    Shouldn't the patch embeddings be trained only on the patches that survived masking? (Rather than the original image)

    In the code it seems that the patch embeddings are trained on the original image rather than learning only on the patches that survive the masking process. Does this mean the implementation does not follow the paper? From the paper:

    "MAE encoder. Our encoder is a ViT [16] but applied only on visible, unmasked patches. Just as in a standard ViT, our encoder embeds patches by a linear projection with added positional embeddings, and then processes the resulting set via a series of Transformer blocks. However, our encoder only operates on a small subset (e.g., 25%) of the full set. Masked patches are removed; no mask tokens are used. This allows us to train very large encoders with only a frac- tion of compute and memory. The full set is handled by a lightweight decoder, described next."

    From my interpretation it seems as if the embeddings should also be run only on the small subset of patches.

    opened by Eduard6421 0
  • Something about the training set

    Something about the training set

    I have a question that whether it (the pretrained module) works on unlabelled images or other datasets containing different images without being classified before. Thank you!

    opened by Daniel12345abcde 0
  • AttributeError(

    AttributeError("module {!r} has no attribute " AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'float'

    If you are getting this error, the numpy version is too new. This repository seems to be incompatible with newer numpy. I had to downgrade the numpy with the following command.

    pip install "numpy<1.24"

    opened by apple2373 0
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