Code and checkpoints for training the transformer-based Table QA models introduced in the paper TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training.


TAble PArSing (TAPAS)

Code and checkpoints for training the transformer-based Table QA models introduced in the paper TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training.



  • Added a colab to try predictions on open domain question answering.







  • Small change to WTQ training example creation
    • Questions with ambiguous cell matches will now be discarded
    • This improves denotation accuracy by ~1 point
    • For more details see this issue.
  • Added option to filter table columns by textual overlap with question



  • Added a colab to try predictions on WTQ


  • New pre-trained models (see Data section below)
  • reset_position_index_per_cell: New option that allows to train models that instead of using absolute position indices reset the position index when a new cell starts.


  • Bump TensorFlow to v2.2



  • Added a colab to try predictions on SQA


The easiest way to try out TAPAS with free GPU/TPU is in our Colab, which shows how to do predictions on SQA.

The repository uses protocol buffers, and requires the protoc compiler to run. You can download the latest binary for your OS here. On Ubuntu/Debian, it can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler

Afterwards, clone and install the git repository:

git clone
cd tapas
pip install -e .

To run the test suite we use the tox library which can be run by calling:

pip install tox


We provide pre-trained models for different model sizes.

The metrics are computed by our tool and not the official metrics of the respective tasks. We provide them so one can verify whether one's own runs are in the right ballpark. They are medians over three individual runs.

Models with intermediate pre-training (2020/10/07).

New models based on the ideas discussed in Understanding tables with intermediate pre-training. Learn more about the methods use here.


Trained from Mask LM, intermediate data, SQA, WikiSQL.

Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.5062
LARGE reset 0.5097
BASE noreset 0.4525
BASE reset 0.4638
MEDIUM noreset 0.4324
MEDIUM reset 0.4324
SMALL noreset 0.3681
SMALL reset 0.3762
MINI noreset 0.2783
MINI reset 0.2854
TINY noreset 0.0823
TINY reset 0.1039


Trained from Mask LM, intermediate data, SQA.

Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.8948
LARGE reset 0.8979
BASE noreset 0.8859
BASE reset 0.8855
MEDIUM noreset 0.8766
MEDIUM reset 0.8773
SMALL noreset 0.8552
SMALL reset 0.8615
MINI noreset 0.8063
MINI reset 0.82
TINY noreset 0.3198
TINY reset 0.6046


Trained from Mask LM, intermediate data.

Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.8101
LARGE reset 0.8159
BASE noreset 0.7856
BASE reset 0.7918
MEDIUM noreset 0.7585
MEDIUM reset 0.7587
SMALL noreset 0.7321
SMALL reset 0.7346
MINI noreset 0.6166
MINI reset 0.6845
TINY noreset 0.5425
TINY reset 0.5528


Trained from Mask LM, intermediate data.

Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.7223
LARGE reset 0.7289
BASE noreset 0.6737
BASE reset 0.6874
MEDIUM noreset 0.6464
MEDIUM reset 0.6561
SMALL noreset 0.5876
SMALL reset 0.6155
MINI noreset 0.4574
MINI reset 0.5148
TINY noreset 0.2004
TINY reset 0.2375


Trained from Mask LM.

Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.9309
LARGE reset 0.9317
BASE noreset 0.9134
BASE reset 0.9163
MEDIUM noreset 0.8988
MEDIUM reset 0.9005
SMALL noreset 0.8788
SMALL reset 0.8798
MINI noreset 0.8218
MINI reset 0.8333
TINY noreset 0.6359
TINY reset 0.6615

Small Models & position index reset (2020/08/08)

Based on the pre-trained checkpoints available at the BERT github page. See the page or the paper for detailed information on the model dimensions.

Reset refers to whether the parameter reset_position_index_per_cell was set to true or false during training. In general it's recommended to set it to true.

The accuracy depends on the respective task. It's denotation accuracy for WTQ and WIKISQL, average position accuracy with gold labels for the previous answers for SQA and Mask-LM accuracy for Mask-LM.

The models were trained in a chain as indicated by the model name. For example, sqa_masklm means the model was first trained on the Mask-LM task and then on SQA. No destillation was performed.


Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.4822
LARGE reset 0.4952
BASE noreset 0.4288
BASE reset 0.4433
MEDIUM noreset 0.4158
MEDIUM reset 0.4097
SMALL noreset 0.3267
SMALL reset 0.3670
MINI noreset 0.2275
MINI reset 0.2409
TINY noreset 0.0901
TINY reset 0.0947


Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.8862
LARGE reset 0.8917
BASE noreset 0.8772
BASE reset 0.8809
MEDIUM noreset 0.8687
MEDIUM reset 0.8736
SMALL noreset 0.8285
SMALL reset 0.8550
MINI noreset 0.7672
MINI reset 0.7944
TINY noreset 0.3237
TINY reset 0.3608


Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.7002
LARGE reset 0.7130
BASE noreset 0.6393
BASE reset 0.6689
MEDIUM noreset 0.6026
MEDIUM reset 0.6141
SMALL noreset 0.4976
SMALL reset 0.5589
MINI noreset 0.3779
MINI reset 0.3687
TINY noreset 0.2013
TINY reset 0.2194


Size Reset Dev Accuracy Link
LARGE noreset 0.7513
LARGE reset 0.7528
BASE noreset 0.7323
BASE reset 0.7335
MEDIUM noreset 0.7059
MEDIUM reset 0.7054
SMALL noreset 0.6818
SMALL reset 0.6856
MINI noreset 0.6382
MINI reset 0.6425
TINY noreset 0.4826
TINY reset 0.5282

Original Models

The pre-trained TAPAS checkpoints can be downloaded here:

The first two models are pre-trained on the Mask-LM task and the last two on the Mask-LM task first and SQA second.

Fine-Tuning Data

You also need to download the task data for the fine-tuning tasks:


Note that you can skip pre-training and just use one of the pre-trained checkpoints provided above.

Information about the pre-taining data can be found here.

The TF examples for pre-training can be created using Google Dataflow:

python3 sdist
python3 tapas/ \
  --input_file="gs://tapas_models/2020_05_11/interactions.txtpb.gz" \
  --vocab_file="gs://tapas_models/2020_05_11/vocab.txt" \
  --output_dir="gs://your_bucket/output" \
  --runner_type="DATAFLOW" \
  --gc_project="you-project" \
  --gc_region="us-west1" \
  --gc_job_name="create-pretrain" \
  --gc_staging_location="gs://your_bucket/staging" \
  --gc_temp_location="gs://your_bucket/tmp" \

You can also run the pipeline locally but that will take a long time:

python3 tapas/ \
  --input_file="$data/interactions.txtpb.gz" \
  --output_dir="$data/" \
  --vocab_file="$data/vocab.txt" \

This will create two tfrecord files for training and testing. The pre-training can then be started with the command below. The init checkpoint should be a standard BERT checkpoint.

python3 tapas/experiments/ \
  --eval_batch_size=32 \
  --train_batch_size=512 \
  --tpu_iterations_per_loop=5000 \
  --num_eval_steps=100 \
  --save_checkpoints_steps=5000 \
  --num_train_examples=512000000 \
  --max_seq_length=128 \
  --input_file_train="${data}/train.tfrecord" \
  --input_file_eval="${data}/test.tfrecord" \
  --init_checkpoint="${tapas_data_dir}/model.ckpt" \
  --bert_config_file="${tapas_data_dir}/bert_config.json" \
  --model_dir="..." \
  --compression_type="" \

Where compression_type should be set to GZIP if the tfrecords are compressed. You can start a separate eval job by setting --nodo_train --doeval.

Running a fine-tuning task

We need to create the TF examples before starting the training. For example, for SQA that would look like:

python3 tapas/ \
  --task="SQA" \
  --input_dir="${sqa_data_dir}" \
  --output_dir="${output_dir}" \
  --bert_vocab_file="${tapas_data_dir}/vocab.txt" \

Optionally, to handle big tables, we can add a --prune_columns flag to apply the HEM method described section 3.3 of our paper to discard some columns based on textual overlap with the sentence.

Afterwards, training can be started by running:

python3 tapas/ \
  --task="SQA" \
  --output_dir="${output_dir}" \
  --init_checkpoint="${tapas_data_dir}/model.ckpt" \
  --bert_config_file="${tapas_data_dir}/bert_config.json" \
  --mode="train" \

This will use the preset hyper-parameters set in

It's recommended to start a separate eval job to continuously produce predictions for the checkpoints created by the training job. Alternatively, you can run the eval job after training to only get the final results.

python3 tapas/ \
  --task="SQA" \
  --output_dir="${output_dir}" \
  --init_checkpoint="${tapas_data_dir}/model.ckpt" \
  --bert_config_file="${tapas_data_dir}/bert_config.json" \

Another tool to run experiments is It's more flexible than but also requires setting all the hyper-parameters (via the respective command line flags).


Here we explain some details about different tasks.


By default, SQA will evaluate using the reference answers of the previous questions. The number in the paper (Table 5) are computed using the more realistic setup where the previous answer are model predictions. will output additional prediction files for this setup as well if run on GPU.


For the official evaluation results one should convert the TAPAS predictions to the WTQ format and run the official evaluation script. This can be done using


As discussed in the paper our code will compute evaluation metrics that deviate from the official evaluation script (Table 3 and 10).

Hardware Requirements

TAPAS is essentialy a BERT model and thus has the same requirements. This means that training the large model with 512 sequence length will require a TPU. You can use the option max_seq_length to create shorter sequences. This will reduce accuracy but also make the model trainable on GPUs. Another option is to reduce the batch size (train_batch_size), but this will likely also affect accuracy. We added an options gradient_accumulation_steps that allows you to split the gradient over multiple batches. Evaluation with the default test batch size (32) should be possible on GPU.

How to cite TAPAS?

You can cite the ACL 2020 paper and the EMNLP 2020 Findings paper for the laters work on pre-training objectives.


This is not an official Google product.

Contact information

For help or issues, please submit a GitHub issue.

  • Error when create_data is used on WIKISQL

    Error when create_data is used on WIKISQL

    I'm trying to replicate the results (to ensure I'm setting everything up properly) using the WikiSQL dataset. I am using "" model. However when I try running:

    !python tapas/tapas/ \
      --task="WIKISQL" \
      --input_dir="data/" \
      --output_dir="results/wsql/input_data" \
      --bert_vocab_file="tapas_model/bert_config.json" \

    I encounter the following error:

    I1005 02:55:27.819439 139825599944576] Total	Valid	Failed	File
    56355	55775	580	train.tsv
    8421	8421	0	dev.tsv
    15878	15878	0	test.tsv
    Creating TF examples ...
    I1005 02:55:36.143442 139825599944576] Creating TF examples ...
    WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/scripts/ tf_record_iterator (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
    Instructions for updating:
    Use eager execution and: 
    W1005 02:55:36.144381 139825599944576] From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/scripts/ tf_record_iterator (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
    Instructions for updating:
    Use eager execution and: 
    I1005 02:55:36.159258 139825599944576] Can't consolidate types: (None, text: "Current slogan"
    ) {0: [float_value: 2013.0
    , date {
      year: 2013
    ], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: []} 1
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 782, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absl/", line 300, in run
        _run_main(main, args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 743, in main
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 178, in _create_all_examples
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 231, in _create_examples
        examples.append(converter.convert(interaction, i))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 1096, in convert
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 1018, in _to_trimmed_features
        serialized_example.tokens, feature_dict, table=table, question=question)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 673, in _to_features
        input_ids = self._to_token_ids(tokens)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 656, in _to_token_ids
        return self._tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(_get_pieces(tokens))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 332, in convert_tokens_to_ids
        return self._wp_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(word_pieces)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/official/nlp/bert/", line 190, in convert_tokens_to_ids
        return convert_by_vocab(self.vocab, tokens)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/official/nlp/bert/", line 150, in convert_by_vocab
    KeyError: '[CLS]'

    Is this an issue with the WikiSQL data itself, or is it the .py utility within TAPAS?

    opened by aminfardi 41
  • Slow performance

    Slow performance


    Thanks for releasing this in open source. Wonderful concept and very different for other seq2seq or ln2sql like approaches.

    I am facing performance issues when trying with sqa prediction notebook (using SQA Large). It takes more than 60 seconds on a dual gpu machine for evaluating the model and giving response to a query. Is this normal? How can we improve the prediction time?

    Thanks, Manish

    opened by guptam 18
  • Multi-gpu issues (not utilizing >1 gpu?)

    Multi-gpu issues (not utilizing >1 gpu?)


    I am trying to run this codebase on a single machine with eight GPUs. I have installed all through requirements.txt and prepped the data. When I run, I am only able to use train_batch_size=8 and notice that only one of the eight GPUs is utilized (the other 7 show ~300MB of data on device while the first GPU shows ~15GB). Additionally, while I can see this usage of the GPU(s) by the run script, I get an output message in the train log of: I0514 19:25:27.752172 139628342118208] Running train on CPU, though I have been ignoring this for now. So I am trying to get the other seven GPUs in the loop so that I can train with train_batch_size=64.

    I initially tried wrapping the optimization code in:

    strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
    with strategy.scope():
       # rest here from bert/

    and I notice that the model is properly replicated across the eight GPUs, however I cannot expand my train_batch_size to any multiple larger than 8. I tried wrapping the dataset object, at the end of input_fn before returning, in strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(ds) to see if it was a matter of not sending batches to each device. However, I ran into deeper errors that I am unfamiliar with when pursuing this route (if this is a preferable way to enable multi-GPU I could update this issue with stack traces I got after running with the aforementioned changes).

    Before debugging further in this direction, I tried to step back to the outer after reading that you can instead pass MirroredStrategy or CentralStorageStrategy objects directly into the RunConfig that goes into an Estimator. So I undid the aforementioned changes that I manually made in the lower levels (e.g. reset repo back to master) and added to:

    run_config = tf.estimator.tpu.RunConfig(

    However, I now run into the error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "tapas/", line 777, in <module>
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/absl/", line 299, in run
        _run_main(main, args)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/absl/", line 250, in _run_main
      File "tapas/", line 762, in main
      File "tapas/", line 440, in _train_and_predict
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 2876, in train
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 131, in raise_errors
        six.reraise(typ, value, traceback)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/", line 703, in reraise
        raise value
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 2871, in train
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 367, in train
        loss = self._train_model(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1156, in _train_model
        return self._train_model_distributed(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1219, in _train_model_distributed
        self._config._train_distribute, input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1255, in _actual_train_model_distributed
        input_fn, ModeKeys.TRAIN, strategy)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1009, in _get_iterator_from_input_fn
        lambda input_context: self._call_input_fn(input_fn, mode,
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/distribute/", line 774, in make_input_fn_iterator
        input_fn, replication_mode)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/distribute/", line 406, in make_input_fn_iterator
        input_fn, replication_mode=replication_mode)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/distribute/", line 318, in _make_input_fn_iterator
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/distribute/", line 550, in __init__
        result = input_fn(ctx)
      File "/mydata/repos/tapas2/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1010, in <lambda>
    TypeError: _call_input_fn() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

    which I suspect may have to do with the functools.partial wrap around input_fn, but I am having trouble understanding this or determining next steps (I am generally unfamiliar with Tensorflow as a library).

    If anybody can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for the work and time!

    opened by nmallinar 16
  • Reproducing WikiSQL and SQA numbers

    Reproducing WikiSQL and SQA numbers

    I'm trying to produce the reported numbers in the README in Colab for WikiSQL (supervised and weakly supervised) and SQA.

    For WikiSQL I am using tapas_wikisql_sqa_masklm_small_reset. For the weakly supervised I tried:

    !python tapas/tapas/ \
      --task="WIKISQL" \
      --output_dir="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data" \
      --bert_config_file="data/wikisql/model/bert_config.json" \
      --bert_vocab_file="data/wikisql/model/vocab.txt" \
      --tpu_name='grpc://' \
      --use_tpu="true" \

    But results were nowhere close:

    I1006 22:51:43.239191 140375104935808] denotation_accuracy=0.004988
    dev denotation accuracy: 0.0050
    I1006 22:51:43.456792 140375104935808] dev denotation accuracy: 0.0050
    I1006 22:52:38.437489 140375104935808] denotation_accuracy=0.006361
    test denotation accuracy: 0.0064
    I1006 22:52:38.888067 140375104935808] test denotation accuracy: 0.0064

    Trying WikiSQL supervised:

    !python tapas/tapas/ \
      --task="WIKISQL_SUPERVISED" \
      --output_dir="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_supervised" \
      --bert_config_file="data_supervised/wikisql_supervised/model/bert_config.json" \
      --bert_vocab_file="data_supervised/wikisql_supervised/model/vocab.txt" \
      --tpu_name='grpc://' \
      --use_tpu="true" \

    Resulted in much better numbers, but still not matching the README:

    I1010 04:55:43.283555 140631071238016] denotation_accuracy=0.749673
    dev denotation accuracy: 0.7497
    I1010 04:55:43.428153 140631071238016] dev denotation accuracy: 0.7497
    I1010 04:56:35.534448 140631071238016] denotation_accuracy=0.736554
    test denotation accuracy: 0.7366
    I1010 04:56:35.813148 140631071238016] test denotation accuracy: 0.7366

    Next I tried SQA using tapas_sqa_masklm_large_reset:

    !python tapas/tapas/ \
      --task="SQA" \
      --output_dir="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa" \
      --bert_config_file="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa/sqa/model/bert_config.json" \
      --bert_vocab_file="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa/sqa/model/vocab.txt" \
      --loop_predict="false" \
      --tpu_name='grpc://' \
      --use_tpu="true" \

    But I again get results 5% lower than README:

    I1010 20:17:49.353913 140657230886784] denotation_accuracy=0.642384
    dev denotation accuracy: 0.6424
    I1010 20:17:49.409619 140657230886784] dev denotation accuracy: 0.6424
    Warning: Can't evaluate for dev_seq because gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa/sqa/model/random-split-1-dev_sequence.tsv doesn't exist.
    W1010 20:17:49.546101 140657230886784] Can't evaluate for dev_seq because gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa/sqa/model/random-split-1-dev_sequence.tsv doesn't exist.
    I1010 20:18:00.948407 140657230886784] denotation_accuracy=0.652722
    test denotation accuracy: 0.6527
    I1010 20:18:01.029566 140657230886784] test denotation accuracy: 0.6527
    Warning: Can't evaluate for test_seq because gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_sqa/sqa/model/test_sequence.tsv doesn't exist.

    I see the warnings in above regarding sequence, but that seems to have to do with the TPU:

    Warning: Skipping SQA sequence evaluation because eval is running on TPU.

    Update: also tried the WTQ dataset and tapas_wtq_wikisql_sqa_masklm_large_reset model:

    !python tapas/tapas/ \
      --task="WTQ" \
      --output_dir="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_wtq" \
      --bert_config_file="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_wtq/wtq/model/bert_config.json" \
      --bert_vocab_file="gs://gs-colab-bucket/data_wtq/wtq/model/vocab.txt" \
      --loop_predict="false" \
      --tpu_name='grpc://' \
      --use_tpu="true" \

    Getting results 10% lower than the README:

    I1011 04:48:55.989768 140620040472448] denotation_accuracy=0.387544
    dev denotation accuracy: 0.3875
    I1011 04:48:56.042782 140620040472448] dev denotation accuracy: 0.3875
    I1011 04:49:14.033151 140620040472448] denotation_accuracy=0.390654
    test denotation accuracy: 0.3907
    I1011 04:49:14.111141 140620040472448] test denotation accuracy: 0.3907

    I'm wondering if anyone has been able to successfully replicate the reported numbers?

    opened by aminfardi 15
  • Not able to run  sample code

    Not able to run sample code

    Hi, I am stuck at result path in sample code it throwing following error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'results/sqa/model/test_sequence.tsv' I even checked in result folder i did not find the test_sequence.tsv file

    opened by panddu15 14
  • running Colab notebook

    running Colab notebook

    Hi all,

    When trying to run the Colab notebook I get:

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'results/sqa/model/test_sequence.tsv'

    Also, when I tried to run the on my local device I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tapas'

    I've checked and all the folders contains file and not sure how to run it Can you please advise?

    opened by eliwilner 12
  • Accommodating large tables

    Accommodating large tables

    I tried to run the prediction on a table of size 1.8M X 60 (using the sqa large model) in the example colab file. The following are the steps that I had taken:

    1. Changed the following line in the bert_config.json max_position_embeddings: 2048
    2. Changed the max_seq_length max_seq_length = 2048

    However, it just returns the table without any predictions.

    Could you please provide the changes that one should make to accommodate a table of such size. Thank you.

    opened by sbhttchryy 11
  • Trained Model on WikiTable Questions

    Trained Model on WikiTable Questions

    Hi, can you share the trained model on WikiTableQuestion please?

    Because I tried all base models that you shared without doing any fine-tuning and got error like this tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: Key column_output_bias not found in checkpoint. I guess the base model are not trained using WikiTableQuestions right?

    opened by mdmustafizurrahman 11
  • Pruning method in WTQ

    Pruning method in WTQ


    I am new to this topic and I'm currently trying to use the pruning/filtering method for long tables in the WTQ notebook. I tried using the flag --prune_columns in the prediction function, but it still gives me "Can't convert interaction: error: Sequence too long". What are the necessary steps to filter/prune long tables during prediction?

    Thank you in advance.

    opened by sophgit 9
  • Got AttributeError: 'GFile' object has no attribute 'readable'

    Got AttributeError: 'GFile' object has no attribute 'readable'


    While model data creation using task WTQ, I got AttributeError: 'GFile' object has no attribute 'readable'

    COMMAND USED: ! python tapas/tapas/

    ERROR :

    `WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/compat/ disable_resource_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variable_scope) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
    Instructions for updating:
    non-resource variables are not supported in the long term
    Creating interactions ...
    I0928 05:29:55.827632 140189694424960] Creating interactions ...
    I0928 05:29:55.827936 140189694424960] Converting data from: training.tsv...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 782, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absl/", line 300, in run
        _run_main(main, args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
      File "tapas/tapas/", line 736, in main
        task_utils.create_interactions(task, FLAGS.input_dir, output_dir)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 110, in create_interactions
        wtq_utils.convert(input_dir, output_dir)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 241, in convert
        _convert_data(table_cache, input_dir, output_dir, train_file, version)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 168, in _convert_data
        table = _read_wtq_table(input_dir, wtq_table_id)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tapas/utils/", line 96, in _read_wtq_table
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 676, in parser_f
        return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 448, in _read
        parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 880, in __init__
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 1114, in _make_engine
        self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/", line 1880, in __init__
        src = TextIOWrapper(src, encoding=encoding, newline="")
    AttributeError: 'GFile' object has no attribute 'readable'`
    opened by sparshbhawsar 9
  •  TF records for pretraining data

    TF records for pretraining data

    @muelletm @ebursztein Can you release the tfrecords data for pre-training? I want to develop a 6 layers pretrained checkpoint for TAPAS.

    I am currently running the pre-training data generation in my single CPU machine and it has been running for 3 days. Does it take so long on CPU? Should it create any temporary files? Because I cannot see train.tfrecords and test.tfrecords file even though it has been running for 3 days.

    Can we run pre-training data on GPU? I tried to allocate the gpu but the existing code is not using any?

    opened by mdmustafizurrahman 8
  • Does anyone know of a Tapas tokenizer that is written in Java, C, or Rust?

    Does anyone know of a Tapas tokenizer that is written in Java, C, or Rust?

    Basically im trying to use HuggingFace's Tapas transfer to make an open-domain Q&A bot, but I need to tokenize the strings and table. I've been trying to use Deep Java Library to run it on Android, but i don't think I could do that without rewriting Huggingface's tokenizer in Java from scratch. Does anyone know if there's an Tapas model that runs on Android/Java?

    opened by memetrusidovski 0
  • docs: demo, experiments and live inference API on Tiyaro

    docs: demo, experiments and live inference API on Tiyaro

    Hello Maintainer of Github repo google-research/tapas!

    Thank you for your work on google-research/tapas. This GitHub project is interesting, and we think that it would be a great addition to make this work instantly discoverable & available as an API for all your users, to quickly try and use it in their applications.

    The list of model card(s) covered by this PR are:


    On Tiyaro, every model in google-research/tapas will get its own:

    • Dedicated model card (e.g.
    • Model demo (e.g.
    • Unique Inference API (e.g.
    • Sample code snippets and swagger spec for the API

    Users will also be able to compare your model with other models of similar types on various parameters using Tiyaro Experiments (

    —- I am from ( We are working on enabling developers to instantly evaluate, use and customize the world’s best AI. We are constantly working on adding new features to Tiyaro EasyTrain, EasyServe & Experiments, to make the best use of your ML model, and making AI more accessible for anyone.

    Sincerely, I-Jong Lin

    opened by ijonglin 0
  • Wrong calculation in table

    Wrong calculation in table


    For below table I search "total profit for delhi?" Delhi is not in the table but it's calculating sum of profit for all the rows.


    It seems to be happen for each table if the search keyword is not in the table. Please suggest how to proceed?

    I tried on hugging face with similar query?


    opened by tiwari93 0
  • Fix for issue #160

    Fix for issue #160

    Split the cell with "clone and install" and "run import" code. And added a note to remind the user to restart the runtime.

    Because execution under one single cell does not give the user a chance to restart the runtime which eventually results in ModuleNotFoundError for imports of tapas.utils fucntions.

    opened by bharatji30 0
  • Populate float_answer for Tapas Weak supervision for aggregation (WTQ). TypeError: Parameter to CopyFrom() must be instance of same class: expected language.tapas.Question got str.

    Populate float_answer for Tapas Weak supervision for aggregation (WTQ). TypeError: Parameter to CopyFrom() must be instance of same class: expected language.tapas.Question got str.

    I am trying to fine-tune Tapas following the instructions here: , Weak supervision for aggregation (WTQ) using the , which follow the required format of dataset in the SQA format, tsv files with most of the named columns. But, there is no float_answer column. And as mentioned,

    float_answer: the float answer to the question, if there is one (np.nan if there isn’t). Only required in case of weak supervision for aggregation (such as WTQ and WikiSQL)

    Since I am using WTQ, I need the float_answer column. I tried populating float_answer based on answer_text as suggested here, using 's parse_question(table, question, mode) function. However, I am getting errors.

    I copied everything from here and put these args: Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 2 07 13 PM .

    But, I get this error: TypeError: Parameter to CopyFrom() must be instance of same class: expected language.tapas.Question got str. Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 2 08 07 PM

    1) Can you, please help understand what args should I Use or how else can I populate float_answer?

    I am using table_csv and the question, answer to which is in the table given: Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 2 10 21 PM

    2) Also we have tried to simply add float_answer column and make all the values np.nan. Crashed, too.

    encoding["float_answer"] = torch.tensor(float("nan"))

    Is there tutorial for WTQ fine-tuning? Thanx!

    opened by ayazhankadessova 0
Google Research
Google Research
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