The repository for the paper: Multilingual Translation via Grafting Pre-trained Language Models



The repository for the paper: Multilingual Translation via Grafting Pre-trained Language Models

Graformer (also named BridgeTransformer in the code) is a sequence-to-sequence model mainly for Neural Machine Translation. We improve the multilingual translation by taking advantage of pre-trained (masked) language models, including pre-trained encoder (BERT) and pre-trained decoder (GPT). The code is based on Fairseq.


You can start with run/, with some minor modification. The corresponding scripts represent:

train a pre-trained BERT:

train a pre-trained GPT:

train a Graformer:

inference from Graformer:

Released Models

We release our pre-trained mBERT and mGPT, along with the trained Graformer model in here.

Tensorflow Version

We will provide the tensorflow version in Neurst, a popular toolkit for sequence processing.


Please cite as:

    title = "Multilingual Translation via Grafting Pre-trained Language Models",
    author = "Sun, Zewei and Wang, Mingxuan and Li, Lei",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021",
    year = "2021"


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]

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  • Exception: Cannot load parameters from checkpoint lm_checkpoints/; please ensure that the architectures match

    Exception: Cannot load parameters from checkpoint lm_checkpoints/; please ensure that the architectures match

    What is your question?

    After pre-training the masked lm and the lm following the code in the github repo, I am trying to fuse them and fine-tune them together. However, I am getting these error/exception messages.

    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for BridgeTransformerModel: size mismatch for decoder.embed_tokens.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([63999, 1024]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([64000, 1024]). size mismatch for decoder.output_projection.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([63999, 1024]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([64000, 1024]). size mismatch for decoder.lm_output_projection.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([63999, 1024]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([64000, 1024]).

    Exception: Cannot load parameters from checkpoint lm_checkpoints/; please ensure that the architectures match


    The fine-tuning code: python3 Graformer/ data-bin-ar-en/ --task translation_multi_simple_epoch --langs 'ar,en' --lang-pairs 'ar-en' --decoder-langtok --lang-tok-replacing-bos-eos --arch bridge_transformer --encoder-layers 12 --decoder-layers 12 --no-encoder-attn-layers 0,1,2,3,4,5 --encoder-learned-pos --decoder-learned-pos --no-scale-embedding --encoder-normalize-before --decoder-normalize-before --activation-fn gelu --finetune-from-model masked_lm_checkpoints/,lm_checkpoints/ --freeze-params "(.embed.)|(.layers\.(0|1|2|3|4|5)\..)|(.layers\.6\.self_attn_layer_norm.)" --transfer-params "encoder.layer_norm.weight:encoder.layers.6.self_attn_layer_norm.weight,decoder.layer_norm.weight:decoder.layers.6.self_attn_layer_norm.weight,encoder.layer_norm.bias:encoder.layers.6.self_attn_layer_norm.bias,decoder.layer_norm.bias:decoder.layers.6.self_attn_layer_norm.bias,decoder.embed_tokens.weight:decoder.lm_output_projection.weight,decoder.layer_norm.weight:decoder.lm_layer_norm.weight,decoder.layer_norm.bias:decoder.lm_layer_norm.bias" --lm-fusion --max-epoch 100 --max-tokens 16000 --optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9,0.98)' --lr 0.001 --warmup-updates 2500 --update-freq 5 --criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy --label-smoothing 0.1 --dropout 0.1 --save-interval 5 --keep-interval-updates 5 --keep-best-checkpoints 1 --save-dir grafted-transformer-checkpoints --fp16 --disable-validation --ddp-backend=no_c10d

    Note: The dictionary I pre-trained the models with is not exactly 64k in length.

    What's your environment?

    PyTorch Version: 1.11.0 OS (e.g., Linux): Linux Python version: 3.8.10 GPU models and configuration: NVIDIA-SMI 470.103.01 Driver Version: 470.103.01 CUDA Version: 11.4

    Note: I am working on only 1 GPU

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