Python repo to create blockchain CSVs



  • Python repo to create blockchain CSVs for Terra (LUNA), Solana (SOL), and Cosmos (ATOM).
  • CSV codebase for
  • Community contribution and PRs are most welcome, especially to fix/support new types of protocols/transactions.


  1. Install python 3.9 (one way)
  2. Install pip packages pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Edit (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, shell equivalent) so that it loads sample.env in shell:
set -o allexport
source <PATH_TO_SAMPLE_ENV_HERE>/sample.env
set +o allexport
  1. For ATOM only, install gaiad


  • Same arguments apply for (LUNA), (SOL), (ATOM):
    cd src
    # Create default CSV
    python3 <wallet_address>
    # Create all CSV formats (i.e. koinly, cointracking, etc.)
    python3 <wallet_address> --format all
    # Show CSV result for single transaction (great for development/debugging)
    python3 <wallet_address> --txid <txid>

Contributing Code

  • Code style follows pep8. This can be tested with pycodestyle.
  • Providing a sample txid will expedite a pull request (email [email protected], DM @staketax, etc.):
    # For a given txid, your PR (most commonly) should print different output before/after:
    python3 <wallet_address> --txid <txid>



  • LP for spec, mir, m* assets, mine, vkr [...]

    LP for spec, mir, m* assets, mine, vkr [...]

    So for all these mentioned above (and possibly more) they use bond instead of provide_liquidity. So what currently is happening is that every transaction towards these contracts is recognized as anchor.handle_bond which fails of cause.

    After some debugging and working into the code it seems easiest just to label these as provide_liquidity. It looks like that handle_lp_deposit can handle these transactions just fine.

    The current solution I found, is not the cleanest (so this issue instead of pull)

    # ...
    def _execute_type(elem, txinfo, index=0):
        txid = txinfo.txid
        execute_msg = util_terra._execute_msg(elem, index)
        contract = util_terra._contract(elem, 0)
            addr = util_terra._lookup_address(contract, txid)
        except Exception:
        # ...
        elif "provide_liquidity" in execute_msg or "bond" in execute_msg and len(addr):
        # ...

    This solution utilizes the fact, I observed so far, is that the only bond type tx which has no addr is the anchor bond itself. But well :shrug:

    opened by fentas 11
  • "Unable to determine lp currency"

    Hey! I'm having issues using this tool with Terra chain, I am getting "Unable to determine lp currency for addr". Any ideas what the reason could be?

    INFO:root:localconfig: {'__module__': 'terra.config_terra', 'minor_rewards': False, 'lp_treatment': 'transfers', 'ibc_addresses': {}, 'currency_addresses': {}, 'decimals': {}, 'lp_currency_addresses': {}, '__doc__': None, 'job': None, 'debug': True, 'cache': False, 'limit': 20000, 'koinlynullmap': None}
    INFO:root:max_txs: 20000, max_queries: 200
    CRITICAL:root:Bad stage=default in
    INFO:root:Querying FCD url=
    INFO:root:Wrote to _reports/debug.gettxs-XXX-0.json for debugging
    INFO:root:{'message': 'Retrieved total 78 txids...'}
    CRITICAL:root:Bad stage=default in
    INFO:root:Querying lcd for contract = XXX ...
    INFO:root:Requesting url
    INFO:root:init_msg: {'name': 'Kuji', 'symbol': 'KUJI', 'decimals': 6, 'initial_balances': [{'address': 'XXX', 'amount': '150000000000000'}]}
    INFO:root:Found symbol=KUJI decimals=6
    INFO:root:Querying lcd for contract = XXX ...
    INFO:root:Requesting url
    INFO:root:init_msg: {'name': 'Kuji', 'symbol': 'KUJI', 'decimals': 6, 'initial_balances': [{'address': 'XXX', 'amount': '150000000000000'}]}, txid:XXXX
    ERROR:root:Exception when handling txid=XXX, exception=Unable to determine lp currency for addr=XXX, txid=XXXX
    ERROR:root:Unable to handle txid=XXXX with error_type=exception Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 177, in <module>
      File "", line 42, in main
        exporter = txhistory(wallet_address, options)
      File "", line 125, in txhistory
        terra.processor.process_txs(wallet_address, elems, exporter, progress)
      File "terra\", line 29, in process_txs
        process_tx(wallet_address, elem, exporter)
      File "terra\", line 80, in process_tx
        raise (e)
      File "terra\", line 67, in process_tx
        terra.col4.handle.handle(exporter, elem, txinfo)
      File "terra\col4\", line 184, in handle
        return handle_lp.handle_lp_stake(exporter, elem, txinfo)
      File "terra\col4\", line 156, in handle_lp_stake
        lp_currency = util_terra._lookup_lp_address(lp_currency_address, txid)
      File "terra\", line 359, in _lookup_lp_address
        raise Exception("Unable to determine lp currency for addr={}, txid={}".format(addr, txid))
    Exception: Unable to determine lp currency for addr=XXX, txid=XXXX
    opened by Joshdw 10
  • Error pulling Algofi transaction

    Error pulling Algofi transaction

    Hi, I am trying to pull "myalgowallet" transactions into csv. It seems to work mostly, but there is one transaction with txid HAJARJ5DZ2M3N4YC2RT3CQHEAFRJCC4LHEUN3VKWWROLPCFTPOTA that errors out. It seems like this is an algofi inner transaction. Are you able to fix? You can see the error below

    ERROR:root:Exception when handling txid=HAJARJ5DZ2M3N4YC2RT3CQHEAFRJCC4LHEUN3VKWWROLPCFTPOTA, exception=list index out of range
    ERROR:root:Unable to handle txid=HAJARJ5DZ2M3N4YC2RT3CQHEAFRJCC4LHEUN3VKWWROLPCFTPOTA with error_type=exception
    INFO:root:{'message': 'Processed 1 of 1 transactions', 'seconds_left': 0.0, 'time_elapsed': 0.4218597412109375, 'stage_name': 'default', 'stage_total_tasks': 1, 'stage_current_task_number': 1}
    opened by biomorph 10
  • Add cosmoshub-2 and cosmoshub-1 support

    Add cosmoshub-2 and cosmoshub-1 support

    By digging a bit through the code it seems that it should be fairly easy to add support for older cosmos hub versions as well.

    The API used to retrieve cosmoshub-3 txs is in fact the same as for hub-2 and hub-1. Cosmostation added this not too long ago (see e.g. here or here).

    I think by removing the filtering in: you could actually return all Txs.

    Is that sth you would consider adding (i.e. would you accept a pull request that extents this to hub-2/-1?) or is there a particular reason why this is limited to hub-3?

    opened by liamsi 7
  • Koinly STARS not loading correctly

    Koinly STARS not loading correctly

    Koinly defaults the 'STARS' currency to some other token not the 'Stargaze' token on Osmosis. I was able to override this by setting the currency to ID:36899 in the CSV for import. It seems that tells it to use the Koinly internal ID:

    Not a huge deal to search/replace but figured it might be able to added like you did with the GAMM->NULL switch. Thanks!

    opened by cccassidy 7
  • Add terraswap route swap support (for bPSI-DP-24m)

    Add terraswap route swap support (for bPSI-DP-24m)

    This PR will:

    • Add terraswap route swap support, initially with focus on supporting bPSI-DP-24M trades
    • Add "events from log" helper to extract events from log messages


    Two random transactions picked up from the route-swap contract:


    Close #118

    opened by 0xlaine 6
  • format should include fees in sell amount format should include fees in sell amount format does not include fees in sell amount. Sell amount should include the fees.

    Sell amount 178 should be 178.287933 csv

    opened by Mylros 6
  • TERRA: Miscalculation on Anchor Borrow transactions

    TERRA: Miscalculation on Anchor Borrow transactions

    I just imported a new TERRA staketax file into Koinly and noticed that all BORROW transactions are misstating the gross total impact. There's sort of 4 components to a BORROW transaction with Anchor:

    1. The usual Terra transaction fee -- the small fee charged to all transactions on the blockchain.
    2. Borrow Amount: the total amount being borrowed and needs to be repaid.
    3. Receive Amount: this is the amount deposited into the users wallet.
    4. Anchor Borrow Fee: I'm not sure on the correct title or definition for this fee, but this fee is displayed to the user when they choose their borrow amount in Anchor Protocol, and is taken out of Borrow amount to result in the Receive Amount.

    Right now it appears that staketax is disregarding (4), the Anchor Borrow Fee, resulting in no visibility to those costs.

    To resolve, the Anchor Borrow Fee could be combined with the existing transaction fee amount.

    Screenshots below of an Anchor Borrow transaction, highlighting the fee that's not being accounted -- it shows up in a a few locations: A Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9 29 30 PM B Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9 30 06 PM C Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9 30 27 PM D Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9 30 57 PM

    opened by rymalia 6
  • BTSG airdrop showing up as multiple deposits to wallet, when only one deposit occurred

    BTSG airdrop showing up as multiple deposits to wallet, when only one deposit occurred

    Hello, and thank you for writing this tool. It's a lifesaver

    I recently did an export of my wallet, and when looking at the exported data, it would appear that [Osmosis BTSG Pool 560] reward incentives or airdrop ( were reported as deposits into my wallet. The following line is repeated in the exported CSV 41 times.

    2021-12-31 17:03:02,,,<AMOUNT-HERE>,BTSG,,,,,,,57E82EA67EA00C54EC6068F2860E0DA227532C5F5013745F7071808FD4786471-560

    The issue is that I only received the amount just once, and this has resulted in nearly every tax tool thinking that I earned the entire USD value of the airdrop. 😧

    I've been able to manually verify and fix the CSV locally, but wanted to bring this to your attention in case someone else runs into it 😅

    opened by bruxisma 6
  • feat: add support for regen network

    feat: add support for regen network

    Following basics outlined in

    Happy to add any pieces if I missed something.

    Do chains added here automatically get added as well to website?

    opened by clevinson 5
  • Duplicate fees in format

    Duplicate fees in format output fees are duplicated when fees are in third currency.

    As we have discussed ( requires fees in third currency to be on their own separate transaction.

    But here they are in the trade line and also in the "other fee" line. image

    This causes the that the fee report in cointracking counts twice this fee

    opened by Mylros 5
  • Lp rewards from osmosis chain not showing after 10/09

    Lp rewards from osmosis chain not showing after 10/09

    Lp rewards are showing correctly in or api call through the 9th. However, after the 9th there is no record of lp rewards. Anyone know why or having the same issue?

    Api call used in browser to see osmo lp rewards:{wallet_public_address}/osmo

    opened by OliverFishCode 0
  • Juno not returning transactions prior to July 30th

    Juno not returning transactions prior to July 30th

    I saw some changes were made to the Juno transactions download. It now shows the received amount which is fantastic! Thank you very much, that has saved me a ton of time.

    There is an issue I'm seeing where transactions prior to July 30th are no longer being returned. There is a note saying transactions prior to April 12th are unavailable on Juno chain, but I am seeing everything prior to July 30th missing.

    I am actually seeing the same thing with Evmos as well. After you initially added support for Evmos, I was able to export all transactions for this year which went back to May. However as of 2-3 weeks ago, I can no longer return the earlier transactions. It also only goes back to July for Evmos.

    Let me know if you need anything from me and happy to provide.

    opened by bigshooTer39 4
  • Osmo/UST Liquidity Pair and Outgoing IBC transfers for Stars and SCRT

    Osmo/UST Liquidity Pair and Outgoing IBC transfers for Stars and SCRT

    First off thanks for taking the time to make such a useful piece of software!

    Everything works flawlessly except for a few issues. -Swapping from null tokens back to their base pairs seems to not be working, at least for the Osmo/UST pair -IBC transfer from OSmosis and secret appear not to be working

    Regardless if you get to this message or not, stake. tax has made my life, and countless others' lives much easier. Kudos to you for putting your skills to work to help the less technically savvy.

    Thanks again!

    opened by ltsand3 1
  • Solana token or staking account closure shows fee, not updating balance

    Solana token or staking account closure shows fee, not updating balance

    When closing a Solana token account or staking account, categorizes this transaction as SPEND, the comment field says "fee for _CLOSE_ACCOUNT", and a debit of -0.00005 SOL is recorded.

    When there is a balance in this account (as there often is in staking accounts), there are two problems with the results of this transformation:

    1. The deposit for whatever was in the account is not shown in the output at all.
    2. This type of transaction removes the fee from the balance prior to transfer; it does not debit the main account's balance. This is a little unusual in the Solana world, but it's how it is when closing accounts.

    Example transaction:

    Example CSV (row 7):

    opened by jmatzan 0
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