Application made in Django to generate random passwords as based on certain criteria .



Welcome to Password Generator

About The App

Password Generator is an Open Source project brought to you by Iot Lab,KIIT and it brings you easy and optimized visuals for the explanation of the code. It's an application made in Django to generate random passwords as based on various user input criterias.

What is Hacktoberfest?

A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.

ā­ This repository will be open to contribute under hacktoberfest from October 9, 2021

Steps To Contribute

1.Fork the repo on your github profile from the fork button on top right corner.

2.Clone the forked repository on your machine

git clone

3.Decide the best suiting sub-category for your component under basic or advanced

4.Go to < > file and add the name and the corresponding icon.

5.Create the fragment with a demo of the component and the related codes as done in other fragments.

6.Send us a Pull Request describing about the component you have added.

Note - Adding a component that is already listed in the app with minor changes is not allowed.

Choose from these Tasks

Refer to issues for more tasks.

About IoT Labs,KIIT

This open-source project has been made by the dedicated team of students under IoT Labs,KIIT. IoT Lab at KIIT is a group of committed students who work under the guidance of a group of capable and supportive teachers who guide us through each phase and stage. IoT Lab is a research forum that examines the possibilities of crowdsourcing and the Internet of Things for transdisciplinary research and initiatives that involve greater end-user participation. We currently have a number of successful goods and prototypes. We also provide web development and app development services.

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Tšš‘šš’ššœ šš™šš›šš˜šš“ššŽššŒšš šš’ššœ ššžšš—ššššŽšš› [GNU General Public License v3.0 License]

  • Authentication system

    Authentication system

    I have added Authentication system. This is very basic auth system consisting of login and logout. 'Previous Password' is a JSONField so it can store previous password (need to page which accepts values for password and then stores it). Styling can also be done as per requirement.

    I have removed .pyc files from authenticaion system and also from 'update-restructure' (my previous pull request')

    opened by mathematical-guy 3
  • Update and Restruture

    Update and Restruture

    Using Django Jinja Template language, edited html code for clear understanding (install jinja template extension if using VS Code)

    added MAXLENGTH and MAXPASSWORD so that it can be easily altered afterwards

    changed password generation flow (include can be added as the password generated)

    opened by mathematical-guy 3
  • Input box considering more than maxlength through clipboard

    Input box considering more than maxlength through clipboard

    If more than the length of password is entered in "Must Include" input box by copy pasting method, it considers the input and shows an error.

    The input field should not take input which is more than the user specified length by copy paste method. It should alert the user by displaying an appropriate message.

    HacktoberFest HacktoberFest2021 
    opened by nisheet-n 2
  • Changing button UI and heading

    Changing button UI and heading

    1. Replace the "Generate Another" button with a "Refresh" button on the side.

    2. Move the "Copy to Clipboard" button to the side.

    3. Replace "Your password is " heading with "Password consisting userphrase is ". Here userphrase is the word which the user had entered in the homepage. If nothing was entered, just display "Your password is ".

    HacktoberFest HacktoberFest2021 HacktoberFest-2021-accepted 
    opened by kanishkguptagit 2
  • Check length of must include on paste event

    Check length of must include on paste event

    Hi all, I added a check to validate the length of the must include field is not longer than the specified length, if the user pastes some content into it.

    If the user trys to paste more content then allowed, the content doesn't get pasted into the input and a warning message gets displayed. This closes #19

    HacktoberFest HacktoberFest2021 HacktoberFest-2021-accepted 
    opened by maxvaer 1
  • Added option for including custom words in random generated password

    Added option for including custom words in random generated password

    • word in text field is included in the password at a random place
    • length of input text cannot exceed the selected length of password
    • if the length of password is reduced while larger text to include is present, it truncates it to new length

    closes #4

    HacktoberFest HacktoberFest2021 HacktoberFest-2021-accepted 
    opened by MufaddalHakim 1
  • Changed the UI of home.html and added home.css

    Changed the UI of home.html and added home.css

    Changed the UI of home.html using CSS3 therefore added home.css

    Preview of the updated UI:- update .

    Please review my PR @nisheet-n. Let me know if any issues and any need to update the current code. Thank you in anticipation.

    opened by anishsingh42 1
  • Ensures at least half of password are letters

    Ensures at least half of password are letters

    1. I've optimised the code by using the string module to provide the letters, numbers, and symbols for the project. In addition, using lists are redundant as we can just use strings.
    2. Ensures at least half of the password is letters by adding the ceiling amount of letters initially, then generating the rest via length minus ceiling of half of length. The whole password is the shuffled to ensure randomness.

    Fixes #3

    HacktoberFest HacktoberFest2021 HacktoberFest-2021-accepted 
    opened by jsun1590 1
  • [Feature] Diceware

    [Feature] Diceware

    Hi all,
    I would like to implement a diceware mode. Diceware offers secure but also more easily memorable passwords. Thereby making them a good choice for master passwords for a password manager.

    opened by maxvaer 0
  • Update and Restructure

    Update and Restructure

    Simplified the generate password function. Added MAXLENGTH, MAXPASSWORDS, MAX_INCLUDE_LENGTH parameters in file which are changeable according to requirement.

    Restructured the html code using jinja template. Added max-length parameter to "include" box, thus resolving the bug of input characters with overflowing characters.

    opened by mathematical-guy 2
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