django-dashing is a customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django to visualize interesting data about your project. Inspired in the dashboard framework Dashing



django-dashing is a customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django to visualize interesting data about your project. Inspired in the exceptionally handsome dashboard framework Dashing

Check out a demo over here.

dashboard screenshot


  • Django 1.5.+
  • Django Compressor (optional)

Key concepts

  • Use premade widgets, or fully create your own with css, html, and javascript.
  • Use the API to push data to your dashboards.
  • Drag & Drop interface for re-arranging your widgets.


  1. Install latest stable version from PyPi:
$ pip install django-dashing
  1. Add dashing to INSTALLED_APPS of the your projects.
  1. Include the dashboard URLconf in your project like this:
from dashing.utils import router
url(r'^dashboard/', include(router.urls)),
  1. Start the development server and visit to view the dummy dashboard.

Quick Start

To make your own dashboard and retrieves the data from django you should:

  1. Create a django dashboard application with a file
  2. Create your widget extended from NumberWidget, ListWidget, GraphWidget or simply Widget (from dashing.widgets), for example see.
  3. Register your widget in like:
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from dashing.utils import router

from project.dashboard.widgets import CustomWidget

router.register(CustomWidget, 'custom_widget')

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^dashboard/', include(router.urls)),

Create a dashing-config.js file with a widget that retrive the data in your static directory like:

var myDashboard = new Dashboard();
myDashboard.addWidget('customWidget', 'Number', {
    getData: function () {
        var self = this;
        Dashing.utils.get('custom_widget', function(data) {
            $.extend(self.scope, data);
    interval: 3000

Also if you want to locate the config file in a different directory you can create a dashing/dashboard.html file in your TEMPLATE_DIRS and replace the config_file block to the route of your javascript config file, see the docs.


Install dependencies.

$ npm install
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run tests.

$ npm test


  • Widget Template Registry

    Widget Template Registry

    It's not easy to use third-party or proprietary widgets from multiple sources right now. I suggest using a registry using as this feels like configuration.

    dashboard.html can then consult this registry and use that for the list of html templates to include, perhaps in the form of a templatetag or something.

    opened by mverteuil 8
  • Conditional background color

    Conditional background color

    I'm stuck on something which is maybe trivial... have checked the documentation, source code, and the various examples but no luck.

    How can I show a different background color with the Number widget?

    Would like to show Green if a number = zero, and Red if number > 0.

    Thanks for the cool dashboard by the way :-)

    opened by wimkerkhoff 7
  • Embedding links into Dashboard?

    Embedding links into Dashboard?

    This isn't really an issue, but rather a question. I would like to add links inside a widget, but seems I can't do that. I'm guessing the Widgets are readonly...

    I see I can add links on the html page for the dashboard, but is there a way I can do this with a widget?

    Like the list widget, put in a clickable link?

    (I tried adding href to a key,value in data, but no joy.

    opened by lmaloney 6
  • Install & Usage

    Install & Usage

    Thanks for making this awesome project, but I'm having an issue installing and usage....

    I've followed the documentation, and I can pull up the built in "demo" dashboard in my project, however the docs don't really explain how to setup an HTML file/view for my own custom dashboard.

    I could modify the default dashboard, but that's not what should be done.

    I went ahead and created an HTML file, and served it through a view like this:

    from django.http import HttpResponse, StreamingHttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render, render_to_response, redirect, RequestContext def test_dashboard(request):

    context={ }
    return render(request,'dashing/dashing.html',context)      

    html file: {% extends 'dashing/base.html' %} {% load staticfiles %}

    {% block 'stylesheets' %}

    {% endblock %}

    When I render this, I still get the default dashboard data, even if my dashing-config.js file is empty.

    So, my questions are two fold:

    1.) How do I setup my own dashboard (not use the built in dashboard) (I've read the example trelio card app, and still can't figure it out)

    2.) Once I am rendering my HTML document, how to I point the JS/HTML to retreive data from the widget classes setup?

    opened by lmaloney 5
  • rolling dashboards by URL parameter

    rolling dashboards by URL parameter

    this should fix #12 and #11 as described in the issues and should fix the issues from the last pull request. I added additions to the documention as well.

    opened by torstenfeld 5
  • Map URL arguments to parameters in widgets

    Map URL arguments to parameters in widgets

    It would be nice if I could write a general widget, for example a github repository commit list (I have written this in my fork but it's pretty messy), to use URL parameters to pass configuration options like the repo to watch and the most recent commits.

    I can see a case to be made for REST style URLs here (i.e. /widgets/githubcommits/talpor/django-dashing/) or parameterized requests (i.e. /widgets/githubcommits/?user=talpor&repo=django-dashing)

    This project is fantastic and has good velocity and I'd be happy to discuss design and implementation of this feature if you like. Have you considered this yourself?

    opened by mverteuil 5
  • where do you suggest to place dashing-config.js or dashboard.html ?

    where do you suggest to place dashing-config.js or dashboard.html ?

    just curious..

    I could place code under my project's app/dashing/static/dashing/dashing-config.js

    but from dashing import <something> would cause problems when I start to add python codes under app/dashing/

    So where do you suggest to place those files?

    opened by pcompassion 4
  • Knob not updated on new data

    Knob not updated on new data

    Graph and List both update on $.extend( this.scope, scope ), however Knob (specifically, scope.value and does not. (I want a knob that changes its foreground colour based on the value, in the standard "green/yellow/red" scheme.)

    For example, the following will update the numerical value displayed (i.e. the one hidden by, but not the arc itself:

    dashboard.addWidget( "MyWidget", "Knob", {
        getData: function() {
            var scope = GetWidgetScope();
            $.extend( this.scope, scope );

    I've been able to work around this by adding these trigger calls to the end of getData, but I'd rather this was handled by the library itself:

    $( ".dashing-knob" ).trigger( "change" );           // updates the value
    $( ".dashing-knob" ).trigger( "configure", data );  // updates the colour/etc
    opened by Syeberman 4
  • Own modules

    Own modules


    I'm trying to setup this really cool tool. Unfortunatelly I am not able to create my own widgets. I was trying it with the documentation (created own PyPI package with my custom widgets with no success). Is there somebody who has some experience with creating own widgets? Can you share all steps needed?

    Also there is a question when I have own widget with python class, how can I pass parameters from js to the python? I want to have one widget to be used with different data passed to python. Is it possible? I didn't find any reasonable example.

    Thanks a lot! :-)

    opened by mliner 3
  • map: add support for specifying a Google Maps API key

    map: add support for specifying a Google Maps API key

    I did not get the map widget to work without adding a Google Maps API key to the JS script loading function, hence this PR.

    It's implemented using an additional settings key, WIDGET_CONFIGS, to hold the API key, because as I understand it it's not possible to have it in dashing-config.js since the Google Maps javascript has already been loaded earlier in dashing.js. I added a new template tag, widget_configs, similar to the existing styles and scripts tags, since once again I saw no over simpler way to do it.

    If you agree with the way this is implemented I'll go about updating the docs as well to explain how the new settings key must be used (it's basically a widget name -> {key, value} dict that ends pushed down as <script> snippets in base.html).

    opened by noirbee 3
  • Question Developing New Widget Locally

    Question Developing New Widget Locally

    I am a little confused on how to set up my directory when I am trying to develop and test a widget locally. Based on the documentation I have my directory like this in my project:

    project/ -----static/ ----------dashing-config.js ----------widgets/ ---------------custom_widget.js ---------------custom_widget.css ---------------custom_widget/ -------------------- custom_widget.html

    When I do this and add my custom widget to my INSTALLED_WIDGETS option in my, I receive a "custom_widget does not exist" error in my web console.

    opened by ryantenorio 3
  • docs: Fix a few typos

    docs: Fix a few typos

    There are small typos in:

    • README.rst
    • docs/getting-started.rst


    • Should read retrieve rather than retrive.
    • Should read necessary rather than neccesary.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 0
  • Fixed widgets

    Fixed widgets

    Good morning,

    I am quite new working in this area, and I am in a project in which I have inherited a code that works with djago-dashing.

    We have a panel with four widgets (2 Number type and 2 List type). My question arises because when I click on a widget and drag the widget it changes position with the rest.

    Is there any way to fix these widgets and it is not possible to move them with the mouse.

    Thank you very much

    opened by angelmc 0
  • Bump django from 1.10 to 2.2.24

    Bump django from 1.10 to 2.2.24

    Bumps django from 1.10 to 2.2.24.

    • 2da029d [2.2.x] Bumped version for 2.2.24 release.
    • f27c38a [2.2.x] Fixed CVE-2021-33571 -- Prevented leading zeros in IPv4 addresses.
    • 053cc95 [2.2.x] Fixed CVE-2021-33203 -- Fixed potential path-traversal via admindocs'...
    • 6229d87 [2.2.x] Confirmed release date for Django 2.2.24.
    • f163ad5 [2.2.x] Added stub release notes and date for Django 2.2.24.
    • bed1755 [2.2.x] Changed IRC references to Libera.Chat.
    • 63f0d7a [2.2.x] Refs #32718 -- Fixed file_storage.test_generate_filename and model_fi...
    • 5fe4970 [2.2.x] Post-release version bump.
    • 61f814f [2.2.x] Bumped version for 2.2.23 release.
    • b8ecb06 [2.2.x] Fixed #32718 -- Relaxed file name validation in FileField.
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • interval not works

    interval not works


    I am setting interval: 20000, but it's not works. and seems it's still random fresh data.

    var myDashboard = new Dashboard();
    myDashboard.addWidget('customWidget', 'Number', {
        getData: function () {
            var self = this;
            Dashing.utils.get('custom_widget', function(data) {
                $.extend(self.scope, data);
        interval: 20000
    opened by sunjiali 0
  • Compatibility with Django 3

    Compatibility with Django 3

    I tried to use django-dashing but realized it's not updated to work with Django 3. I did try to update django-dashing to Django 3, but noted there are more than a handful of modifications to be had:

    It appears Django 3 introduces some breaking changes to django-dashing, such as removal of django.utils.six (used in dashing/, rename of settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES to settings.MIDDLEWARE (used in test/test_app/test_app/ It appears some of the middlewares used in the test app do not appear to exist with the same name anymore.

    Additionally it appears Python 2.7 support was dropped from Django from ~1.1~ 1.11 onwards.

    Is there interest in supporting Django 3? Is django-dashing still supporting Python 2? Thanks in advance.

    opened by winny- 1
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