A tool for study using pomodoro methodology, while study mode spotify or any other .exe app is opened and while resting is closed.
Main Interface:
You can set the pomodoro timer settings here:
You can set the Spotify or any other executable settings here so that when working time happens the executable is opened and closed while resting time:
Example of working time:
Example of rest time:
Run .py file and mantain all the folder as it is.
If you want to have an executable file you can do the following on python terminal:
pip install pyinstaller
And in the anaconda prompt or other prompt
pyinstaller --onefile -w 'pomodoro.py'
This will create a dist folder with the .exe file of the app. Add to that directory the rest of the repository: .png, .mp3, .txt...
Windows support is guaranteed (Not tested in Linux)