A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.



A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.

Find associated tutorials at https://lazyprogrammer.me

Find associated courses at https://deeplearningcourses.com

Please note that not all code from all courses will be found in this repository. Some newer code examples (e.g. most of Tensorflow 2.0) were done in Google Colab. Therefore, you should check the instructions given in the lectures for the course you are taking.

How to I find the code for a particular course?

The code for each course is separated by folder. You can determine which folder corresponds with which course by watching the "Where to get the code" lecture inside the course (usually Lecture 2 or 3).

Remember: one folder = one course.

Why you should not fork this repo

I've noticed that many people have out-of-date forks. Thus, I recommend not forking this repository if you take one of my courses. I am constantly updating my courses, and your fork will soon become out-of-date. You should clone the repository instead to make it easy to get updates (i.e. just "git pull" randomly and frequently).

Where is the code for your latest courses?

Beginning with Tensorflow 2, I started to use Google Colab. For those courses, unless otherwise noted, the code will be on Google Colab. Links to the notebooks are provided in the course. See the lecture "Where to get the code" for further details.

VIP Course Links

*** Note: if any of these coupons becomes out of date, check my website (https://lazyprogrammer.me) for the latest version. I will probably just keep incrementing them numerically, e.g. FINANCEVIP2, FINANCEVIP3, etc..

Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Machine Learning


Financial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in Python


PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (VIP Version) https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-tensorflow-2

Deep Learning Courses Exclusives

Classical Statistical Inference and A/B Testing in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/statistical-inference-in-python

Linear Programming for Linear Regression in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/linear-programming-python

MATLAB for Students, Engineers, and Professionals in STEM https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/matlab

Other Course Links

Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (non-VIP version) https://www.udemy.com/course/deep-learning-tensorflow-2/?referralCode=E10B72D3848AB70FE1B8

Cutting-Edge AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/cutting-edge-artificial-intelligence

Recommender Systems and Deep Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/recommender-systems

Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/support-vector-machines-in-python

Deep Learning: Advanced Computer Vision https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/advanced-computer-vision

Deep Learning: Advanced NLP and RNNs https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-advanced-nlp

Deep Learning: GANs and Variational Autoencoders https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-gans-and-variational-autoencoders

Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-reinforcement-learning-in-python

Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/artificial-intelligence-reinforcement-learning-in-python

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/natural-language-processing-with-deep-learning-in-python

Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-recurrent-neural-networks-in-python

Unsupervised Machine Learning: Hidden Markov Models in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/unsupervised-machine-learning-hidden-markov-models-in-python

Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-prerequisites-the-numpy-stack-in-python

Deep Learning Prerequisites: Linear Regression in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-linear-regression-in-python

Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-logistic-regression-in-python

Deep Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-deep-learning-in-python

Cluster Analysis and Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/cluster-analysis-unsupervised-machine-learning-python

Data Science: Supervised Machine Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-supervised-machine-learning-in-python

Bayesian Machine Learning in Python: A/B Testing https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/bayesian-machine-learning-in-python-ab-testing

Easy Natural Language Processing in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-natural-language-processing-in-python

Practical Deep Learning in Theano and TensorFlow https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/data-science-deep-learning-in-theano-tensorflow

Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest and AdaBoost https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/machine-learning-in-python-random-forest-adaboost

Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-learning-convolutional-neural-networks-theano-tensorflow

Unsupervised Deep Learning in Python https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/unsupervised-deep-learning-in-python

  • Add requirements

    Add requirements


    It would be great if you could add the project requirements (requirements.txt, or in some other form). Installing the required libraries is not enough, since we end up not having the correct library versions for running the code.


    opened by joao-faria 5
  • error


    I have installed rnn and tensorflow package but following error showing:

    from rnn_class.brown import abget_sentences_with_word2idx_limit_voc, get_sentences_with_word2idx ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rnn_class'

    opened by amitchandnia 4
  • Error in linear_rl_trader.py

    Error in linear_rl_trader.py

    There is some error in the code. Kindly check it and resolve it out as soon as possible. My MacOS terminal says: line 349 with open(f'{models_folder}/scaler.pkl', 'rb') as f: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    opened by look4yasharth 2
  • Simple Question

    Simple Question


    I bought "Convolutional Neural Networks in Python". And, cnn_tf.py (Chapter 5:Sample Code in Tensorflow) is worked.

    Now, I have simple question. How shold I evaluate it ??? Please give me some advice if you do not mind.


    opened by C4A-yosy 2
  • question in grid_world.py

    question in grid_world.py

    Hi, @lazyprogrammer ,

    Does it miss a line "(1, 1): step_cost," under line 104 in grid_world.py, according to only two terminal states such as (0, 3) and (1, 3)?

    opened by amiltonwong 2
  • CVS file error/mismatch?

    CVS file error/mismatch?

    opened by rohit-kumar-j 1
  • rl/monte_carlo.py -

    rl/monte_carlo.py - "iterative_policy_evaluation" doesn't exist!

    "iterative_policy_evaluation" in the mentioned file must be changed to "iterative_policy_evaluation_deterministic" (or probabilistic).

    opened by MJamshidnejad 1
  • How to determine num_words variable when creating embedding matrix?

    How to determine num_words variable when creating embedding matrix?

    I have been following the poetry generation notebook and at the point where we have to create an embedding matrix that uses the following code

    # prepare embedding matrix
    num_words = min(MAX_VOCAB_SIZE, len(word2idx) + 1)
    embedding_matrix = np.zeros((num_words, EMBEDDING_DIM))
    for word, i in word2idx.items():
        if i < MAX_VOCAB_SIZE:
            embedding_vector = word2vec.get(word)
            if embedding_vector is not None:
                # words not found in embedding index will be all zeros
                embedding_maxtrix[i] = embedding_vector

    in the tutorial MAX_VOCAB_SIZE = 3000 and len(word2idx) + 1 = 4615. Shouldn't the second line be num_words = max(MAX_VOCAB_SIZE, len(word2idx) + 1) because if we take the min, we're essentially dropping out some words from the embedding matrix? As in we should be considering each and every word in word2idx. What really is the point of num_words here if we can just create the embedding matrix of size len(word2idx) + 1) * (EMBEDDING_DIM).

    opened by Nishant-Pall 1
  • Udemy Course

    Udemy Course

    PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence I just want to ask that your course "PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence" is very expensive on Udemy. I like your lectures, and learned a lot from previous courses, Thank you!!

    opened by shaziaj 1
  • Error: 'the path of my train.npy file' is not UTF-8 format.

    Error: 'the path of my train.npy file' is not UTF-8 format.

    I am trying to run your linear_rl_trader.py file. but there is a problem with train.npy file. The problem is running but the result can not be saved.

    Error: 'the path of my train.npy file' is not UTF-8 format

    Do you know how I can solve this problem? I added encoding='utf-8' in the following but still it didn't solved.

    np.save(f'{rewards_folder}/{args.mode}.npy', portfolio_value)

    opened by ghost 1
  • ann_class2/tensorflow1.py - migrate from tensorflow version 1 to version 2

    ann_class2/tensorflow1.py - migrate from tensorflow version 1 to version 2

    I'm following the how to install guide of the data-science-linear-regression-in-python course.

    The code for verifying that tensorflow is working correctly, didn't work for me, so I investigated how to fix it. Here is the error I was experiencing.

    PROMPT> python3 tensorflow1.py 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "tensorflow1.py", line 20, in <module>
        A = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(5, 5), name='A')
    AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'

    On TF's website there is a migration guide.

    Change from

    import tensorflow as tf

    Change to

    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

    This solved it for me.

    opened by neoneye 1
  • Why do we need a manual for loop when implementing Attention?

    Why do we need a manual for loop when implementing Attention?

    Please bear with me here.

    This might be confusing to understand for some because I'm adding the pseudocode to support what's unclear to me. I've been following a tutorial and it was mentioned that we need to define a for loop over the target sequences considering we're doing machine translation using attention mechanisms using LSTMs.

    I've made it something that would look like Keras.

    This is the pseudocode

    h = encoder(input) # For getting input sequences for calculation attention weights and context vector
    decoder_hidden_state = 0 # Hidden state
    decoder_cell_state = 0 # Cell state
    outputs = []
    for t in range(Ty): # Ty being the length of the target sequence
        context = calc_attention(decoder_hidden_state, h) # decoder_hiddent_state(t-1), h(1),......h(Tx)
        decoder_output, decoder_hidden_state, decoder_cell_state = decoder_lstm(context, init = [decoder_hidden_state,decoder_cell_state])
        probabilities = dense_layer(o)
    model = Model ( input, outputs)

    The thing that is unclear to me is why are we using a for loop, It was said that "In a regular seq2seq, we pass in the entire target input sequence all at once because the output was calculated all at once. But we need a loop over Ty steps since each context depends on the previous state"

    But I think that the same can be done in the case of attention because if I just remove the for loop.

    Just like this code below, which is the decoder part of a normal seq2seq

    decoder_inputs_placeholder = Input(shape=(max_len_target,))
    decoder_embedding = Embedding(num_words_output, EMBEDDING_DIM)
    decoder_inputs_x = decoder_embedding(decoder_inputs_placeholder)
    decoder_lstm = LSTM(

    If I want to add attention can't I just define the states here and call the calc_attention function that would return the context for a particular timestep while decoding, and can be passed onto the lstm call just as done before in pseudocode?

    decoder_outputs, decoder_hidden_state, decoder_cell_state = decoder_lstm(
       initial_state=[decoder_hidden_state, decoder_cell_state]
    decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_outputs)
    opened by Nishant-Pall 1
  • docs: fix simple typo, distrbution -> distribution

    docs: fix simple typo, distrbution -> distribution

    There is a small typo in svm_class/svm_gradient.py.

    Should read distribution rather than distrbution.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by https://github.com/timgates42/meticulous/blob/master/docs/NOTE.md

    opened by timgates42 0
  • warning with saving the model

    warning with saving the model

    it apperas that the accuracy of the model is so good but after saving the model and load it, it gives a non reasonable results .. the model is not saved correctly

    opened by HoudaKilani 0
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