Code for ACL 2020 paper "Rigid Formats Controlled Text Generation"



SongNet: SongCi + Song (Lyrics) + Sonnet + etc.

    title = "Rigid Formats Controlled Text Generation",
    author = "Li, Piji and Zhang, Haisong and Liu, Xiaojiang and Shi, Shuming",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.68",
    pages = "742--751"


  • python
  • ./


  • Modify m_path = the best dev model
  • ./
  • python


  • ./



  • 请问该怎样理解transformer模块中的incremental_state?


    您好,近日想做一些关于AI写诗方面的研究,研读了您的代码。但是在读到您的transformer模块时,不太理解您的incremental_state的实现,因为之前在其他论文或transformer的代码中并没有看到过类似的实现(可能也有我看代码看的不很多的缘故),想询问一下您,您的incremental state与其中的'bidx'项该怎么样进行理解? 这个transformer实现是不是一种原来transformer加速实现的方法,有没有相应的论文或这方面的说明?求指教!


    opened by Imposingapple 5
  • 训练与生成时 ys_tpl与xs_tpl 不匹配的问题

    训练与生成时 ys_tpl与xs_tpl 不匹配的问题

    请问一下,训练时ys_tpl与xs_tpl(代表格式与押韵信息)只有c0,c2,c1,而生成(polish)时,对应的ys_tpl和xs_tpl却会包含已有的字的信息,比如C={c0,c0,love,c1,,bends,c0,remove,c1,,} 。 1)那么模型在生成时真的能够正确识别到ys_tpl和xs_tpl中字的信息吗,考虑到在训练时它从未见过这样的输入。如果缺失的字的比例只有20%甚至更低时,模型真的还能有相应的生成能力吗? 2)在代码里面,对应的缺失的字“” 会被统一替换为c1,这里是不是没有考虑到字如果是韵脚的情况,即“”应该被替换为c2?

    opened by jackbyebye 3
  • 如何使用多卡训练?


    尝试把 里的 world_size 和 gpus 都设为 8,报了这个错误:", line 15, in init self.one_hot = torch.full((1, size), self.smoothing_value).to(device) RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal


    ps:另外发现了一个小问题,无论怎样设置 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES,单卡时总是使用第二个 GPU,正在尝试解决

    opened by ChaooMa 3
  • 在google colab 执行./, 出现错误, 不确定是否是torch版本带来的问题

    在google colab 执行./, 出现错误, 不确定是否是torch版本带来的问题


    RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [136, 16, 2304]], which is output 0 of AddBackward0, is at version 2; expected version 1 instead. Hint: enable anomaly detection to find the operation that failed to compute its gradient, with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True).

    version: torch-1.7.0+cu101, python-3.6.9

    李老师, 能否告知下你的torch版本啊

    opened by smartmark-pro 3
  • 运行./test.sh时发生报错:


    你好 我在训练网络完毕之后 将test.py中的m_path改为了结果中最新的checkpoint的地址

    但是在运行./test.sh时发生报错: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 34, in lm_model, lm_vocab, lm_args = init_model(m_path, gpu, "./model/vocab.txt") File "", line 28, in init_model lm_model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model']) File "/usr/local/anaconda3/envs/GPT/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1052, in load_state_dict, "\n\t".join(error_msgs))) RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for BIGLM: size mismatch for tok_embed.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([6410, 768]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([28781, 768]).
    size mismatch for out_proj.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([6410, 768]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([28781, 768]). size mismatch for out_proj.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([6410]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([28781]).


    opened by Asuka0002 2
  • Bad results..

    Bad results..

    Hi I trained on small dataset

    2300 667 2599
    vocab.size = 1215
    batch_acm 99, loss 5.277, acc 0.102, nll 6.265, ppl 86.928, x_acm 1584, lr 0.000002
    batch_acm 199, loss 3.566, acc 0.262, nll 4.273, ppl 20.652, x_acm 3179, lr 0.000005
    batch_acm 299, loss 2.664, acc 0.323, nll 3.223, ppl 9.619, x_acm 4774, lr 0.000008
    batch_acm 399, loss 2.123, acc 0.396, nll 2.580, ppl 6.136, x_acm 6374, lr 0.000010
    batch_acm 499, loss 1.807, acc 0.452, nll 2.195, ppl 4.706, x_acm 7969, lr 0.000013
    epoch-3-acm-499 nll= 1.846888825275015 ppl= 3.7909837519747205 count= 667.0
    batch_acm 599, loss 1.580, acc 0.502, nll 1.921, ppl 3.879, x_acm 9564, lr 0.000015
    batch_acm 699, loss 1.370, acc 0.561, nll 1.673, ppl 3.265, x_acm 11164, lr 0.000018
    batch_acm 799, loss 1.151, acc 0.631, nll 1.418, ppl 2.733, x_acm 12759, lr 0.000020
    batch_acm 899, loss 0.934, acc 0.701, nll 1.167, ppl 2.290, x_acm 14354, lr 0.000023
    batch_acm 999, loss 0.695, acc 0.787, nll 0.890, ppl 1.882, x_acm 15954, lr 0.000025
    epoch-6-acm-999 nll= 0.3973974670427314 ppl= 1.3300093074609851 count= 667.0
    batch_acm 1099, loss 0.494, acc 0.856, nll 0.652, ppl 1.589, x_acm 17549, lr 0.000028
    batch_acm 1199, loss 0.332, acc 0.913, nll 0.460, ppl 1.384, x_acm 19144, lr 0.000030
    batch_acm 1299, loss 0.223, acc 0.945, nll 0.330, ppl 1.260, x_acm 20739, lr 0.000033
    batch_acm 1399, loss 0.157, acc 0.966, nll 0.252, ppl 1.192, x_acm 22339, lr 0.000035
    batch_acm 1499, loss 0.117, acc 0.975, nll 0.208, ppl 1.156, x_acm 23934, lr 0.000038
    epoch-10-acm-1499 nll= 0.08431253172289664 ppl= 1.060383505013393 count= 667.0
    training time: 453sec.

    and test result is unreadable text after execute with my ckpt epoch10_batch_1499 and my vocab.txt

    ps: my editedpolish_tpl.txt

    ['Gufd<s1>327711<s2>_____,____ менять.______ _____ сейчас. _________ любимый. ______ _____ много.']


    Gufd<s1>327711<s2>_____,____ менять.______ _____ сейчас. _________ любимый. ______ _____ много.
    <bos>По-ти, мув менять.шозыха сйшаб с</s>
    opened by pavelxx1 1
  • Could you please explain more about Integrity evaluation?

    Could you please explain more about Integrity evaluation?

    I cannot find the codes about evaluating Integrity. Could you please release them as well as the pretrained GPT2 model mentioned in your paper? Thanks.

    opened by DuYooho 1
  • How to generate text containing fixed text information?

    How to generate text containing fixed text information?

    Hello, as shown in the Table 6 of the paper, you mention that "our model has the ability of refining and polishing given the format C which contains some fixed text information". So could you please tell me how to make it specifically? 😊 You could reply in Chinese if you would like to, thanks a lot!

    opened by cdxeve 1
  • 执行./test 出现错误

    执行./test 出现错误 "IndexError: The shape of the mask [1] at index 0 does not match "

    李老师你好, 您当前的代码, 我运行没有任何问题, 但是当我把数据迁移到自己搜集的数据时, 会出现错误.


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 359, in <module>
        res = top_k_inc(enc, src_padding_mask, ys_tpl, ys_seg, ys_pos, s)
      File "", line 61, in top_k_inc
      File "/content/SongNet/", line 91, in work_incremental
      File "/content/SongNet/", line 73, in work_incremental
        attn_mask=self_attn_mask, incremental_state=incremental_state)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/content/SongNet/", line 156, in forward
        prev_key = prev_key[bidx]
    IndexError: The shape of the mask [1] at index 0 does not match the shape of the indexed tensor [2, 12, 1, 64] at index 0

    错误情形 train和eval, polish都没有问题, 但是运行test中执行到某条数据时, 就会出现这种错误. 也就是有的数据可以正常预测和打印, 有的不能.

    临时的解决办法 我在test中增加try except 跳过执行出错的例子.

    希望能解决bug 我读了transformer prev_key前后的代码, 没能理解错误. 如果您在调试中也遇到类似问题, 能给一些解决的提示么?

    opened by smartmark-pro 0
  • 评价标准


    论文里列出了很多标准,包括 rhyme, tpl 等相关 loss,但是代码中真正做 backpropagation 的好像只有 nll/ppl。 我想请问下预训练的过程中,这些 格式、韵律 相关的 Loss 有做计算和backpropagation吗?

    另外,论文中提到 Beam Search 方法生成,代码中只有在 里出现过,我想请问下是尝试过 TopK 生成效果优于 BeamSearch 吗?为什么在做 polish 的时候不选择 BeamSearch ?

    opened by MianWang123 0
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