Code for papers "Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering" and "Reader-Guided Passage Reranking for Open-Domain Question Answering", ACL 2021

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Text Data & NLP GAR

This repo provides the code of the following papers:

(GAR) "Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-domain Question Answering", ACL 2021

(RIDER) "Reader-Guided Passage Reranking for Open-Domain Question Answering", Findings of ACL 2021.

GAR augments a question with relevant contexts generated by seq2seq learning, with the question as input and target outputs such as the answer, the sentence where the answer belongs to, and the title of a passage that contains the answer. With the generated contexts appended to the original questions, GAR achieves state-of-the-art OpenQA performance with a simple BM25 retriever.

RIDER is a simple and effective passage reranker, which reranks retrieved passages by reader predictions without any training. RIDER achieves 10~20 gains in top-1 retrieval accuracy, 1~4 gains in Exact Match (EM), and even outperforms supervised transformer-based rerankers.



The codebase of seq2seq models is based on (old) huggingface/transformers (version==2.11.0) examples.

See train_gen.yml for the package requirements and example commands to run the models. training of seq2seq models. configurations for There are some default parameters but it might be easier to set e.g., --data_dir and --output_dir directly. test of seq2seq models (if not already done in


We use pyserini for BM25 retrieval. Please refer to its document for indexing and searching wiki passages (wiki passages can be downloaded here). Alternatively, you may take a look at its effort to reproduce DPR results, which gives more detailed instructions and incorporates the passage-level span voting in GAR.


Please see the instructions in rider/


We experiment with one extractive reader and one generative reader.

For the extractive reader, we take the one used by dense passage retrieval. Please refer to DPR for more details.

For the generative reader, we reuse the codebase in the generation stage above, with [question; top-retrieved passages] as the source input and one ground-truth answer as the target output. Example script is provided in train_gen.yml.


Please refer to DPR for dataset downloading.

For seq2seq learning, use {train/val/test}.source as the input and {train/val/test}.target as the output, where each line is one example.

In the same folder, save the list of ground-truth answers with name {val/test}.target.json if you want to evaluate EM during training.


Please use the following bibtex to cite our papers.

  title={Generation-augmented retrieval for open-domain question answering},
  author={Mao, Yuning and He, Pengcheng and Liu, Xiaodong and Shen, Yelong and Gao, Jianfeng and Han, Jiawei and Chen, Weizhu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08553},

  title={Reader-Guided Passage Reranking for Open-Domain Question Answering},
  author={Mao, Yuning and He, Pengcheng and Liu, Xiaodong and Shen, Yelong and Gao, Jianfeng and Han, Jiawei and Chen, Weizhu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00294}

  • Fusion quesion

    Fusion quesion

    Hi, I got a problem when I try to fusion the results from three sources following the instruction in another Issue "Say you have 3 lists of retrieved docs [a1, a2, ...], [b1, b2, ...], [c1, c2, ...]. The combined list would be [a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, ...]". Especially, I treat list a, list b and list c as list answer, list sentence and list title separately. I check my code many time and I still obtain the result below slightly different, is it reasonable? Top5 accuracy: 0.5853 Top10 accuracy: 0.6604 Top20 accuracy: 0.7269
    Top50 accuracy: 0.7967 Top100 accuracy: 0.8382

    I use the provided augmented query using BM25 on NQ, and I got same results as another Issue in each source. Here is my fusion code, I would be grateful if you can point some mistake out. Or can you provide the resouce code? It would be really helpful!

    ` def fusion(n_doc, tit=True, sen=True, ans_path=None, tit_path=None, sen_path=None, output_path=None): if tit: data_tit = json.load(open(tit_path, "r")) if sen: data_sen = json.load(open(sen_path, "r")) data_ans = json.load(open(ans_path, "r"))

    fusion_result = []
    for i, data in enumerate(data_ans):
        fusion_result.append(data)  # I do this to keep same format with the evaluation file
        fusion_psgs = []
        for j, ctx in enumerate(data["ctxs"]):
            if len(fusion_psgs) == n_doc:
            if tit:
            if sen:
        assert len(fusion_psgs) == n_doc, f"question{i} fusion passages length{len(fusion_psgs)} != {n_doc}"
        fusion_result[i]["ctxs"] = fusion_psgs
    json.dump(fusion_result, open(output_path, "w"))
    return fusion_result


    Thank you !!!

    opened by zhengmq2010 4
  • Example of calling the RIDER function from DPR inference code

    Example of calling the RIDER function from DPR inference code

    Thank you for sharing your implementation of GAR and RIDER. there is a function called rider_rerank, I would appreciate if you could advise me how you actually used this in your DPR reader inference code. If possible, could you give an example of how you called it?

    opened by kambehmw 4
  • What is the difference between the two checkpoints?

    What is the difference between the two checkpoints?

    I noticed that there were two checkpoints when I finished training model,are they the same? I have trained three checkpoints based on custom datasets,but I got the same checkpoints'name, they are: ①checkpointepoch=1.ckpt;and②checkpointlast.ckpt

    So why is it *epoch=1, and not 50 or 100?("--num_train_epochs", default=8)

    opened by XY2323819551 2
  • Question about training Answer_generator (GAR)

    Question about training Answer_generator (GAR)

    How are the data look like for training an answer_generator and where are they? I do not find any information about the variable "data_dir="./cnn-dailymail/cnn_dm/ " of class SummarizationDataset in file line 156. How should I download and prepare the training data for answer_generator?

    opened by yiyaxiaozhi 2
  • Model checkpoints

    Model checkpoints

    Hello! Thanks for publishing your code. Do you intend to publish the checkpoint? The command-line arguments that you used to generate them would also be very nice. Thanks.

    opened by JulesGM 2
  • Why not finetune DPR using the results of GAR?

    Why not finetune DPR using the results of GAR?

    It seems like dense retrieval may achieve better results, but in GAR+ you only fuse the results of sparse and dense retrieval, so why not finetune DPR using the augmented querys? Or if you have carried out such experiements, what is the performance?

    opened by bunny-sleepy 1
  • No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base'

    No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base'

    Hello, sorry to bother you,I met an issue when I tried to train the GAR model, as follows:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 245, in val_dataloader Traceback (most recent call last): return self.get_dataloader("val", batch_size=self.hparams.eval_batch_size, num_workers=4) File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 245, in val_dataloader File "", line 225, in get_dataloader dataset = SummarizationDataset(self.tokenizer, type_path=type_path, **self.dataset_kwargs) File "../gar/", line 177, in init return self.get_dataloader("val", batch_size=self.hparams.eval_batch_size, num_workers=4) self.source = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, type_path + f".source.processed{suffix}"), 'rb')) File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 225, in get_dataloader ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 308, in dataset = SummarizationDataset(self.tokenizer, type_path=type_path, **self.dataset_kwargs) File "../gar/", line 177, in init main(args) File "", line 285, in main self.source = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, type_path + f".source.processed{suffix}"), 'rb')) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 308, in trainer = generic_train(model, args, logger, resume_cp_file=cp_file, ) File "../gar/", line 220, in generic_train main(args) File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 285, in main File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 48, in wrapped_fn result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1058, in fit trainer = generic_train(model, args, logger, resume_cp_file=cp_file, ) File "../gar/", line 220, in generic_train File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 48, in wrapped_fn result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1046, in fit results = self.accelerator_backend.spawn_ddp_children(model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/", line 123, in spawn_ddp_children results = self.ddp_train(local_rank, mp_queue=None, model=model, is_master=True) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/", line 224, in ddp_train results = self.trainer.run_pretrain_routine(model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1224, in run_pretrain_routine self.accelerator_backend.train(model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/", line 57, in train self.ddp_train(process_idx=self.task_idx, mp_queue=None, model=model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/", line 224, in ddp_train results = self.trainer.run_pretrain_routine(model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1224, in run_pretrain_routine self._run_sanity_check(ref_model, model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1249, in _run_sanity_check self._run_sanity_check(ref_model, model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1249, in _run_sanity_check self.reset_val_dataloader(ref_model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 337, in reset_val_dataloader self.num_val_batches, self.val_dataloaders = self._reset_eval_dataloader(model, 'val') File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 266, in _reset_eval_dataloader dataloaders = self.request_dataloader(getattr(model, f'{mode}_dataloader')) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 360, in request_dataloader self.reset_val_dataloader(ref_model) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 337, in reset_val_dataloader dataloader = dataloader_fx() File "", line 248, in val_dataloader self.num_val_batches, self.val_dataloaders = self._reset_eval_dataloader(model, 'val') File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 266, in _reset_eval_dataloader return self.get_dataloader("train", batch_size=self.hparams.eval_batch_size, num_workers=4) File "", line 225, in get_dataloader dataloaders = self.request_dataloader(getattr(model, f'{mode}_dataloader')) File "/home/zhangxy/anaconda3/envs/torch15DPR/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 360, in request_dataloader dataset = SummarizationDataset(self.tokenizer, type_path=type_path, **self.dataset_kwargs) File "../gar/", line 177, in init self.source = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, type_path + f".source.processed{suffix}"), 'rb')) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base' dataloader = dataloader_fx() File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 248, in val_dataloader return self.get_dataloader("train", batch_size=self.hparams.eval_batch_size, num_workers=4) File "/home/zhangxy/QA/GAR-master/gar/", line 225, in get_dataloader dataset = SummarizationDataset(self.tokenizer, type_path=type_path, **self.dataset_kwargs) File "../gar/", line 177, in init self.source = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, type_path + f".source.processed{suffix}"), 'rb')) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers.tokenization_utils_base'

    I installed transformers==2.11.0 and tokenizers==0.7.0 I run the project with command: GEN_TARGET='answer' python --remark generator_train_nq_A --train_batch_size 128 --eval_batch_size 256 --ckpt_metric val-ROUGE-1

    So, how can I solve it ? Thanks in advance !!

    opened by XY2323819551 1
  • RuntimeError during extractive_reader Validation

    RuntimeError during extractive_reader Validation

    When validating the extractive_reader, it raises RuntimeError as: image and the iteration only runs at 73it. How should I fix it and is the 'passage_idx = idxs[q, p].item()' takes a long time that results in timed out?

    opened by yiyaxiaozhi 1
  • NaNs and default fp16

    NaNs and default fp16

    Hello, Just to say that fp16 defaults to on. On my config at least, I get NaNs when it's turned on. Also, the argument has default=True and action="store_true" by the way, which is a bit weird and makes me think it's supposed to be default=False.

            help="Whether to use 16-bit (mixed) precision (through NVIDIA apex) instead of 32-bit",

    opened by JulesGM 1
  • GAR Data Files Missing

    GAR Data Files Missing

    I was going through the provided GAR data files for NQ. It seems like nq-title is missing all files. It will be great if this can be updated to include it.

    opened by ronakice 1
  • Question about GAR and the Rider

    Question about GAR and the Rider

    Thanks for your wonderful work. It brings a new angle to the IR task. I am confused about the GAR generator and the prediction answer produced by a generator reader for Rider to reranks. In my view, the format of input data for GAR is : [start_token] question [end_token] and the target is: [start_token] answer/sentence/title [end_token] while the format for the reader is : [start_token] question [separate_token] passage [end_token] What is the relationship between the GAR generator and the generator which provides the prediction for reranking? Are these two independent models?
    In addition, the call to the file was not found in the exposed code. Could you provide some instruction on it?

    opened by yiyaxiaozhi 1
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