I'm now using DEEPxde to solve one inverse problem, and I think SBINN can help me get better prediction of unknown parameters.
However, here's one attribute error and I don't know how to fix it.
My code:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
import sys
import re
import deepxde as dde
from deepxde.backend import tf
import math
L = 0.1 # Column length(m)
d = 0.0212 # Column diameter(m)
A = np.pi*d*d/4 # Column cross sectional area (m2)
e = 0.62 # porosity
v = 30.0/1000.0/1000/60.0/A/e # Velocity (m/s)
f = 12 # Feed concentration (-)
te = 250 # final time (s)
t_inj = 100 # first injected time for component A and B (s)
scale_x = 100
scale_t = 1/25
scale_y = 1
L_scaled = L * scale_x
v_scaled = v * scale_x / scale_t
t_scaled = te * scale_t
t_inj_scaled = t_inj * scale_t
traindata1 = np.load(r"C:\Users\10716\OneDrive\桌面\DeepXDE (5)\SMB\Inverse_outlet_A_injected100s_MC.npy")
traindata2 = np.load(r"C:\Users\10716\OneDrive\桌面\DeepXDE (5)\SMB\Inverse_outlet_B_injected100s_MC.npy")
xx1 = traindata1[1:, 2:3]
tt1 = traindata1[1:, 0:1]
Ca = traindata1[1:, 1:2]
xx2 = traindata2[1:, 2:3]
tt2 = traindata2[1:, 0:1]
Cb = traindata2[1:, 1:2]
observe_x1, observe_Ca = np.hstack((scale_x * xx1, scale_t * tt1)), Ca
observe_x2, observe_Cb = np.hstack((scale_x * xx2, scale_t * tt2)), Cb
observe_y1 = dde.icbc.PointSetBC(observe_x1, Ca, component=0)
observe_y2 = dde.icbc.PointSetBC(observe_x2, Cb, component=1)
observe_x = np.vstack((observe_x1, observe_x2))
ka_scaled_ = dde.Variable(0.0) # Mass transfer coefficient of A (1/s)
kb_scaled_ = dde.Variable(0.0) # Mass transfer coefficient of B (1/s)
Ha_ = dde.Variable(0.0) # Henry constant of A (-)
Hb_ = dde.Variable(0.0) # Henry constant of B (-)
ka_scaled = 5 * np.tanh(ka_scaled_) + 7.5
kb_scaled = 5 * np.tanh(kb_scaled_) + 7.5
Ha = 4 * tf.tanh(Ha_) + 5
Hb = 4 * tf.tanh(Hb_) + 5
geom = dde.geometry.Interval(0, L_scaled)
timedomain = dde.geometry.TimeDomain(0, t_scaled)
geomtime = dde.geometry.GeometryXTime(geom, timedomain)
# gPINNs
def pde(x, y):
y_star = scale_y * y
ca, cb, qa, qb = y_star[:, 0:1], y_star[:, 1:2], y_star[:, 2:3], y_star[:, 3:4]
ca_x = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=0, j=0)
ca_t = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=0, j=1)
ca_xx = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=0, component=0)
ca_xt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=1, component=0)
ca_tt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=1, j=1, component=0)
cb_x = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=1, j=0)
cb_t = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=1, j=1)
cb_xx = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=0, component=1)
cb_xt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=1, component=1)
cb_tt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=1, j=1, component=1)
qa_x = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=2, j=0)
qa_t = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=2, j=1)
qa_xt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=1, component=2)
qa_tt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=1, j=1, component=2)
qb_x = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=3, j=0)
qb_t = dde.grad.jacobian(y_star, x, i=3, j=1)
qb_xt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=0, j=1, component=3)
qb_tt = dde.grad.hessian(y_star, x, i=1, j=1, component=3)
massbalance_liquid_a = (
ca_t + (1 - e) / e * qa_t + v_scaled * ca_x
massbalance_liquid_b = (
cb_t + (1 - e) / e * qb_t + v_scaled * cb_x
massbalance_solid_a = (
ka_scaled * (Ha * ca - qa) - qa_t
massbalance_solid_b = (
kb_scaled * (Hb * cb - qb) - qb_t
additional_loss_term_1 = (
ca_tt + (1 - e) / e * qa_tt + v_scaled * ca_xt
additional_loss_term_2 = (
ca_xt + (1 - e) / e * qa_xt + v_scaled * ca_xx
additional_loss_term_3 = (
cb_tt + (1 - e) / e * qb_tt + v_scaled * cb_xt
additional_loss_term_4 = (
cb_xt + (1 - e) / e * qb_xt + v_scaled * cb_xx
additional_loss_term_5 = (
ka_scaled * (Ha * ca_t - qa_t) - qa_tt
additional_loss_term_6 = (
ka_scaled * (Ha * ca_x - qa_x) - qa_xt
additional_loss_term_7 = (
kb_scaled * (Hb * cb_t - qb_t) - qb_tt
additional_loss_term_8 = (
kb_scaled * (Hb * cb_x - qb_x) - qb_xt
return [massbalance_liquid_a, massbalance_liquid_b, massbalance_solid_a, massbalance_solid_b,
additional_loss_term_1, additional_loss_term_2, additional_loss_term_3, additional_loss_term_4,
additional_loss_term_5, additional_loss_term_6, additional_loss_term_7, additional_loss_term_8]
def feed_concentration(x):
# x, t = np.split(x, 2, axis=1)
return np.piecewise(x[:, 1:], [x[:, 1:] <= t_inj_scaled, x[:, 1:] > t_inj_scaled], [lambda x: f, lambda x: 0])
def boundary_beg(x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and np.isclose(x[0], 0)
def boundary_end(x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and np.isclose(x[0], L_scaled)
bc_beg_ca = dde.DirichletBC(
geomtime, feed_concentration, boundary_beg, component=0
bc_beg_cb = dde.DirichletBC(
geomtime, feed_concentration, boundary_beg, component=1
bc_end_ca = dde.NeumannBC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, boundary_end, component=0
bc_end_cb = dde.NeumannBC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, boundary_end, component=1
initial_condition_ca = dde.IC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, lambda _, on_initial: on_initial, component=0
initial_condition_cb = dde.IC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, lambda _, on_initial: on_initial, component=1
initial_condition_qa = dde.IC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, lambda _, on_initial: on_initial, component=2
initial_condition_qb = dde.IC(
geomtime, lambda x: 0, lambda _, on_initial: on_initial, component=3
data = dde.data.TimePDE(
net = dde.maps.PFNN([2, [20, 20, 20, 20], [20, 20, 20, 20], [20, 20, 20, 20], 4], "tanh", "Glorot uniform")
gPINNmodel = dde.Model(data, net)
gPINNmodel.compile("adam", lr=0.001, external_trainable_variables=[ka_scaled, kb_scaled, Ha, Hb], loss_weights=[60, 20, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1e-2, 1e-2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
variable = dde.callbacks.VariableValue([ka_scaled, kb_scaled, Ha, Hb], period=1000, filename="variables.dat")
losshistory, train_state = gPINNmodel.train(epochs=2000, callbacks=[variable], disregard_previous_best=True)
# plots
"""Get the domain: x = L_scaled and t from 0 to t_scaled"""
X_nn = L_scaled * np.ones((100, 1))
T_nn = np.linspace(0, t_scaled, 100).reshape(100, 1)
X_pred = np.append(X_nn, T_nn, axis=1)
y_pred = gPINNmodel.predict(X_pred)
ca_pred, cb_pred, qa_pred, qb_pred = y_pred[:, 0:1], y_pred[:, 1:2], y_pred[:, 2:3], y_pred[:, 3:]
plt.plot(T_nn / scale_t, ca_pred, color='blue', linewidth=3., label='Concentration A')
plt.plot(T_nn / scale_t, cb_pred, color='red', linewidth=3., label='Concentration B')
# plt.plot(X_pred, qa_pred)
# plt.plot(X_pred, qb_pred)
dde.saveplot(losshistory, train_state, issave=True, isplot=True)
The error:
AttributeError: 'RefVariable' object has no attribute 'tanh'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\10716\OneDrive\桌面\DeepXDE\SMB\Inverse Model_gPINNs.py", line 61, in <module>
ka_scaled = 5 * np.tanh(ka_scaled_) + 7.5
TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type RefVariable which has no callable tanh method
Thank you very much for any suggestion.