Implements the training, testing and editing tools for "Pluralistic Image Completion"


Pluralistic Image Completion

ArXiv | Project Page | Online Demo | Video(demo)

This repository implements the training, testing and editing tools for "Pluralistic Image Completion" by Chuanxia Zheng, Tat-Jen Cham and Jianfei Cai at NTU. Given one masked image, the proposed Pluralistic model is able to generate multiple and diverse plausible results with various structure, color and texture.

Editing example

Example results

Example completion results of our method on images of face (CelebA), building (Paris), and natural scenes (Places2) with center masks (masks shown in gray). For each group, the masked input image is shown left, followed by sampled results from our model without any post-processing. The results are diverse and plusible.

More results on project page

Getting started


This code was tested with Pytoch 0.4.0, CUDA 9.0, Python 3.6 and Ubuntu 16.04

pip install visdom dominate
  • Clone this repo:
git clone
cd Pluralistic


  • face dataset: 24183 training images and 2824 test images from CelebA and use the algorithm of Growing GANs to get the high-resolution CelebA-HQ dataset
  • building dataset: 14900 training images and 100 test images from Paris
  • natural scenery: original training and val images from Places2
  • object original training images from ImageNet.


  • Train a model (default: random irregular and irregular holes):
python --name celeba_random --img_file your_image_path
  • Set --mask_type in options/ for different training masks. --mask_file path is needed for external irregular mask, such as the irregular mask dataset provided by Liu et al. and Karim lskakov .
  • To view training results and loss plots, run python -m visdom.server and copy the URL http://localhost:8097.
  • Training models will be saved under the checkpoints folder.
  • The more training options can be found in options folder.


  • Test the model
python  --name celeba_random --img_file your_image_path
  • Set --mask_type in options/ to test various masks. --mask_file path is needed for 3. external irregular mask,
  • The default results will be saved under the results folder. Set --results_dir for a new path to save the result.

Pretrained Models

Download the pre-trained models using the following links and put them undercheckpoints/ directory.

Our main novelty of this project is the multiple and diverse plausible results for one given masked image. The center_mask models are trained with images of resolution 256*256 with center holes 128x128, which have large diversity for the large missing information. The random_mask models are trained with random regular and irregular holes, which have different diversity for different mask sizes and image backgrounds.


Download the pre-trained models from Google drive and put them undercheckpoints/ directory.

  • Install the PyQt5 for GUI operation
pip install PyQt5

Basic usage is:

python -m visdom.server

The buttons in GUI:

  • Options: Select the model and corresponding dataset for editing.
  • Bush Width: Modify the width of bush for free_form mask.
  • draw/clear: Draw a free_form or rectangle mask for random_model. Clear all mask region for a new input.
  • load: Choose the image from the directory.
  • random: Random load the editing image from the datasets.
  • fill: Fill the holes ranges and show it on the right.
  • save: Save the inputs and outputs to the directory.
  • Original/Output: Switch to show the original or output image.

The steps are as follows:

1. Select a model from 'options'
2. Click the 'random' or 'load' button to get an input image.
3. If you choose a random model, click the 'draw/clear' button to input free_form mask.
4. If you choose a center model, the center mask has been given.
5. click 'fill' button to get multiple results.
6. click 'save' button to save the results.

Editing Example Results

  • Results (original, input, output) for object removing
  • Results (input, output) for face playing. When mask half or right face, the diversity will be small for the short+long term attention layer will copy information from other side. When mask top or down face, the diversity will be large.


  • Free form mask for various Datasets
  • Higher resolution image completion


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

This software is for educational and academic research purpose only. If you wish to obtain a commercial royalty bearing license to this software, please contact us at [email protected].


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Pluralistic Image Completion},
  author={Zheng, Chuanxia and Cham, Tat-Jen and Cai, Jianfei},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

  title={Pluralistic Free-From Image Completion},
  author={Zheng, Chuanxia and Cham, Tat-Jen and Cai, Jianfei},
  journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},
  • About using self-attention

    About using self-attention

    Hello, i also use self-attention layer in my model, and some results look like this, where there are strange textures in the face.Have u ever met this situation and any advice on dealing with this? THX!~ ps:trained on celeba_hq, rectangle masks.

    opened by cmyyy 6
  • GUI on CPU

    GUI on CPU

    Wonderful work. I've downloaded your pre-trained model. I'd like to run the GUI on my CPU since the server seemly could not open your GUI program on Command Line: qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display Could not connect to any X display.

    I tried to run 'python3 --gpu_ids -1', but there are lots of bugs: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 61] Connection refused requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8095): Max retries exceeded with url: /env/main (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x126ff4438>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused',)) ERROR:visdom:[Errno 61] Connection refused AttributeError: 'ui_model' object has no attribute 'model' [1] 87369 abort python3 --gpu_ids -1

    Please help me to solve it. Thank you!

    opened by yuanjunchai 5
  • fine-tune failure

    fine-tune failure

    Thank you for your work! I am trying to fine-tune on places365 on the basis of your trained model 'place2_random'. However, the inpainted result is not as good as yours. I set the relative training arguments as default, and I have trained the network for 177420 iterations with batch size of 128. What else should be taken into account? Thank you. The 1st pic is of your result, 2nd is of mine. lawn01


    opened by ghost 4
  • object removing in video as delogo

    object removing in video as delogo

    thank you share your project, The inpaint results are different every time as the same image. How can I get the same result? because i want to remove object in video. thank you very much

    opened by chen849157649 4
  • bad outputs when testing

    bad outputs when testing

    dear author,when i tried to test your model by images in celeba, i got this error: latest_net_G.pth G:\Pluralistic-Inpainting\model\checkpoints\celeba_random\latest_net_G.pth Pretrained network G has fewer layers; The following are not initialized: ['attn1', 'decoder0', 'decoder1', 'decoder2', 'decoder3', 'decoder4', 'generator', 'out1', 'out2', 'out3', 'out4'] why can't i load the pretrained model? i will appreciate it very much if you can help me.

    opened by shihaobai 4
  • How can we get the loss plot of testing and training

    How can we get the loss plot of testing and training

    Hello, @lyndonzheng! Thank you for your fantastic code. In my computer vision class, I will present your paper as part of my final project.

    When I ran the code on Colab, I only can see the loss_log.txt in the checkpoints local folder. How can we get the loss plot? thanks

    opened by twyunting 3
  • I just can't figure out how to put image datasets and mask datasets

    I just can't figure out how to put image datasets and mask datasets

    sorry, I just can not figure out where to store image and where to store irregular mask. And I see three pictures in every kind of datasets.So i directly start train without any movement.After half day and a night, I stop training beacuse i can not understand the generated data.

    At last, I donwloaded your pretrained model and put it to checkpoint, after gui launch successly, I draw mask and fill, result is strange ,like this: Screenshot from 2020-08-11 17-31-06

    Is it normal?

    opened by biexiangduo 3
  • Image amount of testing split on CelebA-HQ dataset

    Image amount of testing split on CelebA-HQ dataset

    Hello, sorry to bother you.

    I created the CelebA-HQ dataset by following the steps in this GitHub repository (, and I split the dataset into training, validation, and testing split as you described in #4 (label 0 as training, label 1 as validation, and label 2 as testing). Eventually, I got 24183/2993/2824 images for training/validation/testing split.

    The file in this repository shows that your testing set contains 2796 images; however, I got different amount of testing images.

    Below is the list of my testing split. Could you please provide your testing images list or point out any possible mistake I might have made while generating CelebA-HQ dataset? Thank you very much!

    My list of testing split: test_split.txt

    opened by andrewkgs 3
  • color discrepancy

    color discrepancy

    I have tried your model. It's really amazing. Thank you for your code, demo and paper, thank you for your work!

    However, I found that the model usually suffers from color discrepancy (especially in Places2/ImageNet) even in simple cases.

    Do you have any idea why such problems happened? And how can we solve or improve it?


    opened by zengyh1900 3
  • about hinge loss

    about hinge loss

    hi! I have a problem. If I use hinge loss, I see in Generator, it will produce negative adv loss, while others are positive. And the total loss is the sum of positive value and negative value . Can you explain it? Thanks a lot!

    opened by 2018hello 3
  • Meaning of 50 outputs

    Meaning of 50 outputs

    In options/ there is a parameter nsampling which refers to number of outputs generated for an image-mask pair. What is the logic behind these multiple outputs?

    opened by prerna-grg 3
  • About the training set of Places2 and its training parameters

    About the training set of Places2 and its training parameters

    Hello, thank you for the project, how was the pre-trained model of Places2_random you provided in Readme trained, which data sets in Places2 you selected, and how many iterations were performed during training?

    opened by haolin512900 0
  • About face dataset and training procedures

    About face dataset and training procedures

    @lyndonzheng Thank you for the amazing work! I would like to experiment with training your model and there are several questions I would like to ask:

    1. About the face dataset you mentioned with 24183 training images and 2824 test images, I cannot find that version of the dataset from the link you provided ( The aligned version of "In-The-Wild Images" folder has 202,599 images and CelebAMask-HQ Dataset ( has 30000 images. Would you please direct me to the image folder you were using?
    2. I read your paper which stated that the training time using CelebA dataset and centered mask is roughly 3 days using 1 GPU with batch size 20. May I ask how many training iterations does it take since I don't have a GPU with the same specification which means training days may change on my GPU.
    3. Is the rest of the training procedure the same as the default parameter values in the options folder? More specfically, does the pretrained weight come from sizing images to 266 by 266 and crop them to 256 by 256 with random flip/rotation when training?

    Thank you for your time and consideration!

    opened by SherryXTChen 2
  • about


    Thanking you for sharing work~ -L137 In probabilistic framework, don't consider Ic, just look at Im, In forward propagation, Im passes through the modules (block0 -> encoder i -> infer_prior i -> prior) in turn. What I am puzzled is that the latent code of Im is the output of 'encoder i' or 'infer_prior i' ? in other words, What is the role of infer_prior i? In addition, is prior module used to get the distribution?

    Looking forward to your reply~

    opened by liuliuliu11 1
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