DC619/DC858 Mainframe Environment/Lab

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DC619 Training LPAR


The file DC619 - Mainframe Overflows Hands On.pdf contains the labs and walks through how to perform them.

Use docker

You can use docker instead of building from scratch: https://hub.docker.com/r/mainframed767/mvsce_dc619

Building from scratch

  • Download the most recent version of MVSCE from https://github.com/MVS-sysgen/sysgen/releases
  • Launch MVSCE
  • Install Review Front end:
    • Logon to MVSCE
    • At the TSO ready prompt: RX MVP INSTALL REVIEW
  • Submit the job logon_screen.JCL: cat logon_screen.JCL|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Submit the job motd.jcl: cat motd.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Submit the job terminal.jcl: cat terminal.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Submit the job make_staging.jcl: cat make_staging.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Using RFE in TSO edit SYS1.VTAMLST(ATCCON00) and replace LCL400 with DC619T
  • Edit SYS1.PARMLIB members:
    • IEASYS00 and change MAXUSERS to 32
    • IKJTSO00 and change USERMAX to 32
  • Install https://github.com/mvslovers/rdrprep on your Linux box
  • Clone https://github.com/mvslovers/jcc to this folder
  • Compile hello.c:
    • ./jcc/jcc -I./jcc/include -o hello.c
    • ./jcc/prelink -s ./jcc/objs hello.load hello.obj
  • Copy hello.load to users: cp hello.load users
  • Run usersjcl.py: python3 usersjcl.py
  • Convert each job in the users folder with rdrprep and submit them one by one:
    • for i in *.jcl; do echo $i;rdrprep $i;cat reader.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3506; read; done
    • You can check the output of MVSCE printers/prt00e.txt to see each job completed
  • Shutdown MVS/CE
  • Re-IPL MVS/CE and enjoy your lab environment


  • hello.c vulnerable C program from https://github.com/jake-mainframe/GETSPLOIT
  • EBCDIC files LGBT400, LOC400 and WTO400
  • Dockerfile used to build docker image from the contents for ./dasd: https://github.com/jake-mainframe/GETSPLOIT
  • logon_screen.ans/logon_screen.JCL: ANSI/JCL to replace the NETSOL logon screen
  • motd.jcl replaces the TSO logon clist
  • terminal.jcl adds 32 new terminal interfaces and updates VTAM config
  • usersjcl.py creates DC00.jcl through DC29.jcl in the ./users folder
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