A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources


Awesome Jupyter Awesome

A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources. Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

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  • Beaker - Development environment with seamless data transmission from one language to another.
  • docker-stacks - Hierarchical stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.
  • Guild AI - Execute notebooks as experiments to capture and compare results over time.
  • Hydrogen - Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels.
  • Jupyter Notebook - Main Jupyter notebook runtime.
  • JupyterHub - Multi-user server for Jupyter.
  • JupyterLab - JupyterLab is the next generation user interface for Jupyter.
  • JupyterWith - Nix-based framework for the definition of declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments.
  • ShopRunner/jupyter-notify - Cell magic for browser notification of cell completion.
  • kaggle/docker-python - Kaggle Python docker image that includes datasets and packages.
  • ML Workspace - Docker image that includes Jupyter(Lab) and various packages for data science/machine learning.
  • nteract - Native desktop notebook frontend.
  • Stencila - Native desktop notebook frontend.
  • voila - Notebooks as interactive standalone web applications.
  • Visual Studio Code - Native desktop notebook frontend.



  • Altair - Declarative visualization library for Python, based on Vega and Vega-Lite.
  • Bokeh - Interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.
  • bqplot - Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for Jupyter.
  • IPySigma - Prototype network visualization frontend for Jupyter notebooks.
  • ipyleaflet - Interactive visualization library for Leaflet.js maps in Jupyter notebooks.
  • ipysheet - Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter.
  • ipytree - Tree UI element for Jupyter.
  • ipywebrtc - Video/Audio streaming in Jupyter.
  • ipywidgets - UI widgets for Jupyter.
  • ipyvolume - 3D plotting for Python in Jupyter based on widgets and WebGL.
  • itk-jupyter-widgets - Interactive widgets to visualize images in 2D and 3D.
  • jp_doodle - Infrastructure for building special purpose interactive diagrams in 2D and 3D.
  • jupyter-manim - Display manim (Mathematical Animation Engine) videos or GIFs in Jupyter notebooks.
  • jupyter-gmaps - Interactive visualization library for Google Maps in Jupyter notebooks.
  • mpld3 - Combining Matplotlib and D3js for interactive data visualizations.
  • pd-replicator - Copy a pandas DataFrame to the clipboard with one click.
  • pyecharts - Python interface for the ECharts visualization library.
  • pythreejs - Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure.
  • Qgrid - Interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter notebooks.
  • tributary - Python data streams with Jupyter support.
  • tqdm - Fast, extensible progress bar for loops and iterables.
  • xleaflet - C++ Backend for ipyleaflet.
  • xwebrtc - C++ Backend for ipywebrtc.
  • xwidgets - C++ Backend for ipywidgets.


  • Binder - Turn a GitHub repo into a collection of interactive notebooks.
  • Bookbook - Bookbook converts a set of notebooks in a directory to HTML or PDF, preserving cross references within and between notebooks.
  • Jupytext - Convert and synchronize notebooks with text formats (e.g. Python or Markdown files) that work well under version control.
  • Kapitsa - CLI to search local Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbconvert - Convert Notebooks to other formats.
  • nbdev - Develop, package and distribute Python packages to PyPI using Jupyter as a Literate Programing environment.
  • nbflow - One-button reproducible workflows with Jupyter and Scons.
  • nbinteract - Create interactive webpages from Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbscan - Search for and print cells contents of Jupyter notebooks.
  • Nikola - Static Site Generator that converts notebooks into websites.
  • notedown - Convert Jupyter notebooks to markdown (and back).
  • Papermill - Tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter notebooks.
  • Ploomber - Run a collection of notebooks and scripts in a reproducible manner using a pipeline.yaml file.
  • pynb - Jupyter Notebooks as plain Python code with embedded Markdown text.
  • RISE - Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow.
  • rst2ipynb - Convert standalone reStructuredText files to Jupyter notebook file.
  • Voila - Rendering of live Jupyter Notebooks with interactive widgets, allowing dashboarding based on Jupyter Notebooks

Version Control

  • git - Extension for git integration.
  • jupyter-nbrequirements - Dependency management and optimization in Jupyter Notebooks.
  • nbdime - Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbQA - Run any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook, from the command-line or via pre-commit.
  • ReviewNB - Code reviews for Jupyter Notebooks.

JupyterLab Extensions

  • celltags - Extension to organise and execute notebooks using cell tags.
  • code_formatter - A universal code formatter.
  • debugger - A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files.
  • drawio - Extension that displays drawio/mxgraph diagrams.
  • elyra - A visual editor for creating and running notebook (or Python script) pipelines locally or remotely.
  • go-to-definition - Extension for navigating to the definition of a variable or function in JupyterLab.
  • google-drive - Extension for Google Drive integration.
  • jupyterlab_email - Email notebooks and their content from within JupyterLab.
  • jupyterlab-kyso - Extension to publish notebooks to the Kyso platform from Jupyterlab.
  • jupyterlab_templates - Notebook templates in JupyterLab.
  • latex - Extension for live editing of LaTeX documents.
  • lsp - IDE-like features (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, diagnostics, kernel-less autocompletion etc.)
  • nb_black - Extension to keep Python code automatically formatted using black.
  • python-bytecode - Explore CPython Bytecode in JupyterLab.
  • quickopen - Quickly open a file in JupyterLab by typing part of its name.
  • shortcutui - An extension for managing keyboard shortcuts.
  • sidecar - A sidecar output widget for JupyterLab.
  • sql - SQL GUI for JupyterLab.
  • system-monitor - Extension to display system metrics.
  • templates - Support for Jupyter Notebook templates.
  • theme-darcula - A handsome Darcula theme for Jupyterlab.
  • toc - Extension that provides a table of contents for notebooks.
  • topbar - Top Bar extension for JupyterLab.
  • variableinspector - Variable inspector extension that shows variables and their values.
  • vim - Vim notebook cell bindings.
  • voyager - Extension to view CSV and JSON data in Voyager.


  • ipytest - Test runner for running unit tests from within a notebook.
  • nbval - Py.test plugin for validating Jupyter notebooks.
  • sphinxcontrib-jupyter - Sphinx Extension for Generating Jupyter Notebooks.
  • nosebook - Nose plugin for finding and running IPython notebooks as nose tests.
  • treebeard - GitHub Action for testing/scheduling Jupyter notebooks.
  • treon - Easy-to-use test framework for Jupyter Notebooks.

Domain-Specific Projects

  • ArcGIS - Library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS.
  • GenePattern Notebook - Integrating Genomic Analysis with Interactive Notebooks.
  • GeoNotebook - Extension for exploratory geospatial analysis.
  • Jupylet - Create 2D and 3D games, graphics, live music and sound interactively in a Jupyter notebook.
  • lolviz - Data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries.
  • Quantopian Notebooks - Jupyter-based platform for financial research.
  • vpython-jupyter - VPython 3D engine running in a Jupyter notebook.

Hosted Notebook Solutions

  • Anaconda Enterprise - Multi-user collaboration and one-click deployment of models, notebooks, and dashboards.
  • Azure Notebooks - Jupyter notebooks running in the cloud on Microsoft Azure.
  • CoCalc - Notebooks with 17 supported kernel types, course management, LaTeX document authoring, simultaneous document editing and integration with the SageMath computer algebra system.
  • DataScience.com - Platform for enterprise data science.
  • Deepnote - Jupyter-compatible data science notebook with real-time collaboration, versioning and easy deployment.
  • Domino Data Lab - Data science platform with integrated collaboration tools, environment management and compute grid.
  • Google Cloud AI Platform Notebooks - Managed JupyterLab notebook instances configured with GPU-enabled machine learning frameworks on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Google Cloud Dataproc Jupyter component - Jupyter and JupyterLab for Apache Spark using Google Cloud Dataproc.
  • Google Colaboratory - Cloud-based Jupyter environment aimed at machine learning education and research.
  • Gryd - Simple, managed, ready-to-use, cloud based Jupyter notebooks supporting multiple languages.
  • Kyso - Data science platform to publish and share Jupyter notebooks as data blogs and web applications.
  • Naas - JupyterLab environment with magic scheduling/notification functionaltiy and assets/dependency/secrets management.
  • PAWS - Jupyter notebook deployment customized for interacting with Wikimedia wikis.
  • RMOTR Notebooks - JupyterLab-based data science environment in the cloud.
  • Spell.run - End-to-end platform for machine learning and deep learning.

Official Resources and Documentation

Community Resources



Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.

  • docs: fix simple typo, functionaltiy -> functionality

    docs: fix simple typo, functionaltiy -> functionality

    There is a small typo in README.md.

    Should read functionality rather than functionaltiy.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by https://github.com/timgates42/meticulous/blob/master/docs/NOTE.md

    opened by timgates42 7
  • Add Jupytext to Rendering/Publishing/Conversion also

    Add Jupytext to Rendering/Publishing/Conversion also

    Jupytext also belongs in the "Rendering/Publishing/Conversion" section. In fact, it may belong better there than in the "version control" section.

    opened by jamesmyatt 7
  • Add HoloViz Panel

    Add HoloViz Panel

    Panel is a very powerful app framework that works very well in the Jupyter Notebook. It allows you to develop tools that works inside the notebook, on a server and also in a browser powered by pyodide. Panel is a part of the HoloViz ecosystem that includes hvPlot, HoloViews and other frameworks for data viz.

    It provides capabilities in the area of ipywidgets, Voila, Streamlit and Dash but with its own powerful twists. It integrates with the tools you know and love including Matplotlib, Bokeh, Plotly and Altair. You can use ipywidgets with Panel and panel widgets with Ipywidgets.

    Panel has very strong support for Altair. Including events. See https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/panes/Vega.html. I'm also working on supporting Vega/ Altair big data viz via Vega Fusion at https://pypi.org/project/panel-vegafusion/.

    I believe it works really well in the Financial/ Trading space where I work. I also see engineers and scientists being very happy about it.

    I'm a user of and contributor to Panel. I run https://awesome-panel.org which started out as an awesome list :-)

    I believe Panel deserves to be listed :-)

    I would like to contribute an addition.

    The below apps can be developed in Jupyter. They can run in the Jupyter notebook.





    Panel provides the Jupyter Panel Preview


    Panel provides the jupyter-panel-proxy extension that enables you to add an icon in the jupyterlab launcher to launch a directory of Panel apps.

    Panel provides a customized version of Jupyterlite in which Panel can be developed and run. Check out https://panelite.holoviz.org. This is currently experimental. But rapidly improving.

    opened by MarcSkovMadsen 4
  • Adding the Jupyter Project Documentation Link.

    Adding the Jupyter Project Documentation Link.

    Hi! Adding the Jupyter Project Documentation under the Documentation section would be great I think. Folks who don't know about this project may click the link and read about the project from their official documentation.

    I propose this link -> https://docs.jupyter.org/en/latest/index.html to be added under the Documentation section of the README file.

    Let me know about this and please correct me if I hava done something incorrectly. I am new to Open Source and any guidance would be great for me.

    I have provided a screenshot of the page below : image

    opened by sanjeeban5644 4
  • Removing dead link (times out)

    Removing dead link (times out)

    Hey @markusschanta

    the link times out for me (for a few times I've tried over the last days). I wouldn't include it as timeout isn't so awesome ;)

    Cheers, Peter

    opened by spekulatius 4
  • Add awesome notebook list

    Add awesome notebook list

    An awesome list of public Jupyter Notebooks on all kinds of interesting topics, published by the Naas community.

    This project is made for busy business & tech professionals that wants to take back control of data.

    Check the list of notebooks : The list is getting bigger everyday !


    • Hubspot: Emails campaigns and contact management.




    File parsing


    Market Data


    Project Management




    World Data

    opened by BobCashStory 4
  • Add LineaPy to extension list

    Add LineaPy to extension list

    Hi, thanks for compiling this awesome list of resources! I would like to add LineaPy, a new Jupyter extension that helps data science professionals transition from development to production more quickly.

    opened by yoonspark 3
  • Add ContainDS Dashboards

    Add ContainDS Dashboards

    JupyterHub extension for sharing dashboards with authentication - https://cdsdashboards.readthedocs.io/

    Thank you for the Awesome Jupyter resource! A few users of my open source project have suggested I submit it to your repo - I hope it is useful to others too.

    opened by danlester 3
  • Add Guild AI

    Add Guild AI

    Guild AI is an open source (Apache 2) project that supports machine learning experiment and data science tracking. Guild supports running Jupyter Notebooks as tracked experiments.

    opened by gar1t 3
  • jupyter-viewer-xblock



    View Jupyter Notebooks in Open edX - https://ibleducation.com/jupyter-viewer-xblock


    opened by westurner 3
  • Add stickyland

    Add stickyland

    This PR adds stickyland under the JupyterLab extension section.

    StickyLand is an extension that enables JupyterLab users to create sticky cells. Users can easily create sticky cells and freely arrange them with simple drag-and-drop. Users can also automatically execute these cells. With multiple sticky cells, users can even create a fully-fledged interactive dashboard.

    opened by xiaohk 2
  • `Framework :: Jupyter` PyPI Trove Classifier; gh topics, links of Notebook, Hub, Lab, BinderHub

    `Framework :: Jupyter` PyPI Trove Classifier; gh topics, links of Notebook, Hub, Lab, BinderHub

    This adds a number of bare links. I think the bare links (links without anchor text) are justified because:

    • it's easier to remember which URLs I've read when the name of the document is the URL
    • e.g. org/repo URLs are easier to learn when not having to hover or hold-press each link to remember which is which

    I would add them before the fold, but they may be fine where there are at the end.

    I could add TOC entries (or .. contents:: in RST) for each of the projects?

    opened by westurner 5
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