Official MegEngine implementation of CREStereo(CVPR 2022 Oral).


[CVPR 2022] Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network with Adaptive Correlation

This repository contains MegEngine implementation of our paper:


Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network with Adaptive Correlation
Jiankun Li, Peisen Wang, Pengfei Xiong, Tao Cai, Ziwei Yan, Lei Yang, Jiangyu Liu, Haoqiang Fan, Shuaicheng Liu
CVPR 2022

arXiv | BibTeX


The Proposed Dataset


There are two ways to download the dataset(~400GB) proposed in our paper:

  • Download using shell scripts

the dataset will be downloaded and extracted in ./stereo_trainset/crestereo

  • Download from BaiduCloud here(Extraction code: aa3g) and extract the tar files manually.

Disparity Format

The disparity is saved as .png uint16 format which can be loaded using opencv imread function:

def get_disp(disp_path):
    disp = cv2.imread(disp_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    return disp.astype(np.float32) / 32

Other Public Datasets

Other public datasets we use including


CUDA Version: 10.1, Python Version: 3.6.9

  • MegEngine v1.8.2
  • opencv-python v3.4.0
  • numpy v1.18.1
  • Pillow v8.4.0
  • tensorboardX v2.1
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

We also provide docker to run the code quickly:

docker run --gpus all -it -v /tmp:/tmp ylmegvii/crestereo
shotwell /tmp/disparity.png


Download the pretrained MegEngine model from here and run:

python3 --model_path path_to_mge_model --left img/test/left.png --right img/test/right.png --size 1024x1536 --output disparity.png


Modify the configurations in cfgs/train.yaml and run the following command:


You can launch a TensorBoard to monitor the training process:

tensorboard --logdir ./train_log

and navigate to the page at http://localhost:6006 in your browser.


Part of the code is adapted from previous works:

We thank all the authors for their awesome repos.


If you find the code or datasets helpful in your research, please cite:

      title={Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network with Adaptive Correlation},
      author={Jiankun Li and Peisen Wang and Pengfei Xiong and Tao Cai and Ziwei Yan and Lei Yang and Jiangyu Liu and Haoqiang Fan and Shuaicheng Liu},
  • Is CUDA 11.6 supported?

    Is CUDA 11.6 supported?

    This is a really promising project, congratulations and thanks for releasing it!

    I'm trying to run the test script with your Eth3d model and this command: python3 --model_path path_to_mge_model --left img/test/left.png --right img/test/right.png --size 1024x1536 --output disparity.png

    But the code hangs up and doesn't return from this line in self.conv2 = M.Conv2d(128, output_dim, kernel_size=1)

    which is called form load_model in model = Model(max_disp=256, mixed_precision=False, test_mode=True)

    My GPU is NVIDIA RTX A6000 and the CUDA version on the system is v11.6

    opened by hasnainv 14
  • Results on Holopix50k dataset

    Results on Holopix50k dataset

    Hello! Thank you for sharing the codes and the model. I tested the pre-trained model on Holopix50k test dataset, but didn't get similar results that you showed on the paper. If I would like to run crestereo_eth3d.mge model on this dataset, does it require different parameter setting or pre-preprocessing? How I can get the similar results on Holopix50k dataset? Any advice would be very helpful. Thank you in advance! 0001 0002 0007 0008

    opened by coffeehanjan 4
  • Did you obtain results on Holopix50k with published model?

    Did you obtain results on Holopix50k with published model?

    I've tried to run published model with few images from Holopix50k and got awful results. Can you please tell how to obtain results similar to paper? Another model / another preprocessing?

    opened by shkarupa-alex 3
  • TypeError: pad() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pad_witdth' in

    TypeError: pad() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pad_witdth' in

    Good job! May I ask a question?

    I tried to run the on a V100 with the Cuda version being 10.2. The data is from ./img, and I set the size being 1280*720, the same as the original size. But I meet the following error:

    File "CREStereo/nets/", line 42, in get_correlation (0, 0), (0, 0), (pady, pady), (padx, padx)), mode="replicate") TypeError: pad() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pad_witdth'

    It means that I may use the wrong type, but I checked the code and did not find the problems: `

    def pad( src: Tensor, pad_width: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...], mode: str = "constant", constant_value: float = 0.0, ) -> Tensor: r"""Pads the input tensor.

        pad_width: A tuple. Each element in the tuple is the tuple of 2-elements,
            the 2 elements represent the padding size on both sides of the current dimension, ``(front_offset, back_offset)``
        mode: One of the following string values. Default: ``'constant'``
            * ``'constant'``: Pads with a constant value.
            * ``'reflect'``: Pads with the reflection of the tensor mirrored on the first and last values of the tensor along each axis.
            * ``'replicate'``: Pads with the edge values of tensor.
        constant_val: Fill value for ``'constant'`` padding. Default: 0
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> inp = Tensor([[1., 2., 3.],[4., 5., 6.]])
        >>> inp
        Tensor([[1. 2. 3.]
         [4. 5. 6.]], device=xpux:0)
        >>> F.nn.pad(inp, pad_width=((1, 1),), mode="constant")


    I used the right Tuple type, but something wrong happened.

    opened by city19992 2
  • MegEngine 1.9.0 causes error

    MegEngine 1.9.0 causes error

    I have been playing around a bit with the code (thank you so much, by the way. Having heaps of fun with it) and found out that MegEngine 1.9.0 causes to die with the following output:

    Images resized: 1024x1536
    Model Forwarding...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 94, in <module>
        pred = inference(left_img, right_img, model_func, n_iter=20)
      File "", line 45, in inference
        pred_flow_dw2 = model(imgL_dw2, imgR_dw2, iters=n_iter, flow_init=None)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/megengine/module/", line 149, in __call__
        outputs = self.forward(*inputs, **kwargs)
      File "/home/dgxmartin/workspace/CREStereo/nets/", line 210, in forward
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/megengine/functional/", line 663, in interpolate
        [wscale, Tensor([0, 0], dtype="float32", device=inp.device)], axis=0
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/megengine/functional/", line 405, in concat
        (result,) = apply(builtin.Concat(axis=axis, comp_node=device.to_c()), *inps)
    TypeError: py_apply expects tensor as inputs

    For the time being the MegEngine version should be set to exactly 1.8.2

    opened by MartinPeris 1
  • What datasets are used for pretraining?

    What datasets are used for pretraining?

    The pretrained model works amazingly well on the real-life photos! What datasets are used for pretraining? Can you please provide the training details of the pretrained model? Thanks!

    opened by DY-ATL 1
  • Update requirements.txt to MegEngine v1.9.1

    Update requirements.txt to MegEngine v1.9.1

    function.Pad may lead to some weird NaN in MegEngine v1.8.2, MegEngine v1.9.0 resolve this but brings more problems, which is pointed out in .

    The most recent release v1.9.1 resolves all of these problems, updates MegEngine version constraint to v1.9.1 or later

    opened by xxr3376 0
  • Datasets in training and schedule

    Datasets in training and schedule Thank you for supplying this code and training procedure! In the paper (and the git readme), you say you train using other datasets as well ([SceneFlow], [Sintel], [Middlebury], [ETH3D], [KITTI 2012/2015], [Falling Things], [InStereo2K], [HR-VS]). Yet, in the, you only refer to your CRES dataset. Can you elaborate? Are you training on other datasets before? After?

    Thank you!

    opened by orram 0
  • WRN Not FormattedTensorValue input for AttachGrad op: AttachGradValue{key=grad_1}

    WRN Not FormattedTensorValue input for AttachGrad op: AttachGradValue{key=grad_1}

    Thank you for the excellent work! I got some problem I finetune the model using own data. Howerer it got stuck in step 2 flow_predictions = model(left, right) after one optimizer.step().clear_grad(), the network can not inference any image. I use gdb to debug and find it would be stuck in random layers in the network forward....

    I check that my data is correct. Even using same data the model got stuck after one optimizer.step().clear_grad() Do you have any suggestions?

    I upgrade mgengine 1.9.1 -> 1.11.1 the model can train without stuck. However, it print when doing optimizer.step().clear_grad() at first time:

    WRN Not FormattedTensorValue input for AttachGrad op: AttachGradValue{key=grad_1}, (49342:49342) Handle{ptr=0x5616b860dd58, name="update_block.encoder.conv.bias"}

    the para update abnormal, the result are worse. Does anyone meet the same problem or has any suggestion?

    opened by Eatmelonboy 0
  • the GPU memory is too large

    the GPU memory is too large

    @zsc Thank you for your sharing! As your paper said, you can train with batch size 16 on 8 2080TI GPUs when you use the pytorch framework. But when I want to train your network, the GPU memory is large as 8.5G with batch size 1. So what is the problem?

    opened by zyl1336110861 0
  • CREStereo not able to run inside thread with Python

    CREStereo not able to run inside thread with Python

    I do not seem to be able to run inference with CREStereo inside of a thread using python's threading module. Below is a minimal example using the script from this repo. It loads the pretrained model and runs inference in a child thread(lines 96-98). Also attached is the error that appears when this is run: CREStereo_thread_error

    import os
    import megengine as mge
    import megengine.functional as F
    import argparse
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    from nets import Model
    #NOTE: added threading import statement
    import threading
    def load_model(model_path):
        print("Loading model:", os.path.abspath(model_path))
        pretrained_dict = mge.load(model_path)
        model = Model(max_disp=256, mixed_precision=False, test_mode=True)
        model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict["state_dict"], strict=True)
        return model
    def inference(left, right, model, n_iter=20):
        imgL = left.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        imgR = right.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        imgL = np.ascontiguousarray(imgL[None, :, :, :])
        imgR = np.ascontiguousarray(imgR[None, :, :, :])
        imgL = mge.tensor(imgL).astype("float32")
        imgR = mge.tensor(imgR).astype("float32")
        imgL_dw2 = F.nn.interpolate(
            size=(imgL.shape[2] // 2, imgL.shape[3] // 2),
        imgR_dw2 = F.nn.interpolate(
            size=(imgL.shape[2] // 2, imgL.shape[3] // 2),
        pred_flow_dw2 = model(imgL_dw2, imgR_dw2, iters=n_iter, flow_init=None)
        pred_flow = model(imgL, imgR, iters=n_iter, flow_init=pred_flow_dw2)
        pred_disp = F.squeeze(pred_flow[:, 0, :, :]).numpy()
        return pred_disp
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A demo to run CREStereo.")
            help="The path of pre-trained MegEngine model.",
            "--left", default="img/test/left.png", help="The path of left image."
            "--right", default="img/test/right.png", help="The path of right image."
            help="The image size for inference. Te default setting is 1024x1536. \
                            To evaluate on ETH3D Benchmark, use 768x1024 instead.",
            "--output", default="disparity.png", help="The path of output disparity."
        args = parser.parse_args()
        assert os.path.exists(args.model_path), "The model path do not exist."
        assert os.path.exists(args.left), "The left image path do not exist."
        assert os.path.exists(args.right), "The right image path do not exist."
        model_func = load_model(args.model_path)
        left = cv2.imread(args.left)
        right = cv2.imread(args.right)
        assert left.shape == right.shape, "The input images have inconsistent shapes."
        in_h, in_w = left.shape[:2]
        print("Images resized:", args.size)
        eval_h, eval_w = [int(e) for e in args.size.split("x")]
        left_img = cv2.resize(left, (eval_w, eval_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        right_img = cv2.resize(right, (eval_w, eval_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        #NOTE: put inference in a thread here
        inference_thread = threading.Thread(target=inference, args=(left_img, right_img, model_func,))
    opened by thomasw2 0
  • Model size and number of params?

    Model size and number of params?

    Hey, so good job you have done!

    Have you ever compared the model size and number of parameters with other SOTA works, such as LEAStereo, RAFT-Stereo etc? Seems your model very smart.

    opened by philleer 0
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