Instance-conditional Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection

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Deep Learning ICD

Instance-conditional Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection

This is a MegEngine implementation of the paper "Instance-conditional Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection", based on MegEngine Models.

The pytorch implementation based on detectron2 will be released soon.

Instance-Conditional Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection,
Zijian Kang, Peizhen Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun, Nanning Zheng
In: Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021



In order to run the code, please prepare a CUDA environment with:

  1. Install dependancies.
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Prepare MS-COCO 2017 dataset,put it to a proper directory with the following structures:
    |    |annotations
    |    |train2017
    |    |val2017

Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, James Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollár, and C Lawrence Zitnick. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.


Train baseline models

Following MegEngine Models:

python3 -f distill_configs/ -n 8 \
                       -d /data/Datasets arguments:

  • -f, config file for the network.
  • -n, required devices(gpu).
  • -w, pretrained backbone weights.
  • -b, training batch size, default is 2.
  • -d, dataset root,default is /data/datasets.

Train with distillation

python3 -f distill_configs/ \ 
    -n 8 -l -d /data/Datasets -tf configs/ \
    -df distill_configs/ \
    -tw _model_zoo/retinanet_res101_coco_3x_800size_41dot4_73b01887.pkl arguments:

  • -f, config file for the student network.
  • -w, pretrained backbone weights.
  • -tf, config file for the teacher network.
  • -tw, pretrained weights for the teacher.
  • -df, config file for the distillation module, distill_configs/ by default.
  • -l, use the inheriting strategy, load pretrained parameters.
  • -n, required devices(gpu).
  • -b, training batch size, default is 2.
  • -d, dataset root,default is /data/datasets.

Note that we set backbone_pretrained in distill configs, where backbone weights will be loaded automatically, that -w can be omitted. Checkpoints will be saved to a log-xxx directory.


python3 -f distill_configs/ -n 8 \
     -w log-of-xxx/epoch_17.pkl -d /data/Datasets/ arguments:

  • -f, config file for the network.
  • -n, required devices(gpu).
  • -w, pretrained weights.
  • -d, dataset root,default is /data/datasets.

Examples and Results


  1. Download the pretrained teacher model to _model_zoo directory.
  2. Train baseline or distill with ICD.
  3. Evaluate checkpoints (use the last checkpoint by default).

Example of Common Detectors



python3 -f distill_configs/ \
    -n 8 -l -d /data/Datasets -tf configs/ \
    -df distill_configs/ \
    -tw _model_zoo/retinanet_res101_coco_3x_800size_41dot4_73b01887.pkl



python3 -f distill_configs/ \
    -n 8 -l -d /data/Datasets -tf configs/ \
    -df distill_configs/ \
    -tw _model_zoo/fcos_res101_coco_3x_800size_44dot3_f38e8df1.pkl



python3 -f distill_configs/ \
    -n 8 -l -d /data/Datasets -tf configs/ \
    -df distill_configs/ \
    -tw _model_zoo/atss_res101_coco_3x_800size_44dot7_9181687e.pkl

Results of AP in MS-COCO:

Model Baseline +ICD
Retinanet 36.8 40.3
FCOS 40.0 43.3
ATSS 39.6 43.0


  • Results of this implementation are mainly for demonstration, please refer to the Detectron2 version for reproduction.

  • We simply adopt the hyperparameter from Detectron2 version, further tunning could be helpful.

  • There is a known CUDA memory issue related to MegEngine: the actual memory consumption will be much larger than the theoretical value, due to the memory fragmentation. This is expected to be fixed in a future version of MegEngine.


This repo is modified from MegEngine Models. We also refer to Pytorch, DETR and Detectron2 for some implementations.


This repo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").


    title={Instance-conditional Distillation for Object Detection},
    author={Zijian Kang, Peizhen Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun, Nanning Zheng},
  • Can you provide me Pascal VOC configs?

    Can you provide me Pascal VOC configs?

    Hello. I'd like to try to replicate your great distortion methods at Pascal VOC. However, this repository only provides MS-coco configurations. you used extra 6k iterations for auxiliary task warm-up on the Pascal VOC dataset, how can I reproduce this training details?

    Is it alright to train teacher standalone / and distill students?

    teacher standalone train BASE: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml" MODEL: WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl" MASK_ON: False RESNETS: DEPTH: 101 ROI_HEADS: NUM_CLASSES: 20 INPUT: MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800) MIN_SIZE_TEST: 800 DATASETS: TRAIN: ('voc_2007_trainval', 'voc_2012_trainval') TEST: ('voc_2007_test') SOLVER: STEPS: (12000, 16000) MAX_ITER: 18000 # 17.4 epochs

    student distillation BASE: "../Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml" MODEL: WEIGHTS: "detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-50.pkl" MASK_ON: False RESNETS: DEPTH: 50 ROI_HEADS: NUM_CLASSES: 20 DISTILLER: MODEL_LOAD_OFFICIAL: False MODEL_DISTILLER_CONFIG: 'PascalVOC-Detection/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN.yaml' INS_ATT_MIMIC: WEIGHT_VALUE: 3.0 INS: INPUT_FEATS: ['p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'p6'] MAX_LABELS: 100 INPUT: MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800) MIN_SIZE_TEST: 800 DATASETS: TRAIN: ('voc_2007_trainval', 'voc_2012_trainval') TEST: ('voc_2007_test',) SOLVER: STEPS: (12000, 16000) MAX_ITER: 18000 # 17.4 epochs CLIP_GRADIENTS: {"ENABLED": True}

    opened by seoha-kim 3
  • 复现baseline有问题?


    您好,我用如下命令,复现baseline --num-gpus 8 --config-file configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml 最后得到的结果是 image 即AP只有37.292,而该代码报的是37.4。是不是哪里超参改动了?

    opened by GuoYi0 3
  • 1GPU下效果不理想


    我的的实验环境不具备8GPU条件,于是我在detectron2的官方说明指导下,将8GPU下运行的情况改为1GPU运行的情况,我使用如下命令 python --num-gpus 1 --config-file configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0025 python3 --num-gpus 1 --resume --config-file configs/Distillation-ICD/retinanet_R_50_R101_icd_FPN_1x.yaml OUTPUT_DIR output/icd_retinanet SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.0025 我得到的baseline效果为AP = 25.149,得到的蒸馏结果为AP = 35.860,baseline效果远低于论文给出的37.4,蒸馏结果也与39.9有一定差距。 请问这个结果正常吗? 我怎么样才能在1个GPU上达到与论文接近的水平? 十分感谢!

    opened by wokeyide1999 3
  • AttributeError: BASE_LR_END

    AttributeError: BASE_LR_END

    您好,我在命令python --num-gpus 1 --config-file configs/COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml 下可以正常运行并生成model_final.pth,但是在命令python3 --num-gpus 1 --config-file configs/Distillation-ICD/retinanet_R_50_R101_icd_FPN_1x.yaml OUTPUT_DIR output/icd_retinanet中,却报如下错误,可以请问您是什么原因吗?十分感谢!

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 462, in launch( File "/home/sh/detectron2-main/detectron2/engine/", line 82, in launch main_func(*args) File "", line 447, in main do_train(cfg, model, teacher, resume=args.resume) File "", line 152, in do_train teacher_sche = build_lr_scheduler(cfg.MODEL.DISTILLER, teacher_opt) File "/home/sh/detectron2-main/detectron2/solver/", line 275, in build_lr_scheduler end_value = cfg.SOLVER.BASE_LR_END / cfg.SOLVER.BASE_LR File "/home/sh/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yacs/", line 141, in getattr raise AttributeError(name) AttributeError: BASE_LR_END Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    opened by wokeyide1999 3
  • scale information是什么

    scale information是什么

    image 1、如图,请问其中的scale information指代的是什么操作? 2、请问有没有只使用Identification和Localization,而没有scale information的实验数据? 3、Identification,Localization和scale information共同使用的数据仅比使用Localization和scale information增长了0.5个AP,这是否意味着中文所在设计的辅助优化任务仍然有待提升,Identification与Localization的配合并非最优!

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