Declarative CLIs with argparse and dataclasses



Declarative CLIs with argparse and dataclasses.



Features marked with a ✓ are currently implemented; features marked with a ⊘ are not yet implemented.

  • [✓] Positional arguments
  • [✓] Boolean flags
  • [✓] Integer, string, float, and other simple types as arguments
  • [✓] Default values
  • [✓] Arguments with a finite set of choices
  • [⊘] Subcommands
  • [⊘] Mutually exclusive groups


Using dataclass decorator

>>> from argparse_dataclass import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     x: int = 42
...     y: bool = False
>>> print(Options.parse_args(['--y']))
Options(x=42, y=True)

A simple parser with flags:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     verbose: bool
...     other_flag: bool
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
>>> print(parser.parse_args([]))
Options(verbose=False, other_flag=False)
>>> print(parser.parse_args(["--verbose", "--other-flag"]))
Options(verbose=True, other_flag=True)

Using defaults:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     x: int = 1
...     y: int = field(default=2)
...     z: float = field(default_factory=lambda: 3.14)
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
>>> print(parser.parse_args([]))
Options(x=1, y=2, z=3.14)

Enabling choices for an option:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     small_integer: int = field(metadata=dict(choices=[1, 2, 3]))
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
>>> print(parser.parse_args(["--small-integer", "3"]))

Using different flag names and positional arguments:

>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options) >>> print(parser.parse_args(["-x", "0", "positional"])) Options(x=0, positional='positional') >>> print(parser.parse_args(["--long-name", 0, "positional"])) Options(x=0, positional='positional') ">
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     x: int = field(metadata=dict(args=["-x", "--long-name"]))
...     positional: str = field(metadata=dict(args=["positional"]))
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
>>> print(parser.parse_args(["-x", "0", "positional"]))
Options(x=0, positional='positional')
>>> print(parser.parse_args(["--long-name", 0, "positional"]))
Options(x=0, positional='positional')

Using a custom type converter:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
>>> @dataclass
... class Options:
...     name: str = field(metadata=dict(type=str.title))
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
>>> print(parser.parse_args(["--name", "john doe"]))
Options(name='John Doe')


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Michael V. DePalatis and contributors

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Moving _add_dataclass_options() to be a standalone function

    Moving _add_dataclass_options() to be a standalone function

    This might be a more controversial change. 😄 I was looking at the new dataclass decorator overload that was implemented. It is a nice concept except that type hinting does not work with it. Since type hinting is the main benefit over normal argparse (In my opinion) I came up with this other approach.

    Not sure how much approach conflicts with your vision of what you want but it seems to offer a similar experience as the dataclass approach while maintaining type hints.

    opened by jcal-15 4
  • Allow type overriding

    Allow type overriding

    This PR allows the user to override the type argument passed to add_argument. This is useful when a custom function needs to be used, but is not appropriate as a type. For example, from the argparse documentation:

    def hyphenated(string):
        return '-'.join([word[:4] for word in string.casefold().split()])
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    _ = parser.add_argument('short_title', type=hyphenated)
    parser.parse_args(['"The Tale of Two Cities"'])

    With this PR, one could define an argument like:

    class Options:
        short_title: str = field(metadata=dict(type=hyphenated))

    And thus the following will work correctly:

    parser = argparse_dataclass.ArgumentParser(Options)
    parser.parse_args(['--short-title', '"The Tale of Two Cities"'])

    Which results in Options(short_title='"the-tale-of-two-citi')

    opened by rafi-cohen 4
  • More tests

    More tests

    Some more testing:

    • tests/ has been updated so it has the same tests as tests/
    • in tests/, Fixed the name of the test class.
    opened by jcal-15 3
  • Add custom `dataclass` decorator

    Add custom `dataclass` decorator

    This is like the standard dataclass decorator but will also optionally (on by default) add a parse_args class method to the generated class. This would allow us to do shortcuts like:

    class Parameters:
        x: int
        y: int
    params = Parameters.parse_args()
    opened by mivade 2
  • Support positional arguments

    Support positional arguments

    Since I am in the happy position of building a school project and not being able to depend on click for command-line arguments, I decided to see if it was possible to combine dataclasses and argparse. Apparently your library (which I would have to rewrite anyway) doesn't make it possible to provide positional arguments. Would that be possible through another metadata flag?

    opened by nyanpasu64 2
  • Needs explicit type in metadata for Optional[type] fields

    Needs explicit type in metadata for Optional[type] fields

    The following class fails to parse:

    class IndexOptsMinimal:
        index: Optional[int] = None

    The following workaround is required:

    class IndexOptsWorkaround:
        index: Optional[int] = field(metadata=dict(type=int), default=None)

    Using optional arguments that are allowed to be None is such a common pattern that it deserves to supported implicitly.

    opened by cdleonard 1
  • Locking some ArgumentParser functions after initialization

    Locking some ArgumentParser functions after initialization

    I am not really sure about this change anymore.

    Originally, I thought it would be helpful let a user know that they were about to do something that would break the parser, but realistically most people will understand that adding arguments after the parser has been created does not make sense.

    I wanted to see what you thought before putting more time into it.

    Sorry so many pull request in a short time. I have been taking a larger set of changes I had lying around and breaking them out by feature.

    I only have one left. It is a documentation update. I am putting it off for last. 😄

    opened by jcal-15 1
  • Updates for boolean fields

    Updates for boolean fields

    • adding support for default values of True
    • adding support to require a user to specify the value

    Also, Adding Python 3.10 to the list of support Python versions and adding testing.

    opened by jcal-15 1
  •  Updating type hints so that ArgumentParser.parse_args() returns the correct hint

    Updating type hints so that ArgumentParser.parse_args() returns the correct hint

    These are pretty small changes. They have no functional changes. This allow VSCode (and probably other IDEs) to detect the dataclass type that is being returned by parse_args().

    --- BEFORE -- Before_B1


    -- AFTER -- After_B1


    opened by jcal-15 1
  • dataclass decorator not working as expected

    dataclass decorator not working as expected


    I seem to be running into a couple of issues when using the decorator that was recently added in #9:

    1. It does not work with optional keyword arguments:
    from argparse_dataclass import dataclass
    class Opt:
        x: int = 42
        y: bool = False

    Error: TypeError: cls must be a dataclass It seems that cls here is actually real_dataclass.wrap.

    1. It does not behave like a regular dataclass:
    from argparse_dataclass import dataclass
    class Opt:
        x: int = 42
        y: bool = False
    opt = Opt()

    Error: AttributeError: 'Inner' object has no attribute 'x' Looks like Opt was "replaced" with Inner, which is defined in argparse_dataclass.dataclass.

    opened by rafi-cohen 1
  • Support nargs

    Support nargs

    This PR add support for setting the nargs argument passed to add_argument. An example usage of this is as follows:

    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    from typing import List
    from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
    class Options:
        values: List[int] = field(metadata=dict(type=int, nargs='*'))
    parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
    parser.parse_args('--values 1 2 3'.split())

    This example results in Options(values=[1, 2, 3])

    Note that this PR depends on #11 This is because when nargs is used, an appropriate field type would be a list. However, then ArgumentParser will parse each element as a list, which is likely an undesired behaviour. Therefore, when nargs is specified, it expects type to be explicitly specified as well.

    opened by rafi-cohen 1
  • Do you want to publish it in Pypi ?

    Do you want to publish it in Pypi ?

    I don't know if this is the right place to write, but I don't know where else write it, anyway.... Are you intending to publish the lib again on pypi? I found this library very useful and it could be worth!

    Thanks in advance

    opened by TheSmike 2
  • Option to keep underscores in arguments names

    Option to keep underscores in arguments names

    Thank you for this library.

    I would like to have an option that would allow to keep the underscores in the argument names instead of replacing them by minus signs. I can prepare a PR for that change if that is a feature you are happy to integrate.

    opened by martinResearch 1
  • Is nested dataclass supported?

    Is nested dataclass supported?

    from argparse_dataclass import dataclass
    from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser
    class SubOption:
        a: int = 1
        b: int = 2
    class Options:
        x: int = 42
        y: bool = False
        sub: SubOption = None
    parser = ArgumentParser(Options)
    x = parser.parse_args(['--sub', '1'])

    for example, how can I parse args to get a value for sub?

    opened by sleepwalker2017 3
  • Default help formatter is not working

    Default help formatter is not working

    example code: from dataclasses import dataclass, field from argparse_dataclass import ArgumentParser from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter

    class FineParams:
        batch_size: int = field(default=300) 
    parser = ArgumentParser(GCPFineParams, formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    params: FineParams = parser.parse_args()

    resulting non-defaults help printout.

    diving into argparse code (, ver 1.1, line 1861) shone that the ArgumentParser's _actions class members, batch_size action is stored as _StoreAction(option_strings=['--batch-size'], dest='batch_size', nargs=None, const=None, default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7f8465889960>, type=<class 'int'>, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None)

    opened by assafge 0
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