Official implementation of MLP Singer: Towards Rapid Parallel Korean Singing Voice Synthesis


MLP Singer

Official implementation of MLP Singer: Towards Rapid Parallel Korean Singing Voice Synthesis. Audio samples are available on our demo page.


Recent developments in deep learning have significantly improved the quality of synthesized singing voice audio. However, prominent neural singing voice synthesis systems suffer from slow inference speed due to their autoregressive design. Inspired by MLP-Mixer, a novel architecture introduced in the vision literature for attention-free image classification, we propose MLP Singer, a parallel Korean singing voice synthesis system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that uses an entirely MLP-based architecture for voice synthesis. Listening tests demonstrate that MLP Singer outperforms a larger autoregressive GAN-based system, both in terms of audio quality and synthesis speed. In particular, MLP Singer achieves a real-time factor of up to 200 and 3400 on CPUs and GPUs respectively, enabling order of magnitude faster generation on both environments.


Please cite this work as follows.

      title={MLP Singer: Towards Rapid Parallel Korean Singing Voice Synthesis}, 
      author={Jaesung Tae and Hyeongju Kim and Younggun Lee},


  1. Clone the repository including the git submodule.

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Install package requirements.

cd mlp-singer
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. To generate audio files with the trained model checkpoint, download the HiFi-GAN checkpoint along with its configuration file and place them in hifi-gan.

  2. Run inference using the following command. Generated audio samples are saved in the samples directory by default.

    python --checkpoint_path checkpoints/default/


We used the Children Song Dataset, an open-source singing voice dataset comprised of 100 annotated Korean and English children songs sung by a single professional singer. We used only the Korean subset of the dataset to train the model.

You can train the model on any custom dataset of your choice, as long as it includes lyrics text, midi transcriptions, and monophonic a capella audio file triplets. These files should be titled identically, and should also be placed in specific directory locations as shown below.

├── data
│   └── raw
│       ├── mid
│       ├── txt
│       └── wav

The directory names correspond to file extensions. We have included a sample as reference.


Once you have prepared the dataset, run

python -m data.serialize

from the root directory. This will create data/bin that contains binary files used for training. This repository already contains example binary files created from the sample in data/raw.


To train the model, run


This will read the default configuration file located in configs/model.json to initialize the model. Alternatively, you can also create a new configuration and train the model via

python --config_path PATH/TO/CONFIG.json

Running this command will create a folder under the checkpoints directory according to the name field specified in the configuration file.

You can also continue training from a checkpoint. For example, to resume training from the provided pretrained model checkpoint, run

python --checkpoint_path /checkpoints/default/

Unless a --config_path flag is explicitly provided, the script will read config.json in the checkpoint directory. In both cases, model checkpoints will be saved regularly according to the interval defined in the configuration file.


MLP Singer produces mel-spectrograms, which are then fed into a neural vocoder to generate raw waveforms. This repository uses HiFi-GAN as the vocoder backend, but you can also plug other vocoders like WaveGlow. To generate samples, run

python --checkpoint_path PATH/TO/ --song little_star

This will create .wav samples in the samples directory, and save mel-spectrogram files as .npy files in hifi-gan/test_mel_dirs.

You can also specify any song you want to perform inference on, as long as the song is present in data/raw. The argument to the --song flag should match the title of the song as it is saved in data/raw.


For demo and internal experiments, we used a variant of HiFi-GAN that used different mel-spectrogram configurations. As such, the provided checkpoint for MLP Singer is different from the one referred to in the paper. Moreover, the vocoder used in the demo was further fine-tuned on the Children's Song Dataset.


This implementation was inspired by the following repositories.


Released under the MIT License.

  • How to modify encoder, if dataset is in English

    How to modify encoder, if dataset is in English

    Hi @jaketae, If training dataset si English, how to modify the "encoder" ?

    opened by zhangsanfeng86 4
  • questions about mels feature and english durations

    questions about mels feature and english durations

    Thank you for you great job and sharing. I am a beginer in svs. I have two questions:

    1. mel-feature-extract: For the MLP-based acoustic model training, "data/dsp/" is used for extract mels? For the hifigan vocoder model training, "hifi-gan/" is used for extract mels? I see the code are quite different, which code did you use for mels?
    2. duration For Korean, you used 3-frames for onset and coda, the remaining for the vowel. Did you have any experience or suggestion for other languages, for example, english, chiense.
    opened by Liujingxiu23 4
  • - The specified path could not be found. - The specified path could not be found.

    Thanks for uploading a nice project. I have an obstacle following your project. I'm trying to run inference according to the readme, and get this error:

    지정된 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다 -> The specified file could not be found

    The above error occurs in the statement below.
            f"cd hifi-gan; python --checkpoint_file {args.hifi_gan} --output_dir ../{save_path}",

    To prevent the same problem as #7 , I followed the readme and faithfully performed all the processes including downloading gitclone and checkpoint. Why do these problems occur?

    opened by jungtaekyung1 2
  • python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your work.

    I'm trying to run inference according to the readme, and get this error:

    $ python --checkpoint_path checkpoints/default/
    python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    This seems to be due to line 56-59 in
            f"cd hifi-gan; python --checkpoint_file {args.hifi_gan} --output_dir ../{save_path}",

    The seems to be missing in the repository.

    opened by ghost 2
  • inference wav worse than demo wav

    inference wav worse than demo wav

    Thank you for release. After run "python --checkpoint_path checkpoints/default/", it generate wav, it worse than demo .

    opened by zhangsanfeng86 2
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