Generating Korean Slogans with phonetic and structural repetition



Generating Korean Slogans with phonetic and structural repetition

Generating Slogans with Linguistic Features

LexPOS is a sequence-to-sequence transformer model that generates slogans with phonetic and structural repetition. For phonetic repetition, it searches for phonetically similar words with user keywords. Both the sound-alike words and user keywords become the lexical constraints while generating slogans. It also adjusts the logits distribution to implement further phonetic constraints. For structural repetition, LexPOS uses POS constraints. Users can specify any repeated phrase structure by POS tags.

Generating slogans with lexical, POS constraints

1. Code

  • Need to download pretrained Korean word2vec model from here and put it below phonetic_similarity/KoG2P
# clone this repo
git clone
cd LexPOS
# generate slogans 
python3 --keywords 카드,혜택 --num_beams 3 --temperature 1.2
  • -keywords: Keywords that you want to be included in slogans. You can enter multiple keywords, delimited by comma
  • -pos_inputs: You can either specify the particular list of POS tags delimited by comma, or the model will generate slogans with the most frequent syntax used in corpus. POS tags generally follow the format of Konlpy Mecab POS tags.
  • -num_beams: Number of beams for beam search. Default to 1, meaning no beam search.
  • -temperature: The value used to module the next token probabilities. Default to 1.0.
  • -model_path: Path to the pretrained model

2. Examples

Keyword: 카드, 혜택
Output: 카드를 택하면, 혜택이 바뀐다

Keyword: 안전, 항공
Output: 새로운 공항, 안전한 항공

Keywords: 추석, 선물
Output: 추석을 앞둔 추억, 당신을 위한 선물

Model Architecture

Pretrained Model



  author = {Yi, Yeoun},
  title = {Generating Korean Slogans with Linguistic Constraints using Sequence-to-Sequence Transformer},
  year = {2021},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}
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