A framework for building (and incrementally growing) graph-based data structures used in hierarchical or DAG-structured clustering and nearest neighbor search



Linux wheels available (python >=3.6) on pypi:

pip install graphgrove

Building from source:

conda create -n gg python=3.8
conda activate gg
pip install numpy

To build your own wheel:

conda create -n gg python=3.8
conda activate gg
pip install numpy
pip install build
python -m build --wheel
# which can be used as:
# pip install --force dist/graphgrove-0.0.1-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl 


Toy examples of clustering, DAG-structured clustering, and nearest neighbor search are available.

At a high level, incremental clustering can be done as:

import graphgrove as gg
k = 5
num_rounds = 50
thresholds = np.geomspace(1.0, 0.001, num_rounds).astype(np.float32)
scc = gg.vec_scc.Cosine_SCC(k=k, num_rounds=num_rounds, thresholds=thresholds, index_name='cosine_sgtree', cores=cores, verbosity=0)
# data_batches - generator of numpy matrices mini-batch-size by dim
for batch in data_batches:

Incremental nearest neighbor search can be done as:

import graphgrove as gg
tree = gg.graph_builder.Cosine_SGTree(k=k, cores=cores)
# data_batches - generator of numpy matrices mini-batch-size by dim
for batch in data_batches:
    tree.insert(batch) # or tree.insert_and_knn(batch) 

Algorithms Implemented


  • Sub-Cluster Component Algorithm (SCC) and its minibatch variant from the paper: Scalable Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. Nicholas, Monath, Kumar Avinava Dubey, Guru Guruganesh, Manzil Zaheer, Amr Ahmed, Andrew McCallum, Gokhan Mergen, Marc Najork Mert Terzihan Bryon Tjanaka Yuan Wang Yuchen Wu. KDD. 2021
  • DAG Structured clustering (LLama) from DAG-Structured Clustering by Nearest Neighbors. Nicholas Monath, Manzil Zaheer, Kumar Avinava Dubey, Amr Ahmed, Andrew McCallum. AISTATS 2021.

Nearest Neighbor Search:

  • CoverTree: Alina Beygelzimer, Sham Kakade, and John Langford. "Cover trees for nearest neighbor." ICML. 2006.
  • SGTree: SG-Tree is a new data structure for exact nearest neighbor search inspired from Cover Tree and its improvement, which has been used in the TerraPattern project. At a high level, SG-Tree tries to create a hierarchical tree where each node performs a "coarse" clustering. The centers of these "clusters" become the children and subsequent insertions are recursively performed on these children. When performing the NN query, we prune out solutions based on a subset of the dimensions that are being queried. This is particularly useful when trying to find the nearest neighbor in highly clustered subset of the data, e.g. when the data comes from a recursive mixture of Gaussians or more generally time marginalized coalscent process . The effect of these two optimizations is that our data structure is extremely simple, highly parallelizable and is comparable in performance to existing NN implementations on many data-sets. Manzil Zaheer, Guru Guruganesh, Golan Levin, Alexander Smola. TerraPattern: A Nearest Neighbor Search Service. 2019.
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  • Mini-batching time cost

    Mini-batching time cost

    Firstly, this is a great library for clustering unit-normed feature spaces fast and coherently!

    I had a query about mini-batching: for some reason I expected each mini-batch to take roughly the same amount of time (or even less time on subsequent batches) when calling partial_fit. However, each mini-batch seems to take longer than the last, almost in linear fashion. This is on actual structured data with hierarchies and clusters to be found, not on randomly generated matrices.

    Pseudo-behaviour First 10,000 data-points: 10 seconds to run Second 10,000 data-points: 20 seconds to run Third 10,000 data-points: 30 seconds to run Total time taken for 30000 data-points: 60 seconds.

    Is this expected behaviour? As a side-note, while I found implementation details in the accompanying SCC paper and could follow them, I cannot find any details regarding the mini-batching.

    opened by ASharmaML 0
  • Your pipy graphgrove package is buggy and prevents installation

    Your pipy graphgrove package is buggy and prevents installation

    I tried to pip install graphgrove under windows. It seems installed but some how at version 0.0.1 without any real contents. Then I tried to compile from source, it has bugs and can not pass. The wheel files somehow do not apply to windows. Hope you can seriously rebuild your package for windows and linux. Otherwise just remove from pipy since it wasted others time to try it. This is second time I saw your published work not working well. I hope you can fix them all!

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  • Add documentation with sphinx.

    Add documentation with sphinx.

    This PR adds documentation using jekyll + sphinx.

    A preview is available here: https://mrdrozdov.github.io/graphgrove/


    • The homepage is built using jekyll, and is automatically generated from the top-level README.md.
    • The documentation is built using sphinx, and is automatically generated by class/method docstrings.
    • Can run docs locally with make docs-serve, and publishes docs with make docs-deploy.
    • For jekyll, ruby 2.7 is required. I recommend installing this with rvm. May need to run cd homepage && bundle install.
    • For sphinx, look at installation information at docs/README.md.
    • FYI, may want to add a git hook that automatically runs make docs-deploy every time when pushing a new commit. Otherwise can manually deploy.
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