ArtEmis: Affective Language for Art

  • Can't generate captions for images of my own

    Can't generate captions for images of my own

    Trying to generate captions for my set of images, I try:

    python3 artemis/scripts/ \
    -speaker-saved-args vanilla_sat_speaker/config.json.txt \
    -speaker-checkpoint vanilla_sat_speaker/checkpoints/ \
    -img-dir /home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/imgs/ \
    -out-file ./OUTPUT_CAPTIONS \
    --custom-data-csv /home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/imgs/custom.csv

    But I get stuck in this error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "artemis/scripts/", line 86, in <module>
        captions_predicted, attn_weights = versatile_caption_sampler(speaker, annotate_loader, device, **config)
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/artemis/captioning/", line 35, in versatile_caption_sampler
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/PYTHON/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 28, in decorate_context
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/artemis/neural_models/", line 593, in sample_captions_beam_search
        seqs =[seqs[prev_word_inds], next_word_inds.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)  # (s, step+1)
    IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors

    I've checked the actual value of the variables involves, and what I find is this:

    prev_word_inds = tensor([0.0006, 0.0014, 0.0023, 0.0030, 0.0135], device='cuda:0')
    next_word_inds = tensor([  9,  20,  34,  44, 196], device='cuda:0')

    Thus failing when trying to access seqs[prev_word_inds]. How should I proceed?

    Full log

    Some config args are not set because I'm just trying to make it work for now.

    Parameters Specified:
    {'compute_nll': False,
     'custom_data_csv': '/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/imgs/custom.csv',
     'drop_bigrams': True,
     'drop_unk': True,
     'gpu': '0',
     'img2emo_checkpoint': None,
     'img_dir': '/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/imgs/',
     'max_utterance_len': None,
     'n_workers': None,
     'out_file': './OUTPUT_CAPTIONS',
     'random_seed': 2021,
     'sampling_config_file': '/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/artemis/data/speaker_sampling_configs/selected_hyper_params.json.txt',
     'speaker_checkpoint': 'vanilla_sat_speaker/checkpoints/',
     'speaker_saved_args': 'vanilla_sat_speaker/config.json.txt',
     'split': 'test',
     'subsample_data': -1}
    Loading saved speaker trained with parameters:
    {'atn_cover_img_alpha': 1,
     'atn_spatial_img_size': None,
     'attention_dim': 512,
     'batch_size': 128,
     'data_dir': '/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/PREPROCESS_OUT',
     'dataset': 'artemis',
     'debug': False,
     'decoder_lr': 0.0005,
     'dropout_rate': 0.1,
     'emo_grounding_dims': [9, 9],
     'encoder_lr': 0.0001,
     'fine_tune_data': None,
     'gpu': '1',
     'img_dim': 256,
     'lanczos': True,
     'lr_patience': 2,
     'max_train_epochs': 50,
     'num_workers': 1,
     'random_seed': 2021,
     'resume_path': None,
     'rnn_hidden_dim': 512,
     'save_each_epoch': False,
     'teacher_forcing_ratio': 1,
     'train_patience': 5,
     'use_emo_grounding': False,
     'use_timestamp': True,
     'vis_encoder': 'resnet34',
     'word_embedding_dim': 128}
    Using a vocabulary of size 14469
    Loading speaker model at epoch 7.
    Loaded 429431 utterances
    /home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/PYTHON/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/transforms/ UserWarning: Argument interpolation should be of type InterpolationMode instead of int. Please, use InterpolationMode enum.
      "Argument interpolation should be of type InterpolationMode instead of int. "
    Loaded 1 sampling configurations to try.
    Sampling with configuration:  {'sampling_rule': 'beam', 'temperature': 0.3, 'beam_size': 5, 'max_utterance_len': 30, 'drop_unk': True, 'drop_bigrams': True}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "artemis/scripts/", line 86, in <module>
        captions_predicted, attn_weights = versatile_caption_sampler(speaker, annotate_loader, device, **config)
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/artemis/captioning/", line 35, in versatile_caption_sampler
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/PYTHON/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 28, in decorate_context
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/ricardokleinlein/Desktop/captioning/ARTEMIS/artemis/artemis/neural_models/", line 593, in sample_captions_beam_search
        seqs =[seqs[prev_word_inds], next_word_inds.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)  # (s, step+1)
    IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors
    opened by ricardokleinklein 5
  • Data zip is not available

    Data zip is not available

    I was led to a link to a zip file once I agreed to the terms and conditions. It is a ZIP file. I cannot access this file since it is stuck on "redirecting...."

    opened by metaphorz 2
  • Can't find artemis_preprocessed.csv and rescaled_max_size_to_600px_same_aspect_ratio on repo?

    Can't find artemis_preprocessed.csv and rescaled_max_size_to_600px_same_aspect_ratio on repo?

    Hi, in the notebook for the basic linguistic, emotion & art-oriented analysis of the ArtEmis dataset, you are required to have the data specified these filepaths downloaded. But I can't seem to find them anywhere on the repo? Can you advise here please? Thanks.

    artemis_preprocessed_csv = '/home/optas/DATA/OUT/artemis/preprocessed_data/for_analysis/artemis_preprocessed.csv'
    wikiart_img_dir = '/home/optas/DATA/Images/Wiki-Art/rescaled_max_size_to_600px_same_aspect_ratio'
    opened by texturejc 2
  • RuntimeError encountered when training a text2emotion lstm classifier

    RuntimeError encountered when training a text2emotion lstm classifier

    I'm trying to train an lstm based txt2emo classifier, and use the code provided in notebook. But unfortunately I got stuck in the following error and have no idea anything wrong.

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ibex/scratch/sunp/project/artemis/artemis/notebooks/deep_nets/emotions/", line 170, in single_epoch_train(model, dataloaders['train'], args.use_imgs, criterion, optimizer, device) File "/ibex/scratch/sunp/project/artemis/artemis/neural_models/", line 55, in single_epoch_train loss.backward() File "/home/sunp/ibex-miniconda-install/ENTER/envs/artemislic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 307, in backward torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs) File "/home/sunp/ibex-miniconda-install/ENTER/envs/artemislic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 156, in backward allow_unreachable=True, accumulate_grad=True) # allow_unreachable flag RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [1024, 31, 256]], which is output 0 of ReluBackward0, is at version 1; expected version 0 instead. Hint: enable anomaly detection to find the operation that failed to compute its gradient, with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True).

    Is this caused by the python version or network architecture? It would be nice of you if you can help to check it. Thanks in advance:)

    opened by pengzhansun 1
  • How can I call use a pretrained model to generate a prediction on an image?

    How can I call use a pretrained model to generate a prediction on an image?

    Thanks for making this code available. Apologies if I am merely ignorant about Pytorch here, but I have a question about the pretrained models that are available for download. I'd like to use these to generate text on unseen images. To do this, I downloaded the the SAT-Speaker-with-emotion-grounding (431MB) model from the repo. However, I don't seem to be able to load it. When I download the model and run the script below, I get a dictionary and not the model.

    Loading the model:

    model_emo = torch_load_model('', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

    Running the model


    The error:

    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-12-e80ccbe8b6ed> in <module>
    ----> 1 model_emo(image)
    TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

    Now, the PyTorch docs say that I should instantiate the model class and then load the checkpoint data. However, I don't know what model class this belongs to, and the README doesn't say. Do you have any advice on how to proceed with this issue? Thanks.

    opened by texturejc 1
  • Trying to preprocess the artemis data

    Trying to preprocess the artemis data

    C:\Users\safin\Miniconda3\envs\artemis\python.exe C:/Users/safin/artemis/artemis/scripts/ {'automatic_spell_check': True, 'group_gt_anno': True, 'min_word_freq': 0, 'n_train_examples': None, 'preprocess_for_deep_nets': False, 'random_seed': 2021, 'raw_artemis_data_csv': './ola_dataset_release_v0.csv', 'save_out_dir': './', 'split_loads': [0.85, 0.05, 0.1], 'too_high_repetition': -1, 'too_long_utter_prc': 100, 'too_short_len': 0} 5000 annotations were loaded Using a 0.85,0.05,0.1 for train/val/test purposes Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/safin/artemis/artemis/scripts/", line 246, in df, vocab, missed_tokens = preprocess(args) File "C:/Users/safin/artemis/artemis/scripts/", line 182, in preprocess missed_tokens = tokenize_and_spell(df, glove_file, freq_file, nltk.word_tokenize, spell_check=args.automatic_spell_check) File "c:\users\safin\artemis\artemis\language\", line 66, in tokenize_and_spell golden_vocabulary = load_glove_pretrained_embedding(glove_file, only_words=True, verbose=True) File "c:\users\safin\artemis\artemis\neural_models\", line 74, in load_glove_pretrained_embedding for line in f_in: File "C:\Users\safin\Miniconda3\envs\artemis\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8d in position 3515: character maps to SymSpell spell-checker loaded: True Loading glove word embeddings.

    OS: Windows 10 python: 3.6 I have the data artemis dataset in the directory, and just ran everything in the default setting and ran into UnicodeDecodeError error.

    opened by hlsafin 1
  • Can't get a vocabulary with 14996 tokens ,so I can't use  pretrained models.

    Can't get a vocabulary with 14996 tokens ,so I can't use pretrained models.

    I set "--preprocess-for-deep-nets True",but I just get a vocabulary with 14117 tokens,What should I do? {'automatic_spell_check': True, 'group_gt_anno': True, 'min_word_freq': 5, 'n_train_examples': None, 'preprocess_for_deep_nets': True, 'random_seed': 2021, 'raw_artemis_data_csv': 'D:/ArtEmis/artemis-master/DataSet/ArtEmis/artemis_official_data/official_data/artemis_dataset_release_v0.csv', 'save_out_dir': 'step1_processed_data', 'split_loads': [0.85, 0.05, 0.1], 'too_high_repetition': 41, 'too_long_utter_prc': 95, 'too_short_len': 5} 454684 annotations were loaded Using a 0.85,0.05,0.1 for train/val/test purposes SymSpell spell-checker loaded: True Loading glove word embeddings. Done. 400000 words loaded. Updating Glove vocabulary with valid ArtEmis words that are missing from it. 3057 annotations will be dropped as they contain less than 5 tokens Too-long token length at 95-percentile is 30.0. 22196 annotations will be dropped Using a vocabulary with 14117 tokens n-utterances kept: 429431 vocab size: 14117 tokens not in Glove/Manual vocabulary: 1148 Done. Check saved results in provided save-out-dir: step1_processed_data

    opened by LT156 0
  • IndexError:


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/", line 88, in captions_predicted, attn_weights = versatile_caption_sampler(speaker, annotate_loader, device, **config) File "../artemis/captioning/", line 35, in versatile_caption_sampler drop_bigrams=drop_bigrams) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/autograd/", line 27, in decorate_context return func(*args, **kwargs) File "../artemis/neural_models/", line 586, in sample_captions_beam_search seqs =[seqs[prev_word_inds], next_word_inds.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1) # (s, step+1) IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors

    When run, there is a mistake. Can you advise what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!

    opened by feixiangqiqi 0
  • Where can I find the version of the WikiArt dataset used here?

    Where can I find the version of the WikiArt dataset used here?


    Thanks for releasing this code! I download the WikiArt dataset from here - - but a) it doesn't have the 600px resized subfolder, and b) while training I got an error no such file 'Baroque/rembrandt_woman-standing-with-raised-hands.jpg'.

    Any tips for where I can download the version of the WikiArt dataset that's used here? It would be much appreciated.

    Thanks, Nish

    opened by NishantTharani 3
  • Fix Notebook?

    Fix Notebook?

    Can anyone help me put this into a streamlined notebook? I just want to input photos and output descriptions based on the pre-trained models. I'm getting several errors. Thanks.

    An assertion error in step 2 - If I use official data release instead of preprocess I don't get this error. Maybe due to the 14468 vs 14469 discrepency?

    assert each image has at least 5 (human) votes! x = image_distibutions.apply(sum) assert all(x.values >= 5)

    A split error in step 3 prepare data data_loaders, datasets = image_emotion_distribution_df_to_pytorch_dataset(artemis_data, args)

    An attribute error with sample speaker !python '/content/artemis/artemis/scripts/'
    -speaker-saved-args '/content/config.json.txt'
    -speaker-checkpoint '/content/'
    -img-dir '/content/Input'
    -out-file .'/content/Output'
    --custom-data-csv '/content/artemis_preprocessed.csv'

    And a interpolation warning from nearest neighbor Extract features device = torch.device("cuda:" + gpu_id) train_feats = extract_visual_features(train_images, img_dim, method=method, device=device) test_feats = extract_visual_features(test_images, img_dim, method=method, device=device)

    UserWarning: Argument interpolation should be of type InterpolationMode instead of int. Please, use InterpolationMode enum. "Argument interpolation should be of type InterpolationMode instead of int. "

    opened by RED3480 1
  • DataFrame' object has no attribute 'tokens'  in analyzing_artemis task.

    DataFrame' object has no attribute 'tokens' in analyzing_artemis task.

    I try running the analyzing_artemis file to analysis the first examples but there are something wrong with that. When I do this I got: File "Downloads/code/artemis_code/", line 28, in df.tokens = df.tokens.apply(literal_eval) # to make them a python list. File "artemis/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 5465, in __getattr__return object.getattribute(self, name) AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'tokens' I think maybe something wrong with df(artemis_preprocessed_csv), but I am not sure.

    opened by lr19960813 1
  • Can't seem to get to generate text for new images

    Can't seem to get to generate text for new images

    I wish to generate caption text for images that I'll be providing. My understanding is that will do this. However, when I run it I get an error. Here's what I run in terminal, with the relevant parts of config.json.txt changed.

    python -speaker-saved-args config.json.txt -speaker-checkpoint -img-dir image_folder -out-file /Outputs/results.pkl

    When I do this, I get:

    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ModuleDict:
    	size mismatch for decoder.word_embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([14469, 128]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([35466, 128]).
    	size mismatch for decoder.next_word.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([14469, 512]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([35466, 512]).
    	size mismatch for decoder.next_word.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([14469]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([35466]).

    Can you advise what I'm doing wrong here? I can't quite get to the bottom of it. Thanks!

    opened by texturejc 8
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