Minimal Ethereum fee data viewer for the terminal, contained in a single python script. Connects to your node and displays some metrics in real-time.
Boxplots of fees for the past few hundred blocks to give context to the fee market.
See how much ether is burned recently.
See the fee parameters for the last block in detail.
Optionally create an environment with python 3.x
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install requests python-dotenv
Node configuration
Create a file called '.env' and populated it with the url for your node as follows:
(optional) activate environment:
source venv/bin/activate
python fee-feed.py
On startup, details of transactions in the first block will be displayed. After the display is started, the receipts of the last 200 blocks are fetched, which can take a minute for a local node.
Control with the keyboard:
- number to change mode
- q to quit.
See boxplots with outliers removed
Standard deviation of the priority fees.
See what multiple of the base fee the average max fee is.
What is the gas utilisation percentage?
How does the minimum fee change as block size changes, ignoring MEV transactions?
How many transactions are of the new type vs legacy?
Dynamically adjusts if you resize the window to handle large or small monitors.
Pop it to the side to keep an eye on things.
Keep it out of the way.
Functions with any testnet without configuration, tested on:
- Mainnet pre-London
- Goerli post-London.
You can add new modes pretty easily:
- Add a mode the configuration section at the top of the file, replicating what is already there, and changing the names and button.
- Add a function to populate your newly named data. Search for "# Add new data functions here."
The boxplots are calculated on quartiles for maxPriorityFeePerGas, weighted by gas - but the gas value is gas limit, rather than gas used for that transaction. The prices are correct, but the distribution might be off compared with feeHistory API results.
This is provided as-is for education purposes and should not be used as critical infrastructure.
PRs welcome. If you like it, or have ideas and feedback reach out to me on twitter @eth_worm