Explorative Data Analysis Guidelines


Explorative Data Analysis

Get data into a usable format!
Find out if the following predictive modeling phase will be successful!

  • Combine everything into a single big table
    • Convert files to .csv
    • Merge files
    • Fix encoding issues
    • Clean column names (english, no whitespace, no special chars)
    • Are there duplicate columns?
    • Fix datatypes (datetime, int, float, string)
  • Look at the raw data
    • Sort data
    • Filter data by various criteria
  • Investigation
    • Non-sensical observations/artifacts?
    • Coding of categorical features?
    • Missing values?
    • Outliers?
    • Constant values (=Zero Importance)?
    • Low importance features?
    • Collinear, correlated or otherwise dependent features?
    • Highly skewed features?
    • Irrelevant features?
  • Univariate Analysis
    • Look at mean, median, min, max, std, iqr, quantiles (1%, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, 99%)
    • Draw boxplots, histograms
  • Multivariate Analysis
    • Draw scatter plots
    • Create correlation matrix
  • Time Series? -> Plot variables over time
  • Fixing issues
    • Impute missing values (mode, median, mean)
    • Remove variables that have too many missings
    • Remove observations that have too many missings
    • Select appropriate time slice
  • Preparation
    • Clip values that are too small/too large
    • Scale to [0,1] or normalize (mean=0, std=1) or Robust / Quantile Scaling
    • One-hot encoding, Label Encoding (0,1,2,3)
    • Create log-transformed versions for highly skewed variables
    • Create binned versions for variables
    • Combine categories for highly skewed categorical variables
    • Create sum/difference/product/quotient of variables
    • Create polynomial features
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  • Minor adjustments before being released in Devchecklists.

    Minor adjustments before being released in Devchecklists.

    Hey Florian! First of all, thanks for submitting your Explorative Data Analysis checklist!

    We will love to release it on Devchecklists. But before it, can you please take a look at our guide for submitting new checklists? Basically, you will need to rename your file to checklist-en.

    We still working in some minor improvements before officially launch it. So any feedback is appreciated. Let me know if you need more information.

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