PyTorch implementation of Glow



PyTorch implementation of Glow, Generative Flow with Invertible 1x1 Convolutions (


python PATH

as trainer uses ImageFolder of torchvision, input directory should be structured like this even when there are only 1 classes. (Currently this implementation does not incorporate class classification loss.)




I have trained model on vanilla celebA dataset. Seems like works well. I found that learning rate (I have used 1e-4 without scheduling), learnt prior, number of bits (in this cases, 5), and using sigmoid function at the affine coupling layer instead of exponential function is beneficial to training a model.

In my cases, LU decomposed invertible convolution was much faster than plain version. So I made it default to use LU decomposed version.

Progression of samples

Progression of samples during training. Sampled once per 100 iterations during training.

  • Question on how to reconstruct images

    Question on how to reconstruct images


    Thanks a lot for this repo, it's really great! I am wondering how to reconstruct images, since the current reverse method seems to take a list of images with different sizes.

    I tried writing a method:

        def reverse_data(self,z):
            for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks[::-1]):
                if i == 0:
                    eps = torch.randn_like(z)
                    input = block.reverse(z,eps)
                    eps = torch.zeros_like(input)
                    input = block.reverse(input,eps)
            return input

    But I am unsure whether this is correct. I would appreciate any help!

    Thank you!

    opened by MrHuff 6
  • Bits per dimension

    Bits per dimension

    Do you know how to map your loss values to bits per dimension results (see Table 2 in the paper)? I'm having a hard time trying to come up with a formula for the correspondence? Some reddit post mentions subtracting math.log(128) to take into account scaling, but it still doesn't seem right.

    I looked at the original implementation in Tensorflow but couldn't figure that out. Would you mind letting me know what you think about it? Also, do you know how close your implementation is compared to the original code in terms of bits per dimension? Thank you.

    opened by tangbinh 5
  • Data Parallel

    Data Parallel

    Thank you for your code. It looks like you have tried to use nn.DataParallel but didn't quite include it in there. Can you tell me your experience with it?

    For some reason, the loss kept increasing when I used nn.DataParallel with 2 GPUs regardless of batch size. To make it run with your code, I changed your calc_loss a little bit by expanding logdet to have same size as log_p. I also tried logdet.mean(), but it didn't work either. Here, I'm not really sure why logdet values are different for the 2 GPUs, as it seems to depend on shared weights only.

    opened by tangbinh 5
  • cusolver error: 7

    cusolver error: 7

    What I run

    python ../train/ --img_size 128 --batch 8


    2 x RTX2080 ti Two cards or one card does not change the error.




    # packages in environment at /opt/conda:
    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
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    scipy                     1.5.2            py38h0b6359f_0  
    send2trash                1.5.0                    pypi_0    pypi
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    six                       1.14.0                   py38_0  
    soupsieve                 2.0.1                      py_0  
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    tornado                   5.1.1                    pypi_0    pypi
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    traitlets                 5.0.5                      py_0  
    typing_extensions                    py_0  
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    xz                        5.2.5                h7b6447c_0  
    yaml                      0.1.7                had09818_2  
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    zstd                      1.4.5                h9ceee32_0 


    Namespace(affine=False, batch=8, img_size=128, iter=200000, lr=0.0001, n_bits=5, n_block=4, n_flow=32, n_sample=20, no_lu=False, path='../train/', temp=0.7)
    /workspace/glow-pytorch/ UserWarning: The given NumPy array is not writeable, and PyTorch does not support non-writeable tensors. This means you can write to the underlying (supposedly non-writeable) NumPy array using the tensor. You may want to copy the array to protect its data or make it writeable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1603729096996/work/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.cpp:141.)
      w_s = torch.from_numpy(w_s)
    Loss: 2.15042; logP: -2.13823; logdet: 4.98781; lr: 0.0001000:   0%| | 1/200000 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 177, in <module>
        train(args, model, optimizer)
      File "", line 148, in train
      File "/workspace/glow-pytorch/", line 367, in reverse
        input = block.reverse(z_list[-1], z_list[-1], reconstruct=reconstruct)
      File "/workspace/glow-pytorch/", line 322, in reverse
        input = flow.reverse(input)
      File "/workspace/glow-pytorch/", line 239, in reverse
        input = self.invconv.reverse(input)
      File "/workspace/glow-pytorch/", line 136, in reverse
        return F.conv2d(output, weight.squeeze().inverse().unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3))
    RuntimeError: cusolver error: 7, when calling `cusolverDnCreate(handle)`


    This bug happens when doing reverse calculation when i % 100 == 0. I changed it to i == 1 to faster the bug reproduction.

    And, changing w_s = torch.from_numpy(w_s) to w_s = torch.from_numpy(w_s.copy()) turn offs all warnings above. But the error still occurs.

    opened by LyWangPX 3
  • Conditional Gaussian prior parameters produce unnormalized likelihoods

    Conditional Gaussian prior parameters produce unnormalized likelihoods


    first off, thank you for you implementation!

    I found, that you've deviated from the original OpenAI implementation and enabled to produce the prior parameters (mean, logsd) from the intermediate flow splits via an additional convolution

    Unfortunately, this little change leads to the Gauss distribution being unnormalized. If you think about it: let's say the convolution that produces the prior parameters (mean, logsd) will learn to produce mean = z_new, logsd = 0. Then the gaussian prior likelihood for z_new: N(z_new; mean=z_new, sd=1) will always have maximum likelihood, since the query values z_new are equal to the distribution mode. So, if you integrate this term for all z_new in R (lets keep it simple one-dimensional), you will end up with a value > 1 (should be infinity), showing that this way of defining the prior leads to an unnormalized distribution.

    To fix this you need to (as done in the original OpenAI implementation) remove the condition of the mean and logsd on the split variables and just learn them from a fixed input. Relevant pieces of the original implementation:

    Prior is created unconditionally

    Fixed zero input

    If parameters are learned, apply convolution on fixed input

    Create prior from mean and logsd

    opened by braun-steven 2
  • something confusing in calculating the loss.

    something confusing in calculating the loss.

    In the paper, when x is continuous, the loss is calculated by feeding $x+U(0,a)$ into the model, but in the codes, it seems you feed $x+N(0,a)$ into the model?

    opened by SiyuWang15 2
  • Why are we sampling z from the standard normal distribution instead of the learned p(z)?

    Why are we sampling z from the standard normal distribution instead of the learned p(z)?

    Hi rosinality,

    Your code is clean and easy to read. Thank you for your effort.

    I have one question: During the sampling process, why are we sampling z from the standard normal distribution (with temperature)? Shouldn't we sample from the learned p(z)? Is it because p(z) is dependant on the data so that we cannot sample from it? (In the implementation, if I'm understanding it correctly, p(z) has four components, three of them are dependent on both the data and the model, while the last one is only dependant on the model.)


    opened by icbcbicc 2
  •  (why use torch_rand_noise as input?) input 에서의 torch_rand_noise 의 이유

    (why use torch_rand_noise as input?) input 에서의 torch_rand_noise 의 이유

    안녕하세요. 좋은 코드 감사합니다.

    사용 중 질문이 생겨서 이슈에 남깁니다.

    어째서 input에 torch_rand 를 넣어서 사용하시는 건가요?

    제가 레퍼런스나 다른 구현된 코드 등을 보았을 때는 이에 대한 설명이 없어서 문의 드립니다.


    (한글이나 영어답변 무엇이든 괜찮습니다. 제가 영어가 부족해서 제목에 핵심 문장만 넣었습니다.)

    opened by Meric3 2
  • Act Norm Output issue

    Act Norm Output issue


    the actnorm function is

    === s * input + b

    But saw the implementation,

     if self.logdet:
             return self.scale * (input + self.loc), logdet

    which means that it has become

    === s * (input + b)

    Is it doing on purpose? Or did I get something wrong with the paper?

    opened by kelvinaaa2 1
  • Maybe something wrong with affine paramter in argparse?

    Maybe something wrong with affine paramter in argparse?


    First thanks for this work. I just generated some samples using this project with celebA dataset. However, I felt somehow confused when i tried to debug it. As you can see in the first pic, it shows that the default paramter for affine coupling is not correct. It seems that affine paramter keeps false even the default value is true( in variable, watch mini window and also for the cursor). affine I think maybe something wrong with argparse, which leads to the default false value for coupling layer.

    opened by hjumper 1
  • Log determinant has wrong dimensions?

    Log determinant has wrong dimensions?

    Issue I've printed log_p and logdet returned by the model. It seems that log_p_sum has the size equal to the batch size (which is fine) but the logdet contains a single value. Should logdet have the same dimensions as log_p?

    Code for reproducing Add the following code to line 120. print(log_p.size(), logdet.size())

    opened by matejgrcic 1
  • why  with torch.no_grad() when i == 0:

    why with torch.no_grad() when i == 0:

     if i == 0:
        with torch.no_grad():
            log_p, logdet, _ = model.module(
                image + torch.rand_like(image) / n_bins
        log_p, logdet, _ = model(image + torch.rand_like(image) / n_bins)
    opened by fido20160817 0
  • Flow not perfectly invertible

    Flow not perfectly invertible

    Hi, given an input image tensor x and extracting the glow model i tried the following:

    latent = glow(x)[2] x_reconstructed = glow.reverse(latent)

    Since it is a normalizing flow one would expect, that x_reconstructed is very similar to x, since the only source of errors should be rounding errors. However, I observe very big differences. Does anybody has an explanation for that?

    opened by sidney1505 1
  • too smalll value of logP

    too smalll value of logP

    I designed an coupling layer by mysefl. It is a bit sophisticated.

    During training, the value of loss and logP are not desirable. How it happens? maybe due to the data itself or the structure of coupling layer. Anybody know about this?


    opened by fido20160817 0
  • z_list


    Hi, Thanks for your nice work! I am new to the glow model, so I have some stupid questions, and I don't solve them even if I try to google.

    image The flow model can translate the input $x$ to latent space code $z$ by a sequence of $h$ models. In my understanding, we only need the last output $z$ to reconstruct the input $x$. Why we don't use the learned $z$ and use a random z_list? I appreciate your answer and hope you have a good day!

    opened by ZhouCX117 9
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